Papua. A local legislative council member was killed as voters went to the polls in Papua’s gubernatorial election on Tuesday, after the lawmaker reportedly tried to persuade a crowd to vote for his party’s candidates.

Husia Yosia Karoba, a member of the Tolikara District Legislative Council (DPRD), was reportedly killed after urging hundreds of supporters of the Democratic Party’s candidates to vote for Habel Melkias Suwae and Yop Kogoya from the Golkar Party.

“People were angry because the victim tried to influence them to vote for candidates No. 6 [Melkias-Yop], while the area was a base for supporters of the Lukas Enembe [and] Klemen Tinal pair,” said Laban Weah, an eyewitness to the incident, referring to the Democratic ticket.

“People then attacked the victim until he died at the scene,” he added.

Papua Police deputy chief Brig. Gen. Paulus Waterpauw confirmed the incident, saying Husia was declared dead on arrival at a nearby hospital.

“I heard that the crowd couldn’t accept his statement, that he supported No. 6 [ballot number] candidates because he was from the Golkar Party, so they immediately attacked him,” Paulus said.

Six tickets are competing in Papua's gubernatorial election, where voters will choose the new leaders of Indonesia’s easternmost province for the 2013-18 period.

JG, Suara Pembaruan


8:10pm Jan 29, 2013

Hardcore democracy