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Buchtar Tabuni in front of Abepura Prison (Jubi-Aprila) 

Buchtar Tabuni in front of Abepura Prison (Jubi-Aprila)

Jayapura (19/1), today, Saturday (19/1), former Chairman of the National Committee for West Papua (KNPB), Buctar Tabuni, is currently the Chairman of the West Papua National Board of parole Correctional Institution (LP) Abepura.




"Ade-ade, sir Buctar not pure free. Buctar parole. He is free because of his behavior during the LP is very good, "said one correctional officer at the time who picked Buctar KNPB front entrance Mintu LP Abepura, at 10:00 CDT

The explanation was directly received reactions from KNPB. "Our calculations, plus the period of detention in prison, today, hosts should be free Buctar pure. Why parole "asked Feronika Huby, chairman KNPB field of human rights. But the question was not getting a response from the LP.

While waiting out the door Buctar LP, KNPB period led by its chairperson, Victor Yeimo, make speeches in front of the door. "Life Buctar Tabuni ..., Life ... Life Forkorus Yaboisembut Filep Karma ... life ... life Edison Waromi Kraar August, Dominic Surabut life ....," cried Victor greeted period KNPB "live ..."

When Buctar emerged from the LP, Victor Yeimo welcome Buctar and said Buctar not free from colonial prison. Buctar pejra only a small move to a bigger prison. "Comrades Buctra host free small prison to a big prison colonial," he said.

Victor then directs members to sing songs Papua. Creation song was made late Frangky Sahilatua Buctar moved. Buctar bowed and tears.

After singing, KNPB members perform prayers and respect reception Buctar trip. "Comrades, we will march to the office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Acai next time." Said Victor Yeimo KNPB take directing member to the office of the Office of Justice and Human Rights Ministry had. KNPB trip in Abepura Police escorted by police from a motorcycle and a truck patrol Dalmas.

From the office of Justice Kemterian, Buctar joined with members of KNPB towards Housing III wearing three trucks Abepura Police prepared. (Jubi / Mawel)






Buctar Tabuni Bebas Bersyarat, KNPB Bertanya.

Jayapura (19/1), hari ini,Sabtu (19/1), mantan Ketua Umum Komite Nasional Papua Barat (KNPB), Buctar Tabuni, kini menjabat Ketua Dewan Nasional West Papua bebas bersyarat dari Lembaga Pemasyarakatan (LP) Abepura.  


“Ade-ade, tuan Buctar tidak bebas murni. Buctar bebas bersyarat. Ia bebas karena kelakuannya selama di LP sangat baik,” kata salah satu petugas LP kepada masa KNPB yang menjemput Buctar  di depan mintu masuk LP Abepura, pukul 10:00 WIT

Penjelasan itu lansung mendapat reaksi dari pihak KNPB. “Perhitungan kami, masa penahanan ditambah penjara, hari ini, tuan Buctar harus bebas murni. Mengapa bebas bersyarat?” tanya Feronika Huby, ketua  bidang HAM KNPB. Namun pertanyaan itu tidak mendapat respon dari pihak LP.

Sambil menanti Buctar keluar pintu LP, masa KNPB yang dipimpin langsung oleh ketua umumnya, Victor Yeimo, melakukan orasi di depan pintu. “Hidup Buctar Tabuni…, Hidup Forkorus Yaboisembut… Hidup Filep Karma… hidup Edison Waromi… hidup Agust Kraar, hidup Dominikus Surabut….,” teriak Victor disambut masa KNPB “hidup…”

Ketika Buctar muncul dari pintu LP, Victor Yeimo menyambut Buctar dan berkata Buctar tidak bebas dari penjara kolonial. Buctar hanya berpindah pejra yang kecil ke penjara yang lebih besar. “Kawan-kawan tuan Buctra bebas dari penjara kecil ke penjara besar kolonial,” ungkapnya.

Victor kemudian mengarahkan anggotanya untuk menyayikan lagu Tanah Papua. Lagu Ciptaan almarhum Frangky Sahilatua itu membuat Buctar terharu. Buctar tertunduk dan mencucurkan air mata.

Setelah menyayi, anggota KNPB melakukan doa perjalanan dan penghormatan penyambutan Buctar. “Kawan-kawan, kita akan long march ke kantor Kementrian Hukum dan HAM RI di sebelah kali Acai.” kata Victor Yeimo ambil mengarahkan anggota KNPB menuju kantor Kantor Kemetrian Hukum dan HAM. Perjalanan KNPB ini di kawal kepolisian dari Polsek Abepura dengan sejumlah motor patroli dan satu truk dalmas.

Dari kantor Kemterian Hukum dan HAM, Buctar bergabung bersama anggota KNPB menuju Perumnas III mengenakan tiga truk  yang dipersiapkan Polsek Abepura.(Jubi/Mawel)