Translation: Pro Papua


Ministy of Foreign Affairs

Asia and Oceania Department

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The Netherlands

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Our Ref.: DAO-10/13

Your Ref.: 2013Z00007



To the Chairman of the Dutch House of Representatives
Binnenhof 4
The Hague, The Netherlands

January 29th 2013

Concerning: the answering of the questions posed by Member of Parliament De Roon (PVV-Party) to the Minister of Foreign Affairs about reports of political violence in Papua in December 2012.


Herewith I present you the answers to the written questions posed by Member of Parliament De Roon (PVV-Party). These questions were sent on January 2nd 2013 by number 2013Z00007.


The Minister of Foreign Affairs

Frans Timmermans



Answers of Frans Timmermans, Minister of Foreign Affairs, to the questions of Member of Parliament De Roon (PVV-Party) concerning police violence in Papua in December 2012 (sent on January 2nd 2013)


Question 1

Do you want to take notice of the report of human rights activist Markus Hakuk concerning police violence in Papua in December 2012? 1)



Question 2

Would you like to urge with the Indonesian authorities to have these incidents investigated by foreign human rights organizations, such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch? If not, why not?

Firstly, Investigations into alleged human rights violations are the responsability of the qualified Indonesian authorities. Secondly, the national human rights commission Komnasham may conduct research. The Netherlands stresses the importance of the human rights situation in Papua in talks with the Indonesian government, also concerning specific incidents. Furthermore The Netherlands advocate larger admittance of international social organizations and media to the region on a regular basis. These matters are also on the agenda during the annual EU-Indonesian Human Rights Dialogue.


Question 3

Will you instruct diplomats of the Dutch embassy to examine these incidents where they occurred and to sent their reports to the Dutch House of Representatives? If not, why not?


See the answer to question number 2.


1) Report sent to the Department