Numbay, KNPBnews - Celebrating the independence of West Papua, the police arrested the Chairman of the West Papua National Committee [KNPB] right in front of PLN Waena, Housing III at 10.00 this morning. Victor Yeimo arrested while leading hundreds of people who want to follow the planned worship Tomb Theys, Sentani. Victor with two Festus students Salla and Humum Kiman arrested.

According KNPBnews watchlist this morning, initially the students in the BEM Uncen under the leadership of Jason Ngelia make speeches and distribution of tapes and brochures STOP AIDS in commemorating World AIDS day while waiting for another to lead the masses to worship Papuan independence anniversary on eating Theys Sentani.

Approximately 10:00 am, chairman KNPB joining the masses of students who want to forcibly dispersed by heavily armed police. Victor took over the megaphone and led the mass and clean hard to continue the journey. There was some fighting talk between Kapolsekta Jayapura, Alfred Papare and Victor Yeimo.

The masses are guided then continue to be directed toward the Expo Waena. Yeimo Victor in his speech asked the police to open the way. "Everyone should appreciate the history of the nation of Papua, and the police must respect the students who kompanye stop AIDS as a memorial to World AIDS Day, as well as the opening of the Christmas service," Victor koar while leading the action.

As he walked forward, Victor Yeimo keep doing speeches. "People should not be afraid, because the real invader is fear itself. Police are troublemakers security because they are disturbing us make the right of worship in the West Papuan independence anniversary celebrations. So they really are terrorists ", said Victor as he led the masses headed to the Expo.

But mass actions forcibly blocked and stopped by the police chief of Jayapura, Alfred Papare. Without negotiation, the police under the command of the operation while threatening Victor Kiki pushed firmly. "We are ready to police clashed for a count of 20 and if not we are ready to make a break up clashing with the masses," said Kiki who is kamandan Jayapura police operation.

Victor asked the masses calm and not be provoked by the instigation of the police who provoke violence. After count 20 count, the police immediately issued tear gas and arrested Victor Yeimo and two colleagues, Festus Salla, and Humum Kiman. Seen, all three were arrested unfairly. They kicked and beaten in the car Dalmas.

While other mass forcibly repelled by police. The police do not want the people of West Papua doing commemoration of World AIDS day, Christmas and the opening day of West Papua's independence day in the form of worship. Since that night, the place of worship in the field Theys controlled by the police and the military. To block the activity of worship memorial, military police deliberately made the event a rival in the field.

According to information, Yeimo Victor and his two friends are still being held in custody Abepura. Until now, their condition is not known. (Wl)


Victor Yeimo Ditangkap Saat Pimpin Massa Menuju Ibadah Perayaan Kemerdekaan
December 01, 2012 By: knpbnumbai Category: KNPB Wilayah

Numbay, KNPBnews – Memperingati hari kemerdekaan bangsa Papua Barat, Polisi tangkap Ketua Umum Komite Nasional Papua Barat [KNPB] tepatnya di depan PLN Waena, Perumnas III pukul 10.00 pagi ini. Victor Yeimo ditangkap saat memimpin ratusan rakyat yang hendak mengikuti ibadah yang direncanakan Makam Theys, Sentani. Victor bersama dua mahasiswa Festus Salla dan Humum Kiman ikut ditangkap.

Menurut pantauan KNPBnews pagi tadi, awalnya mahasiswa yang tergabung dalam BEM Uncen dibawah pimpinan Yason Ngelia melakukan orasi dan pembagian kaset dan brosur STOP AIDS dalam memperingati hari AIDS sedunia sambil menunggu massa yang lain untuk menuju ke kebaktian peringatan HUT kemerdekaan bangsa Papua di makan Theys Sentani.

Kira-kira pukul 10.00 pagi, ketua KNPB bergabung dengan massa mahasiswa yang hendak dibubarkan secara paksa oleh Polisi bersenjatakan lengkap. Victor mengambil alih megaphone dan memimpin massa dan bersih keras untuk melanjutkan perjalanan. Sempat terjadi adu bicara antara Kapolsekta Jayapura, Alfred Papare dan Victor Yeimo.

Massa yang terpimpin kemudian terus diarahkan menuju ke Expo Waena. Victor Yeimo dalam orasinya meminta polisi membuka jalan. “Siapapun harus menghargai sejarah bangsa Papua, dan juga polisi harus menghargai Mahasiswa yang kompanye stop AIDS sebagai peringatan hari AIDS sedunia, juga kebaktian pembukaan natal”, koar Victor saat memimpin aksi.

Sambil berjalan maju, Victor Yeimo terus melakukan orasi-orasi. “Rakyat tidak boleh takut, karena penjajah yang sesungguhnya adalah rasa takut itu sendiri. Polisi adalah pengacau keamanan karena mereka yang sedang mengganggu kami melakukan hak ibadah dalam perayaan HUT kemerdekaan Papua Barat. Jadi mereka sesungguhnya adalah teroris”, tegas Victor sambil memimpin massa menuju ke Expo.

Namun massa aksi diblokade dan dihentikan secara paksa oleh Kapolsek Jayapura, Alfred Papare. Tanpa negosiasi, polisi dibawah pimpinan operasi Kiki mendorong Victor sambil mengancam tegas. “Kami polisi sudah siap untuk bentrok dan sampai hitungan 20 kalau tidak bubar kami siap bikin bentrok dengan massa”, kata Kiki yang merupakan kamandan operasi Polsek Jayapura.

Victor meminta massa tenang dan tidak terpancing dengan hasutan polisi yang memancing kekerasan. Setelah hitungan 20 dihitung, polisi langsung mengeluarkan gas air mata dan menangkap Victor Yeimo dan dua rekannya, Festus Salla, dan Humum  Kiman. Terlihat, ketiganya ditangkap secara tidak wajar. Mereka ditendang, dan dipukul dalam mobil Dalmas.

Sedangkan massa yang lain dipukul mundur secara paksa oleh Polisi. Polisi tidak menghendaki rakyat Papua Barat melakukan peringatan hari AIDS sedunia, hari pembukaan natal dan hari kemerdekaan Papua Barat dalam bentuk ibadah. Sejak malam, tempat yang ibadah di lapangan Theys dikuasai oleh Polisi dan TNI.  Untuk menghalangi kegiatan ibadah peringatan, TNI Polri sengaja membuat acara tandingan di lapangan tersebut.

Menurut informasi, Victor Yeimo dan kedua temannya masih ditahan di tahanan Abepura. Sampai saat ini belum diketahui kondisi mereka. (wl)