Australian Government

Department of ForeignAffairs and Tlade

23 November 2012



Mr Joe Collins

PO Box 28

Spit Junction




Dear Mr Collins,

Thank you for your letters dated 17 and 24 October 2012. I have been asked to reply on

behalf of the Minister for Foreign Affairs.



The Australian Government is also concerned about violence in Papua and we continue to

underscore this message with the lndonesian Government. Australian Embassy officials in

Jakarta closely monitor the situation in Papua. They visit regularly to examine first-hand the

situation there and they make representations to the Indonesian Government on human rights.

Prime Minister Gillard and Foreign Minister Carr have raised developments in the Papuan

provinces with their counterparts, President Yudhoyono and Foreign Minister Natalegawa,

during regular bilateral exchanges.

Australia's consistent message to the Indonesian Govemment on human rights is clear -

Indonesia should respect the rights of all its citizens. The Aushalian Government recognises

that under President Yudhoyono, Indonesia's human rights record has improved. We

welcome his commitment that any abuses by security forces in the Papuan provinces are to be

investigated and punished.

In your letter of 24October you urged the Government to raise human rights in West Papua at

the UN. I thought therefore I should report that on 23 May 2012,the Australian Government

participated in the UN Human Rights Council Universal Periodic Review of Indonesia, which

included providing key recommendations on Indonesia's human rights record.

Australia recommended that Indonesia should intensify its efforts to respect and uphold

freedoms of religious and political expression, including by ensuring effective state protection

for minorities; and continue to increase human rights transparency by improving the access of

local and international media organisations. We recommended further engagement with the

UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the International Committee of the

Red Cross, and other relevant intemational organizations throughout Indonesia. We also

recommended that Indonesia ratify the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court; and

ensure fair and proper legal action in relation to those investigated and prosecuted, including

impartial trials and reasonable sentences, as well as detention standards that meet international

norms. In addition, we recommended that Indonesia ensure prompt,

comprehensive, and effective investigations into credible allegations of human rights

violations by members of the security forces, and examine options for establishing an

independent review mechanism withthe ability to recommend prosecutions.

In your letter of 17 October you raised the issue of Australia's support to the Indonesian

National Police's special counter-terrorism unit, Detachment 88. As you are aware, the sole

focus of Australian engagement with this unit is combating terrorism. It is important to

underline that Australia's training activities have nothing to do with countering separatist

goups or organisations. Against ttre tragic history of terrorist activities in the region, - including loss of

88 Australians in the first Bali bombing, such engagement is crucial to

protect the safety of both Indonesians and Australians. Detachment 88 has been at the

forefront of Indonesia's success in apprehending terrorists and has made almost 800 arrests

since it was established in 2002. You mentioned the appearance of the Australian Federal

police Commissioner before Senate Estimates hearings in October. You will be aware that

the Commissioner said he had looked into the issue extensively and had found "we are doing

everything that is reasonable and appropriate to ensure that we are only supporting activities

that would be acceptable to the Australian community".

Thank you for bringing your views to the attention of the Australian Government.


Yours sincerely


Allaster Cox

Assistant Secretary

Indonesia and Timor-Leste Branch


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