Dear Friend of West Papua,

I have just returned to the UK after a tour of Jamaica, Barbados and Guyana, meeting with political leaders and activists and informing them about the struggle of my people.

In Guyana, I met with President Donald Ramotar, and also co-hosted a launch event for International Parliamentarians for West Papua (IPWP) in the capital Georgetown. Also in attendance were six party leaders from Guyana political parties, and the deputy speaker of the Parliament.

I also met Rashleigh Jackson, former president of the UN Security Council who stated that "It is time to bring to a successful end the persistent and courageous struggle of the people [of West Papua] for freedom and
independence. The campaign to free West Papua is eminently worthy of support which I give wholeheartedly"

In Jamaica I met with community leaders in Kingston, and also with the Colonel Frank Lumsden Maroon Council and local Rastafarian communities. A screening of undercover West Papua documentary Forgotten Bird of Paradise was also held in Kingston.
In Barbados I met with members of the Pan African Movement and community leaders.

I was deeply moved by the warmth and hospitality shown to me on my journey, and the support from everyone for true justice in West Papua. I have returned to the UK knowing that the spirit of my peoples struggle is being recognised and supported in the Caribbean.

Earlier today I received very sad news from West Papua. One activist in the highland town of Wamena has been murdered by Indonesian security forces. The activists are from the KNPB, a peaceful peoples movement that is calling for a new referendum in West Papua.

Hubertus Mabel (aged 30) has been killed and Natalis Alua (28) is in a coma. Simon Dabby (Head of KNPB in Wamena) and Baroy Sambom are amongst many that have been arrested.

I am calling on all supporters around the world to make renewed calls to your governments to put pressure on Indonesia to halt their campaign of terror in West Papua. We need UN peacekeepers to be sent to save us, but this can only happen if there is more cross-country pressure building up.

Now more than ever the Papuan people need you to be their voice. We have been silenced for over 50 years, but our desire for justice and self-determination will never be wiped out. I am a servant to my people and will continue to do
whatever it takes to ensure people find out the truth about what is happening in West Papua.

Please keep following developments on our website (  and also on the Facebook and Twitter pages.

I thank you for your continued support for our struggle.

Benny Wenda.
West Papua Independence Leader in the UK

1. Mr. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
President of Republic of Indonesia
Jl. Veteran No. 16
Jakarta Pusat
Tel: +62 21 345 8595
Fax: +62 21 3483 4759
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2.Irjen Pol. Tito Karnavian
Chief of Papua Regional Police
Jl. Dr. Samratulangi No. 8, Jayapura
Tel: +62 967 531 014, 533 396
Fax: +62 967 533 763

2.Gen. Timur Pradopo
Chief of the Indonesian National Police
Jl. Trunojoyo No. 3
Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan 12110
Tel: +62 21 384 8537, 726 0306
Fax: +62 21 7220 669
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