JAKARTA: Film stars Nicholas Saputra (see the photo) and Susan Bachtiar will feature in a new film set in West Papua province to raise awareness of HIV/AIDS.

The Australian Government, through its development program AusAID, is funding the HIV themed film, Cinta dari Wamena (From Wamena with Love), this World AIDS Day. 

The film, directed by Lasja Susatyo, will be released in cinemas across the country in March 2013. 

The film follows three childhood friends as they leave their remote upbringing to chase their dreams and face life’s challenges in Wamena.

“This film was initiated by the district government of Jayawijaya, and is an alternative vehicle to increase the understanding of HIV/AIDS in the community, in particular to reduce the stigma and discrimination against those living with the disease,” AusAID HIV unit manager, Adrian Gilbert, said in a statement.