Written questions from Christian Union parliamentarian Joel Voordewind Members and Van der Staaij (SGP), Van Bommel (SP) & De Roon (PVV) to the Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Uri Rosenthal


Translation Pro Papua

Subject: The bloody repression of Papuans in Indonesia

Date: October 23, 2012

Question 1

Have you taken notice of the bloody intervention of the Indonesian authorities during a demonstration held by Papuans at which there were at least 4 casualties? 1)


Question 2
Do you agree with us that the bloody repression of Papaun demonstrations by the Indonesian authorities is structural?


Question 3
Are you willing to condemn the repressions? Are you also willing to summon the Indonesian ambassador? If not, why not?


Question 4

Are you willing to deploy initiatives in order to promote free press in West Papua given the fact that free media is obstructed by Indonesian authorities? If so, which initiatives?


Question 5

Do you agree with us that now is the time to send independent observers to the area? If not, why not?


1 ) See West Papua Media, 23 October 2012,
     http://www.westpapuamedia.info &
     ‘Papua rally in Jayapura broken up, say reports, Radio New Zealand International,
     23 October 2012, http://www.rnzi.com.