Violence remains rampant in Papua as two civilians were attacked by unidentified people in two different areas.

The body of Yerson Wonorengga, 22, was found in the Skyland River, Jayapura, on Friday morning with an open wound on the waist. It is alleged Wonorengga was a victim of a brawl between two groups in Skyland on Thursday evening.

Jayapura City Police chief Adj. Sr. Comr. Alfred Papare said the brawl began when a group of drunken youth hit an ojek (motorcycle taxi) driver. He said the drunkards hit the man because there were not enough motorcycles available to carry the seven youths around the town. 

The ojek driver informed his friends of the incident, they chased the drunken youths and fighting broke out, causing disruption to the flow of traffic on the Jayapura-Abepura highway until the authorities dispersed both groups.

Two people were hospitalized, the police have questioned two witnesses.

Earlier in the week, on Thursday, an unidentified gunman shot Bahar, an ojek driver, during a ride from Wagethe to Enarotali, the administrative seat of Paniai regency.

“An unknown passenger asked Bahar to take him to Enarotali to buy motorcycle parts,” Papua Police chief spokesman Sr. Comr. I Gede Sumerta said.

“The passenger shot Bahar in the neck. When he fell, the gunman tried to shoot him again, he missed and ran away.”

Sumerta said Bahar said the bullet entered from his neck and pierced his left cheek.

A motorist found Bahar and took him to Enarotali General Hospital.

“The gunman probably used a pistol. We are still looking for the culprit and the motive,” Sumerta said.

In August 2011, a gunman killed a Paniai Police officer, Yohan Kisiwaitoi at the Enarotali Airport and a local resident, Mustafa, was shot at his home in West Paniai district. Separatist group Free Papua Organization (OPM) claimed its members were the perpetrators of the two shootings in August, reported in August.