Translation Pro Papua


From the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Asia and Oceania Department
Postbox 20061
2500 EB  The Hague

To the Chairman of the
House of Representatives
Binnenhof 4
The Hague

Date: November 8, 2012
Our ref. DAO-432/12
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Your ref. 2012Z18026
Subject: Answers to questions of Members of Parliament Voordewind (ChristenUnie), Van der Staaij (SGP), Van Bommel (SP) and De Roon (PVV) to the Minister of Foreign Affairs regarding the bloody suppression of Papuans in Indonesia.

Herewith I offer you the answers to the written questions posed by Members of Parliament Voordewind (ChristenUnie), Van der Staaij (SGP), Van Bommel (SP) en De Roon (PVV). These questions were sent on October 25th with characters 2012Z18026.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs,

Frans Timmermans


Answers of Frans Timmermans, Minister of Foreign Affairs to questions of Members of Parliament Voordewind (ChristenUnie), Van der Staaij (SGP), Van Bommel (SP) en De Roon (PVV) to the Minister of Foreign Affairs regarding the bloody suppression of Papuans in Indonesia (sent in on October 25th 2012)

Question 1
Have you taken notice of the bloody intervention of the Indonesian authorities during a demonstration held by Papuans at which there were at least 4 casualties? 1)

On last October 23rd disturbances have taken place between demonstrators and the police force in Manokwari in West Papua. According to the police and human rights activists a number of people were injured.

Question 2
Do you agree with us that the bloody repression of Papaun demonstrations by the Indonesian authorities is structural?

No. There are demonstrations on a regular basis at which security forces refrain from intervention and peacefully keep order.

Question 3
Are you willing to condemn the repressions? Are you also willing to summon the Indonesian ambassador? If not, why not?

The facts of the disturbances at the demonstration on October 23rd is still subject to investigation by the authorities in charge.

Question 4
Are you willing to deploy initiatives in order to promote free press in West Papua given the fact that free media is obstructed by Indonesian authorities? If so, which initiatives?

There is freedom of press in Indonesia. Free admittance of foreign journalists to the provinces of Papua and West Papua is limited, just as the way in which journalists are able to operate in these two provinces. The Indonesian authorities appeal to the security situation in these cases. The Netherlands have pleaded for greater accessibility for foreign journalists both bilaterally and during discussions with the EU.

Question 5
Do you agree with us that now it is the time to send independent observers to the area? If not, why not?

No. The Netherlands will continue to seek attention for the human rights situation in Papua and West Papua both in bilateral contacts and in the EU-human rights dialogue.


1 ) See West Papua Media, 23 October 2012, &
‘Papua rally in Jayapura broken up, say reports, Radio New Zealand International,
23 October 2012,