Jayapura, Papua (ANTARA News) - The Pirime police headquarter was attacked early on Tuesday by an unknown armed group leaving two police officers dead and one missing.

Information gathered by ANTARA news agency said one of the dead officers was the district police chief identified as T and the other one was identified as JR. 

The one missing after the attack at 5.00 local time is DM. 

Papua police spokesman Adj. Sr. Comr I Gede Sumerta Jaya could not confirmed the report saying he had not received complete data about the incident. 

"I have yet to receive full report from there," I Gede Sumerta said. 

Papua has remained a hot spot with rebels attacking from time to time .

Shooting incidents involving unknown attackers have been frequent in Papua. 

Earlier this month chief of the Papua police Ins.Gen. Tito Karnavian said in the last four years, there have been many shooting incidents in the mining area of Freeport Indonesia, which has large gold and copper mines in Papua, but most of the cases remained a mystery .

Hundreds of acts of terror by unknown armed groups left more than 20 people killed including Freeport workers, police officers, company`s security officers and local traditional gold prospectors, Tito said.

He said currently security is favorable and under control in the provinces of Papua and West Papua 

Investigations of a number of recent cases like terror bomb in Wamena have been wrapped up with the perpetrators arrested, he said.

Police have also arrested six suspects linked to the illegal explosives planted at Timika, he said.(*)

Editor: Heru
