While cold, hard cash is typically the preferred medium of exchange for kidnappers the world over, an armed group in Papua has given new meaning to the phrase “bringing home the bacon.” 

Police say nine employees of a construction company were held hostage by an armed group of 12 people on Friday at Ukawo hamlet in Paniai district, where in addition to seeking Rp 20 million ($2,060) for the hostages’ safe return, the group included a pig in its ransom demands. 

“They held hostages and asked for a ransom,” National Police spokesman Sr. Comr. Agus Rianto said in Jakarta on Monday. “Five hours after the ransom was delivered, the hostages were set free.”

Police say the group was led by L.Y., the brother of John Yogi, a prominent leader of the Free Papua Organization (OPM) in Paniai.

Papua Police spokesman Sr. Comr. I Gede Sumerta Jaya said the kidnappers were carrying five firearms, a machete, an ax, and a bow and arrow, when they arrived at a construction site and rounded up all the employees. They asked the employees to hand over their mobile phones, bags and wallets. The kidnappers also took food and construction equipment.

According to police, the kidnappers then asked an employee to call their company’s office in Enarotali, the district capital, to send someone with the ransom. After receiving the money and the pig, the kidnappers fled into the forest.

“We chased them after the incident and after the perpetrators ran away,” Agus said. “Hopefully the perpetrators can be arrested so such incidents will not happen again. The nine victims are all safe and not injured.”

Paniai is known as an OPM stronghold, where John Yogi is thought to be the local leader. Police there say the resistance fighters’ arsenal consists of about 20 different types of weapons that they stole from soldiers and police officers.


8:30pm Jan 28, 2013


Congratulations! You probably will not post my contribution, but never mind.

You succeeded in depicting Papuan fellow citizens as backward, ignorant savages by focusing on the pig.

Had this happened on Jalan Thamrin, the kidnappers would have asked for a Samsung Galaxy & it would have gone unnoticed.

Wong Edan
8:16pm Jan 28, 2013

Easy. Send them the Rp 20 million and Bakrie...