Jayapura. Papua Police on Sunday arrested 22 members of the Free Papua Organization (OPM), including its prominent leader Daniel Kogoya.

“Daniel Kogoya was arrested in a hotel in Jayapura with several of his friends,” Johanes Nugroho Wicaksono, spokesman for the Papua police, said on Monday. “He is being treated at Bhayangkara hospital for wounds suffered after being shot while he was trying to escape.”

Daniel has claimed responsibility for several spouts of violence and shootings that have occurred throughout Papua during the past year. He was arrested with two other members of the OPM, Sony Kosay and Petrus Kosay, after they tried to escape during an ambush.

“After Daniel and his cohorts were arrested, the police investigated further and discovered their hideout at BTN Kamkey Atas Abepura,” Johanes added. “We arrested some of his followers there and confiscated two double-loop fire arms, three machetes, an ax, three bows and dozens of arrows.”

A few of the men who were arrested had been on the police’s most-wanted list for a long time, including Petrus Jikwa, Sonny Kosay, Yunus Hiluka, Benis Wanimbo, Hengky Nius Boma, Saleh Pagawak, Evri Tabuni, Sumy Tabuni, Lambertus Siep, Tandius Kogoya, Robinus Jikwa, Devison Wanimbo and Bobinus Karoba Lakis.

“There have been several violent episodes initiated by Daniel Kogoya and companions in the past, including a shooting in Nafri that killed two, a shooting of a military member at Skyline and the gunning-down of a German citizen at Base G beach,” Johanes said.

“Daniel himself has claimed in the media to be responsible for the series of shootings, but the police will still need to investigate the cases.”