Blood was shed again in Papua from the brutal acts allegedly committed by the Free Papua Organization (OPM) against the military assigned to maintain the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia. Eight soldiers were killed on duty as they went to pick up equipment at Ilaga Airport.

In connection with the death of the eight soldiers, we have not heard the responses of human rights groups and activists. There is an impression that NGO activists have turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to the incident. They would immediately respond if the fatality was a member of OPM, who they would call a human rights victim.

Human rights activists should indiscriminately promote human rights. Security forces are also human beings, so why have the rights groups not condemned the attackers? Is it because they follow the foreign agenda?

Serving foreign interests will destroy our country. Foreign forces freely meddle in our nation’s affairs through their accomplices in Indonesia under the guise of human rights.

Ade Rachman
Bogor, West Java