Mimika (ANTARA News) - The Communicable Disease Control and Environmental Health division head of Mimika Health Office, Saiful Taqin, has stated that the number of HIV/AIDS cases recorded in Mimika district, Papua province, has risen to 367.

"Starting from 1996 up to September 2012, the total number of HIV/AIDS cases recorded in Mimika is 3,190," he said here on Monday.

"During the period from April to September this year, an additional 239 cases of HIV/AIDS have been recorded, making it an average of 39 new cases per month. Mimika has the highest incidence of HIV/AIDS transmitted through sexual intercourse, with 236 cases," Saiful added. 

The chairman of AIDS Care Foundation Mimika, Pastor Bert Hagendoorn OFM, noted that the incidence of HIV/AIDS in Mimika was continuing to be on the rise despite efforts to control the spread of the disease.

"I am worried seeing the rising number of new cases every year, because the mobility of Mimika residents is very high. Besides, there are many new arrivals who do not have the information and knowledge about the risks they are undertaking when having free sex," he explained.

Pastor Bert expressed hope that awareness programs about HIV/AIDS would be "conducted continuously throughout the Mimika community, because the dreaded disease is reaching epidemic proportions here".

"People in Mimika must be aware of the risks they are taking when engaging in free sex," he said.

Pastor Bert urged the district administration to support and be more cooperative with all the organizations engaged in fighting HIV/AIDS in Mimika.

"Many non-governmental organizations are making efforts to fight HIV/AIDS in Mimika, but none receive financial support from the government," he pointed out.

Editor: Priyambodo RH