From: "Blyberg, Andrew (Sen R. Di Natale)" <Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.>
Subject: Media Release - Greens concerned about continuing violence in West Papua
Date: 24 October 2012 11:42:27 AM AEDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Media Release
Dr Richard Di Natale
Greens Senator for Victoria
Greens concerned about continuing violence in West Papua
The Australian Greens have expressed serious concern about reports of further violence in West Papua.

“The Greens are very concerned by the reports of violence between Indonesian police and West Papuan activists yesterday in Manokwari,” said Senator Richard Di Natale, Greens spokesperson on West Papua.
“This is just the latest incident in a long series of acts of violence in West Papua. Australia cannot continue to sit idly by while human rights are abused on our doorstep.
“Nicola Roxon should use her current trip to Indonesia to push for West Papua to be opened up to foreign journalists and human rights monitors. The scrutiny of independent journalists and NGOs is crucial to improving human rights in the region.
“The government also needs to ensure greater transparency in our defence cooperation with Indonesia, particularly our involvement with Detatchment 88, which has been linked to much of the violence. We cannot turn a blind eye to human rights violations against our neighbours, especially when we are providing weapons and training to the Indonesian military.”
Media contact: Andrew Blyberg 0457 901 600