Welcome this is TV Papua news of february 2013

*Seven Papuans arrested & tortured in Jayapura region
*12 Indonesian soldiers killed in Puncak Jaya
*Major reprisals by Indonesian security forces, thousands of Papuan civilians flee
*Benny Wenda Freedom Tour report

*Seven Papuans arrested & tortured in Jayapura region
On Februari 15th Indonesian military arrested 7 Papuans in 2 different situations in Depapre, while looking for independence fighters. The 7 Papuans where heavily interrogated and tortured at the police station of Jayapura. The next day 5 of the men got released without charges. The 2 other man, Daniel Gobay and Matan Klembiap, remain in police custody and are reportedly to be charged with “possession of a sharp weapon”.
Allegations of torture are not new in Papua. In 2008 the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment reported that torture is practiced widely in Papua as well as in the rest of Indonesia. And last year the AsianHumanRightsCommittee issued an urgent appeal on acts of torture within the Abepura Correctional Facility based in Jayapura region.
Dispite these reports by international human rights organizations, little have been done by the Indonesian authorities. Military officers who were responsible for torturing a Papuan on the video in 2010 were sentenced only to 9-12 months imprisonment while the allegation on torture at Abepura Correctional Facility has never been investigated by the police.
Therefor Amnesty International is asking people worldwide to please write Indonesian authorities, asking to ensure the two man are not tortured or ill-treated, to give them medical treatment, access to lawyers of their choosing and order an effective and independent investigation into the allegations of torture and ill-treatment by police officers. For more information on this urgent call for action search for the article: TWO MEN DETAINED, FEARED TORTURED IN PAPUA on the website amnesty.org
*12 Indonesian soldiers killed in Puncak Jaya
On the 21st of february 12 Indonesian soldiers got killed in two separate incidents. 4 of the death are claimed to be civilians by the Indonesian media, while TPN OPM claims they where Indonesian soldiers.

The shootings where carried out after Indonesian military continued to build a new military post on a local sacred burial site. The military officers had been repeatedly requested to stop doing so by both community representatives and the West Papua National Liberation Army [TPN/OPM]. There spokesman, Nikolas Tabuni, said: “Prior to the incident TNI had wanted to make a military post in the region of Tingginambut and the TPN OPM had sent a letter to the TNI asking them not to’ go ahead with the military post construction at Tingginambut. As that is an area of which the land is formally claimed to be owned by the TPN OPM, and as it is also a sacred area under indigenous customary law of the indigenous community of that area. However TNI disregarded the request and continued with the construction. As a result TPN OPM carried out the shooting on 21 February, to assert West Papuan sovereignty against Indonesian colonial occupation”

The chief of police in the area said that the bodies of the victims, the soldiers and the claimed civilians, would be moved and a team will be set up, in co-ordination wih the army to investigate the killings. Furthermore, he said that security forces in the area will be strengthened.
*Major reprisals by Indonesian security forces, thousands of Papuan civilians flee
West Papua Media Team
After the killing of Indonesian soldiers the local communities around Sinak, Gurage, Mulia and Tingginambut in Puncak Jaya regency have been victim of reprisals of the Indonesian army. At least 1000 members of various Indonesian security forces are currently occupying entire communities around Puncak Jaya, with thousands more troops being sent in from other centres in Papua. The villages are being occupied since February 24, with villagers being forced to give all their food and houses to soldiers, and being subject to harsh interrogations. Security forces began to carry out house to house sweeping operations on February 26.
Since then different sources say at least 18 houses have been burned to the ground, 5 churches razed, 2 schools and a library have been destroyed. Witnesses have also reported that soldiers are deliberately burning and destroying food gardens and shooting livestock. Which give reason to fear for a major humanitarian disaster unfolding. Thousands of people from the surrounding villages have fled to the high mountains. Exact numbers are not currently known but local sources indicate that several thousand people, mainly subsistence farmers, live in the area.
*Benny Wenda Freedom Tour report
On Benny Wenda's first freedom tour he visited the USA, NewZealand, Australia and is ending his tour visiting different countries in Melanesia.

He started the Freedom tour in the USA where he met with politicians like NewYorkState senator Bill Perkins, US Samoa congressman Eni Fa Leo Ma Vega, members of the state department and the US senate committee for foreign affairs, he Hold interviews with the press, like with FreeSpeechRadioNews. Met with Herman Wainggai, also Papuan living in exile and also other activists and activist platforms.

He continued his Tour in New Zealand, where his request to speak in the NewZealand parliament led to political unrest among different political parties. After being messaged by the Indonesian government, through the embassy and the minister of foreign affairs, this request was redirected by the parliament speaker David Carter answering that any political party can host him in there own caucus room. While Benny Wenda has been speaking to the UK parliament, The European parliament and at the United Nations before. Maryan Street from the Labour party said: “As one of the MPs hosting Benny Wenda’s visit, I want the guidelines surrounding meetings held at Parliament to be revisited by the new Speaker. Such decisions should be made on the basis of principle, not on the basis of whether or not the Government feels uncomfortable about it,". Instead of speaking to Parliament Benny Wenda spoke to people on other events and to many different media. The attempt to shut him up backfired as he was now receiving even more attention because of the commotion.

In Australia Benny Wenda discussed the freedom struggle of West Papua with the Green Party spokesman Senator Di Natale and Labor party member MP Laurie Ferguson. Visited the Apology centre at the 5th anniversary of the governments apology to the Melanesian Aboriginals, met with the Australian Papua community and Aboriginal Elder Uncle Kevin Buzzacott. The ABC hold an interview with Benny Wenda on the news.

At the moment Benny Wenda is continuing the Melanesian part of his tour. Visiting Papua New Guinea, and later also going to Vanuatu and Solomon Islands, where he will end his first international freedom tour.

This was TV Papua news of Februari 2013, specially in these violent times we hope to see all of you again for next months news episode.

Thank you for watching!
Otto. Ap