A crackdown appears to be continuing on KNPB  activists today. Info below. Will post more details when received.




Australia West Papua Association (Sydney)

PO Box 28, Spit Junction, NSW 2088

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Begin forwarded message:

From: Pares Wenda <Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.>

Subject: Baptist Voice of Papua: the Indonesia Intelligent wants to be arrest Fanny Kogoya

Date: 16 October 2012 6:47:06 PM AEDT

Dear all,

On Thursday October 16, 2012 at 8.10am, a group of the Indonesia Intelligent wants to be arrest Fanny Kogoya one of the KNPB leader but they could not arrest her. 

Fanny Kogoya is the Papua activist and the members of Comity National Organization of West Papua or KNPB.


They came her boarding house to arrest but Intelligent did not found her. Intelligent said that they search Fanny Kogoya and Danny Wenda. This is one of Indonesia Military strategy to make terror, intimidation, arrest to crackdown all Papuan activist including KNPB members.


As we knew that after Mako Tabuni was killed by Densus 88 on 14 July 2012, all members of KNPB is being targeting to arrest live or dead by Indonesia forces. So, we think that assault of the Fanny’s boarding house is a big targets for destruction all Papuan activists.


We thank you and hope International communities continually urge to raise Papua issue is top level issue  in international communities.

Cause Papua activist now living in fear, panic with intelligent operation all Papua region.


Thank You.

Pares L.Wenda

General Secretary of the Baptist Voice of Papua.






Also posted below on the Rize of the Morning Star Forum by  Ronny posted 



Unconfirm UNCEN raids: UNCEN Waena Student dormitories raided by Fully armed plain clothes police at 3am today, search for DPO KNPB activists. Arrests, injuries unconfirmed, students currently gathering in protest outside UNCEN campuses. Spread the word and make immediate advocacy to help those who are helpless.