In Nov/Dec 2012 I travelled to West Papua with film maker Dom Rotheroe to make a documentary for Al Jazeera English about the ongoing struggle for West Papuan independence.  Travelling undercover, we met with members of the KNPB (National Committe for West Papua) and the OPM (Free Papua Movement) to explore the largely unreported 'silent genocide' taking place in the face of a 40+ year Indonesian military occupation.  

The documentary will be broadcast in the 'People & Power' slot at 22.30 GMT tomorrow, Wednesday January 30 and repeated on Thursday 31/01, 0930; Friday 01/02 0330; Saturday 02/02 1630; Sunday 03/02 2230; Monday 04/02 0930 - all times GMT.  You can stream Al Jazeera English live online or watch on satellite and cable providers in over 100 countries.

I hope you will watch and share it, as it's important that the world is alerted to the human rights and environmental tragedies taking place in West Papua.

View a set of images from the trip in my new West Papua 2012 Gallery page