Papua Armed Forces Chief Maj. Gen. Christian Zebua said on Monday that they have learned of plans to disrupt the provincial gubernatorial polls this week. 

“There is a group that wants to disturb the Papua gubernatorial elections according to information gathered by the Papua Police intelligence and the Cendrawasih Military command. However, the identity of this group bent on undermining the process has not yet been identified,” Christian said.

The gubernatorial polls is set to take place on Tuesday.

Christian said that the group was an armed group of criminals, but did not give further details.

Papua Police Chief Insp. Gen. Tito Karnavian also acknowledged the existence of the threat, but said police “will not be careless.”

Christian called on all parties, including the six candidates running in the elections, to work to safeguard security in the restive region.

“May all candidates work towards maintain a safe situation, and to be able to accept defeat or victory,” he said.

Christian vowed that the armed forces would remain 100 percent impartial in the elections.

He added that soldiers deployed under the coordination of the Papua Police to help maintain security during the election period would not hesitate to act against anyone or any groups intent on disrupting the elections.

Beny Suweni, the head of the Papua General Election Commission, said all logistical needs for the elections were scheduled to be delivered to all villages across the province by the end of Monday.