A criminal gang, led by a man identified only by the initials RM, is alleged to be behind several attacks on the police in the Papua central mountain range area, including the recent murder of three officers at Pirime police precinct. 

“We have identified the perpetrators. RM is the leader. Based on our investigations, the gang has launched attacks in several areas in Papua,” said Papua Police deputy chief Brig. Gen. Paulus Waterpauw on Thursday. 

Waterpauw said his team managed to arrest one gang member during a shootout between the police and the gang in Pirime on Wednesday. The shootout occurred when Papua police chief Insp. Gen. Tito Karnavian visited the crime scene. Waterpauw said dozens of gunmen attacked the police entourage, but the police managed to return fire. 

‘’The gang member was shot and he is being treated at Wamena hospital, but we have not yet been able to question him due to the severity of his wounds,” said Waterpauw. “The [Pirime] attack is considered as a regular crime. It’s not categorized as a separatist attack,” he added.