In attempt to nurture talented young guns into the next Titus Bonai, Patrich Steve Wanggai or Octovianus Maniani-all rising soccer players from Papua- the Papua administration plans to build a sport school in 2013.

Papua Education, Youth and Sports Agency chief James Modouw said on Tuesday that the school, with levels equivalent to junior and senior high school, was aimed to find and develop promising young athletes as early as possible.

“We will recruit talented teenagers from all over Papua as students,” he said, adding that the administration plans to recruit 600 students.

According to Modouw, the school which would cost Rp 30 billion (US$3.12 million) in development, will be built at a camping ground in Waena, Jayapura. The budget will be taken from Education, Youth and Sports Ministry’s budget.

Modouw said that the school’s curriculum would comprise 60 percent of sports and 40 percent of regular classes.

Modouw added that the schedule of the regular classes would be adjusted to the students’ training sessions.

“For example, they train from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m., followed by regular classes until 3 p.m. After finishing the classes, maybe they will go straight to another training session until 6 p.m.,” he said, as quoted by

After undergoing trainings in the school, accomplished students will be further trained by the National Sports Committee (KONI), according to Modouw.