Jakarta: The bounty offered by a separatist group, the Free Papua Movement (OPM), for the arrest of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono during his October visit to Britain has no legal basis, according to an observer.

Hikmahanto Juwana, an international legal observer from the University of Indonesia (UI), said on Thursday that the head of state should ignore the report because the OPM had no legal authority.

He pointed out that the separatist group could not have the President arrested. “The President should not be daunted,” Hikmahanto said, adding that Yudhoyono should not cancel his visit, as he had done in October 2010 when he canceled his visit to the Netherlands.

Activists from the separatist group, the Republic of South Maluku (RMS), had at the time filed a request with a Dutch court for the arrest of President Yudhoyono ahead of his scheduled visit to the Netherlands.

Himahanto cited three reasons why he thought the OPM would not be able to have President Yudhoyono arrested.

“First, they do not have the authority to ask the British government to issue an arrest warrant,” he said.

In most countries, only the state has the authority to issue such an order, such as the one issued by the US government in its efforts to arrest Umar Patek.

Second, the British government had assured the President’s safety and security during his visit to Britain at the invitation of the queen, Himahanto pointed out, as reported by Antara news agency.

Of course, there would be no legal proceedings against the President. If that were to happen, the British government would be embarrassed as such a move would be considered a diplomatic slap in the face, he said.

Finally, the bounty had no legal basis due to the OPM not possessing legal authority, Himahanto stated.