6 March 2013

Translation Pro Papua


Herewith I present you the answers to the written questions posed by Members of
Parliament Van der Staaij (SGP-Party), Voordewind (CU-party), De Roon (PVV-party), Ten Broeke (VVD-party), Maij (PvdA-Party) and Van Bommel (SP-Party) concerning the marginalisation of Papuans socially and economically.

These questions were sent on 11 February 2013 by number 2013Z02692.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs
Frans Timmermans


Written questions from the Members of Parliament Van der Staaij (SGP-Party), Voordewind (CU-party), De Roon (PVV-party), Ten Broeke (VVD-party), Maij (PvdA-Party) and Van Bommel (SP-Party) to the Minister of Foreign Affairs about the marginalization of Papuans both socially and economically.

Question 1.

Have you taken notice of reports stating that Papuans are said to be marginalized in Indonesia during the exploitation of natural resources in their province? 1)




Is it correct that substantial development programmes are being started in Papua, during which considerable numbers of immigrants are being sent to Papua?


Regarding food and energy supplies, Indonesia makes development programs, also in the Papua province. Herewith, Indonesia does not conduct transmigration policy. For the development programs in Papua and West-Papua especially non-locals are hired, as they have more capacities and education.

Question 3. 

To what extent does the indigenous people benefit from the development programmes mentioned above?


The development programs are meant for the benefit of the entire population. The Indonesian authorities strive to involve the local population with these programs. Late 2011 a special unit (UP4B) was established in order to speed up economic development. This unit coordinates the social-economic development of Papua.

Question 4. 

In which way are private grounds of Papuans being legally protected and how does this legal protection take effect?


With the Special Autonomy Law for the provinces of Papua and West-Papua the so-called Majelis Rakyat Papua (MRP) was founded. The MRP consists of representatives of indigenous Papuans and monitors the respectation and protection of indigenous culture and customs. When treaties with third parties are made, national and provincial authorities have to consult the MRP whether the rights of indigenous Papuans are at stake. Subsequently the MRP has to agree with such a treaty. In practice, this consultancy obligation is not always lived up to. When land is being transferred the community has to approve and will have to be compensated. The Special Autonomy Law furthermore dictates that local arrangements are made by the provincial authorities in cooperation with the provincial parliament and the MRP for economic activities where natural resources are at stake. So far these local arrangements have not been made. During a recent visit of the Embassy to Papua we urged again for a full implementation of the Special Autonomy Law.

Question 5. 

Can you indicate how The Netherlands may contribute to an improvement of the situation of Papuans, how can you as a Minister contribute to that and which multilateral means do you have?


During my visit to Indonesia (February 20-21 last) I spoke to the Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs about the situation in Papua. On March 1st I met Bambang Darmono, the chief of the established unit by the Indonesian president, for the accelerated development of Papua. Herewith I emphasized the importance of transparency and I urged for a more liberal admittance of international NGO’s to the area. I also stressed that The Netherlands are willing to contribute to the improvement of the social-economic position of Papuans. Right now, The Netherlands support, among others, a UNICEF development program and a UNDP program aimed at the improvement of the capacity of local governments, so that they are more capable of making their budgets and planning based on the actual needs of the population.

1) Daily newspaper Reformatorisch Dagblad, 4 February 2013