Translation Pro Papua

THE HAGUE - Despite new bloody intervention by the Indonesian authorities
against Papuan demonstrators in West Papua (the Dutch –PP) Minister Timmermans
(Foreign Affairs) considers that it is not necessary to send independent
observers to the area.

In answer to parliamentary questions from 4 political parties, Christian
Union, SGP, SP and PVV, the minister wrote Thursday that he will continue in
contacts with Indonesia " to call attention for the human rights situation
in Papua and West Papua. " He will also again plead for better access of
journalists to those provinces.

Timmermans does not agree with the mentioned groups that the bloody
suppression of demonstrations of Papuans is structural. "There are also
regular demonstrations during which security forces stand aloof or maintain
order without violence," said the minister.

Timmermans is not going to summon the Indonesian ambassador, he writes the
House of Representatives.