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Police attacker in unexpected Pirime Lanny Jaya

Jayapura - Hubert Mabel is touted as the father of the revolutionary, militant Chairman KNPB forces reportedly shot dead center. Victims of the alleged attackers one actor Jaya Police Pirime Lany some time ago, died after being shot dead by police, Sunday, December 16 around 10:30 CET in Kampung Abusa, District Kurulu Jayawijaya Papua.

Papua police spokesman I Gede Sumerta AKBP Jaya as confirmed confirmed the incident. '' Hubert Mabel involved police assault case Pirime shot for trying to resist when arrested. He also tried to seize weapons members,'' said I Gede.


Chronology of events, said I Gede, when members of the Papua Police Special Team received information that Hubert Mabel was in one village in Wamena. Then two members to the location to make the arrest. '' Around. 09:00 Timsus members got the info, one of the perpetrators allegedly involved in the bombing case Jayawijaya parliament and also as one of the perpetrators of the attack police Pirime, was in Wamena, precisely in Kampung Abusak Kurulu District. 


Then two members Timsus possession of ammunition delivered by actors who caught last December 14 th, in the name of MJ aka WG,'' he said.

Arriving at the location, WG Hubert Mabel called to meet on the highway. And it turns out that request fulfilled. "Hubert Mabel along with four of his friends to the street carrying machetes,'' he said. Mabel saw 

Hubert with four colleagues came with machetes, two members Timsus told them to get down on the ground. But the request was not ignored, but they will try to attack and seize weapons Timsus two members. 


'' When there is struggle and weapons seized almost members, one member Mabel Timsus later Hubert shoot with the goal of crippling,'' he said.

After successfully disabled, the officers immediately rushed to the Hospital of Wamena, however, because the bleeding can not be stopped, he eventually died. '' Officers are trying to rush her to the hospital, but because he lost a lot of blood, he was killed,'' he said.

In addition to successfully shoot Hubert Mabel, now four colleagues also successfully secured. '' Four people were still intensively examined in Jayawijaya, to determine their role in the attack Pirime police,'' he said.


Separate place, the information obtained Buoma Police Station is also located in Jayawijaya burnt, after the shooting death of Hubert Mabel. (Jir/don/l03)




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Hubert Mabel Ditembak Mati

Senin, 17 Desember 2012 03:31

Hubert Mabel Ditembak Mati

Terduga Penyerang Polsek Pirime di Lanny Jaya


Jayapura - Hubert Mabel yang disebut-sebut sebagai bapak revolusioner, Ketua Militan KNPB Pusat dilaporkan ditembak mati aparat.    Korban  yang diduga salah seorang pelaku penyerang Polsek Pirime Lany Jaya beberapa waktu lalu, tewas setelah ditembak  mati oleh Polisi, Minggu 16 Desember sekitar pukul 10.30 WIT di Kampung Abusa, Distrik Kurulu Kabupaten Jayawijaya Papua. 

Juru Bicara Polda Papua AKBP I Gede Sumerta Jaya saat dikonfirmasi membenarkan peristiwa itu. ‘’Hubert Mabel yang terlibat kasus penyerangan Polsek Pirime ditembak karena berupaya melawan saat akan ditangkap. Ia juga mencoba merampas senjata anggota,’’ ujar I Gede. 

Kronologis kejadian, kata I Gede, saat anggota Tim Khusus Polda Papua mendapat informasi bahwa Hubert Mabel berada di salah satu Kampung di Wamena. Lantas dua anggota menuju lokasi untuk melakukan penangkapan. ‘’Sekitar pukul. 09.00 anggota Timsus mendapat info, salah satu pelaku yang diduga terlibat kasus peledakan bom di gedung DPRD Jayawijaya dan juga sebagai salah satu pelaku penyerangan Polsek Pirime, sedang berada di Wamena,  tepatnya di Kampung Abusak Distrik Kurulu. Kemudian 2 anggota Timsus diantar oleh pelaku kepemilikan amunisi  yang tertangkap tgl 14 Desember lalu,  atas nama MJ alias WG,’’ucapnya. 

Tiba di lokasi, WG menelepon Hubert Mabel untuk bertemu di Jalan Raya. Dan ternyata permintaan itu dipenuhi. “Hubert Mabel beserta 4 orang temannya menuju jalan raya membawa  membawa parang,’’ujarnya. Melihat Hubert Mabel bersama empat rekannya datang dengan membawa parang, dua anggota Timsus menyuruh mereka untuk tiarap di tanah. Tapi permintaan itu tidak diindahkan, malah mereka berupaya menyerang dan merampas senjata dua anggota Timsus. ‘’Saat terjadi pergumulan dan senjata anggota nyaris direbut, salah satu anggota Timsus kemudian menembak Hubert Mabel dengan tujuan melumpuhkan,’’ucapnya. 

Setelah berhasil dilumpuhkan, petugas langsung melarikannya ke Rumah Sakit Wamena, namun, karena pendarahan tidak bisa dihentikan, akhirnya ia tewas. ‘’Petugas sudah berupaya melarikannya ke RS, tapi karena ia banyak kehilangan darah, ia pun tewas,’’jelasnya. 

Selain berhasil menembak Hubert Mabel, saat ini empat rekannya juga berhasil diamankan. ‘’Empat orang itu masih diperiksa secara intensif di Polres Jayawijaya, guna mengetahui peran mereka dalam aksi penyerangan Polsek Pirime,’’tandasnya. 

Ditempat terpisah, informasi yang diperoleh Pos Polisi Buoma yang juga berada di Jayawijaya dibakar massa, pasca penembakan terhadap Hubert Mabel.(jir/don/l03)