juggernaut986 1 dag geleden

That doesn't sound free to me if you cant protest in peace and fly you're flag that's the whole point?. The Papuan people needs referendum and a vote for independence that is a right of all people. Also it is the West Papua flag . So you're point is the gov doesn't want Papua to separate so they stop people from raising their flag lmao that's the whole point if the people want to be free they should have? the opportunity to do so and not be oppressed.

  ·     in reactie op fadheelm (De reactie weergeven)


fadheelm 1 dag geleden

They can attend the election, have an education, go on the politics. Just same as other citizen. Yes because the govt doesn't want Papua to be separated from Indonesia, so they will arrested if they stand the OPM flag. You know, not so many? people support OPM in Papua. Really few of them.

Have you been to Papua btw? You seems like pretending to be knowing much about Papua

  ·     in reactie op juggernaut986 (De reactie weergeven)


juggernaut986 1 dag geleden

what rights? they cant even hold the Papuan flag up without getting arrested, jailed or even killed Aboriginals are Australian and free but Papuans are oppressed and all they ask is the right to? freedom which all people deserve.

  ·     in reactie op fadheelm (De reactie weergeven)


fadheelm 1 dag geleden

at least they still have a rights to be the citizen, they're lucky because their story were not like? the Aborigin tribes in Australia

  ·     in reactie op juggernaut986 (De reactie weergeven)


juggernaut986 1 dag geleden

probably because the Indonesians gov is killing all? the West Papuan people off

  ·     in reactie op fadheelm (De reactie weergeven)


fadheelm 2 dagen geleden

you know in Papua Island, west Papua province is only 30% of the area which is more modern than the Papua province. But Papua province still claim themselves as Indonesian. But in west Papua, there are peoples that wants? to be divorce from Indonesia called OPM (Papuans Freedom Organization). This was a big news in Indonesia round year 1999 - 2000. Now, there are no more OPM. Everybody have live in peace. I was surprised when i saw this video. Because nothing happens here in the present day

  ·     in reactie op Sakiasi Ditoka (De reactie weergeven)


Sakiasi Ditoka 3 dagen geleden

West Papua should become one? nation with Papua New Guinea. Indonesia should get out of West Papua.

  · 2     in reactie op fadheelm (De reactie weergeven)


Alief Bielefeld 2 weken geleden

well said by a man who lived in a war-torn country where piracy is the main income, pirates blocking ship routes and kill the hostages if they dont have any money and also millions die because of a stupid civil war, there's just too many bad things in your? country that we Indonesia dont have

  ·     in reactie op Tahaarka Huruuse (De reactie weergeven)


Alief Bielefeld 2 weken geleden

and before you blaming us for this propaganda made by australia, take a look what state your country now really is, Somalia is ruled by Al-Shabaab pirates, i dont know anything worse? than that, to be honest

  ·     in reactie op Tahaarka Huruuse (De reactie weergeven)


Lemuel Uhuru 3 weken geleden

It seems that whereever members of the dark race are, there lies oppression. Tell me how is that the Indonesians and the Netherlands were able to argue over an occupied land? This an the UN as mediator, you UN is a farce and everyone? who contributes to it's lie of global peace. The land of these people are being stripped, but their faith and dignity will never be stripped, I will donate monthly to the Free West Papa organization unfortunately it's likely not to do much.



Jhoni Dacosta 3 weken geleden

@tahaarka Huruuse and all of you... this film its australian campagne to make bad indonesian face in the international world... australian never happy if indonesia has? living in good union and peace.. indonesia is country with 250milion and not only muslem there.. they had 17.400 land with many archipelago.. many etnic living there.. papua once beetwen a hundred etnic in indonesia.. so you better shutup your mouth because you didnot know anything about indonesia.. damn you eat aussi provoc sit.



rafahj13 1 maand geleden

Dit is gemarkeerd als spam weergeven


fadheelm 1 maand geleden

Im sad 2 know alota my Bro/Sis? around the world jst believe this Propaganda!

it was filming in 1999 where there was a monetary Inflation in Indonesia, and Papua jst a primitive Indonesian land which is 2 far from Jakarta (capital city) so most of them didnt know what happen in out of their land. Until they realize that the central govt doesnt do the development there at that moments. it was compounded when East Timor divorce from Indonesia.

There r many races In Indonesia, Papua just one of them

  ·     in reactie op rafahj13 (De reactie weergeven)


bagus282013 1 maand geleden

so..? you gagged women and you call yourself muslim now? shame on you!!!

  ·     in reactie op Tahaarka Huruuse (De reactie weergeven)


Tahaarka Huruuse 1 maand geleden

no shame on you? you hypocritical munafeeq bastard!

  ·     in reactie op bagus282013 (De reactie weergeven)


fadheelm 1 maand geleden

This was filming in February 1999. And OPM (Papua Freedom Organization) with Indonesian government has already make peace in Yudhoyono's regime.. There was no war here, no religious war or even racial war, in Indonesia we have so many races, tribes, even languages. Papua is part of Indonesia, I have Papuan friends, no one care if they are black or white or yellow or anything. We are all the same. We are Indonesian and we proud? of it!

This is propaganda! Need proof? come to Papua, nothing happen

  ·     in reactie op Tahaarka Huruuse (De reactie weergeven)


dancingturtle21 1 maand geleden

you lie!!! There has been no peace.

Indonesia continues to kill all Papuans and rape the women and children. Shame on Indonesia.

West? Papua must be free from the evil Indonesians

  · 2     in reactie op fadheelm (De reactie weergeven)


fadheelm 1 maand geleden

Do you know what? will happen if Indonesian govt really Killing Papuans? They might be got the sanctions by the UN... Or even removed from the UN. But actually as u can c, nothin happen. Indonesia is not a 'strong' country, we also have a poverty problem, the govt doesn't have a time to killing Papuans. It will be just waste their money.

C'mon, I'm Indonesian and I swear I will against my govt if they really killing Papuans.. I love Papua as part of my country, &papuans as my peoples!!

  ·     in reactie op dancingturtle21 (De reactie weergeven)


Karsando93 1 maand geleden

The evidence of Indonesian atrocities is all over the web kid, no need to promote your shitty zionist? cock sucking government. No one has ever been convinced by youtube comments, so stop trying. The UN doesn't care about us Papuans aslong you Indonesians keep delivering our natural resources to your corporate masters Rio Tinto, Freeport McMoRan, BP etc. Indonesia is a puppet state doing everything to please their masters. When the USA economically collapses you will follow and we will be free.

  ·     in reactie op fadheelm (De reactie weergeven)