AWPA has written to Sen Bob Carr concerning the deteriorating situation in West Papua AWPA believes there is a danger that the situation could deteriorate even further and are calling  on Sen Carr to immediately raise the situation in West Papua with the Indonesian President and as  Australia ohas gained  a seat on the UN Security Council we  also urge Australia  to raise the human rights situation in West Papua at the UN.

Joe Collins

Mob 04077 857 97


Australia West Papua Association (Sydney)

PO Box 28, Spit Junction, Sydney, Australia 2088

CC. Mr. Ifdhal Kasim ?Chairman of the National Human Rights Commission, Jakarta
Australian Embassy Jakarta

Senator the Hon Bob Carr

Minister for Foreign Affairs

Parliament House, Canberra

ACT 2600


24  October 2012

Dear Senator Carr,

Further to my letter of the 17 October,  I am sending  additional information about the deteriorating situation in West Papua.  On the 23rd of October the security forces cracked down on peaceful rallies which were called by the West Papua National Committee (KNPB).  The peaceful rallies were held  in a number of towns throughout West Papua including in  Timika, Sorong, Biak, Merauke and Jayapura.  The rallies were organised to draw attention to the UN the human rights abuses suffered by the West Papuan people.


Reports indicate that  the security forces consisting of Police, TNI, Koppassus, Detachment  88 and BIN responded violentialy to  the peaceful demonstrations. In Manokwari the security forces fired rubber bullets at students injuring at least eight. A Local reporter and activist Oktovianus Pogau who was covering the rally said he was beaten badly by five policemen when he tried to present his press card. "They punched me twice in the face and tried to strangle me. They hit other journalists and I saw at least two people get shot," he reported.  

A number of people have also been detained and there are fears for their safety in custody. There is a danger that the situation could deteriorate even further and we call on you to immediately raise the situation in West Papua with the Indonesian President.  We congratulate Australia on gaining a seat on the UN Security Council and also urge you to raise the human rights situation in West Papua at the UN.

Yours sincerely

Joe Collins

AWPA (Sydney)

Mr. Ifdhal Kasim ?Chairman of the National Human Rights Commission, Jakarta

Australian Embassy Jakarta