AUSTRALIAN government funding for counter-terrorism courses in Indonesia would be reviewed if participants were involved in inappropriate activity, Australian Federal Police (AFP) commissioner Tony Negus says.

Mr Negus also told a senate budget estimates hearing on Tuesday that Indonesia was well aware of Australian concerns about the activities of security forces in West Papua.

The issue was raised by Greens Senator Richard Di Natale, who referred to allegations of human rights abuses by Indonesian security forces in West Papua, including members of the counter-terrorist detachment.

Mr Negus said the AFP was taking precautions to ensure it wasn't supporting activities unacceptable to the Australian community.

"If there was ever any taint of anyone we have trained, being involved in inappropriate activity, we would certainly have to review that level of support that we would provide," he told the hearing in Canberra.

"That's clearly evident to the Indonesians."

Australia had spent about $300,000 training 11 members of Detachment 88 in Indonesia in counter-terrorism investigation over the last few years.

Mr Negus said the AFP relied on the Indonesians to select the people to undertake the training.

"They are fully aware that we do not, and would not be involved in any counter-separatism work," he said.

"We have not been involved in any activities in West Papua."

With 900,000 Australians visiting Bali each year, Indonesian police counter-terrorism activities were important.

"Yes, we need to be very careful about where the funding is going," Mr Negus added.

"But we also need to recognise the terrific work that has been done across the board in protecting Indonesians and Australians from future attack."