Today on TV Papua news:
- Growing international support for Free West Papua campaigns.
- Rising of People Power in West Papua
- Indonesian terrorism at the start of 2013

In view of the continuing terrorism in West Papua by the Indonesian military during the past 50 years, we must wonder why most people in the Western world are oblivious to the indigenous Melanesians’ plight, and what factors are contributing to the continuation of such abuse. The exploitation of natural resources by extractive industries results in catastrophic harms to human and environmental health. Mainstream global media fail to report on such military&corporate injustices. There for independent solidarity groups are growing in numbers internationally.

For example The Free West Papua Political Prisoners Team in Washington DC which is a group of academics and human-rights activists. Who work together with Herman Wainggai, a papuan refugee living in Washington. Human Rights Watch reports that Indonesia has imprisoned nearly 100 activists from Maluku and Papua for peacefully voicing their patriotism and political views.

in Los Angeles, California, Harold Green persistently creates awarenes on the West Papuan freedom struggle and the role of the US government in the Indonesian suppression. "what I'm painfully made aware of, said Harold, is that since Barack Obama has been president, things seemingly have gotten worse for our brothers and sisters in West Papua as his administration continues to arm and train the Indonesian military forces, which now includes the promise to sell to Indonesia, the Apache Helicopters which we know will be used in West Papua."

Solomon Islands for West Papua chairman, Rexy Roses, held a speech highlighted that it is now time for dialogue and negotiations to end the violence in West Papua and to allow a peaceful referendum. This year will be a challenging one, and we will ensure that the cries of the indigenous Melanesian people of West Papua be heard in every corner of the Pacific and beyond. Rexy said "It is not difficult to imagine the impact that tens of thousands of Indonesian troops have on the daily lives of the West Papuan people. This new action by the Indonesian military raises the question: Why would Indonesia send so many troops to West Papua?"

Officials from the West Papua National Coalition for Liberation have submitted an application for the MelanesianSpearheadGroup membership on 30th of january. The officials had a one hour meeting with a delegation of the MelanesianSpearheadGroup. They were accompanied by former Prime Minister and advocate for West Papuan independence, Barak Sope and a Representative from the FLNKS of Kanaky/New Caledonia. The Vice Chairman of West Papua NAtional Coalition for Liberation Dr. John Ondawame thanked the Director General and Staff for making the submission possible. He stated that this is a historic occasion that also marks the beginning of the efforts this year to advance the cause. They hope this will encourage Indonesia to take necessary steps to resolve the issue.

In The Netherlands Working group Papua Solidarity Days held an meeting in Amersfoort, about the process of democracy in Indonesia and the position of Papuans in this process.
There is a variety of political parties, there are free elections and critical media. But not all benefit from these positive developments.
The Indonesian government disregards the rights of indigenous peoples. Distressing the situation with regard to land rights, The Indonesian state sees itself as the owner of the land unless written papers are owned (which are rare). The Government sets widespread land belonging to the natives available to large enterprises.
With the consequences residents are left without access to their own land and without any means of support, this way many people fall into poverty. The traditional cultures are destroyed, and the basic human rights are violated. Forests are cut down and replaced by a monoculture. While resources as copper, gold, nickel, gas and oil are exploited. The solidarity day was ended with singing the Papuan national anthem.

In London Benny Wenda announced his first official overseas Freedom Tour in Februari and March. Having successfully fought an Interpol Red Notice against him, he is free to travel again. Free to take the message of the West Papuan people around the world. He will visit political leaders, lawyers, activists and supporters in the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Vanuatu, the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea… to build support and awareness of the campaign for self-determination for the people of West Papua.

The Rising of People Power in West Papua
As international awareness and support grows Papuans stand up and show there expressions of self determination. With peaceful actions they recognize that the power of the people can now be stronger then the people in power. A trend seen across the world with movements like the the Spanish Indignados, the Arab Spring, Occupy movement and most recently the world wide indigenous movement IdleNoMore.

Well over 1000 people engaged in a colourful and vibrant demonstration calling for West Papuan independence in Manokwari,January 17, despite Indonesian police banning the march. Which was organised by activists from the former Federated Republic of West Papua. The Manokwari protest saw several groups of singers, dancers and drummers converged at the Sanggeng sports stadium when they started marching for a few hours. They were shadowed at all times by excessive police and military forces to secure the demonstration. The demonstrators felt that a scenario was being created to disrupt the peaceful demonstration and provoke violence. However field coordinators were able to ensure massa discipline. The Rally dispersed peacefully in the afternoon.
A day before Police arrested 7 Papuans in Mantembu, Yapen. The arrests came the day before the large demonstrations in Manokwari. The raid on the heavily targeted village of Mantembu was carried out in the early morning when they arrested the seven people for allegedly “supporting Papuan independence”. The following people where arrested: ..1. Yohan Ayum,..2… Lamkiur Ayum,..3.Penina Pangkurei,..4. Oki Warkawani,..5. Mambiwa Wandamani,..6. Simeon Ayum,..7. Isak Warkawani…. No information was received yet if those arrested were subjected to mistreatment during their arrest, however Mantembu has been long targeted with extreme brutality by the same local Indonesian security forces .
Later in Januari also the West Papua Melanesian Solidarity Women under the State of Doberay held on march in Manokwari In the celebration of the gospel entering Papua 158 years ago ..on the island of Mansinam.
Indonesian terrorism at the start of 2013
Nationally and internationally more calls for anti terrorism law in West Papua by Indonesian government are being made. While most Papuans consider the Indonesian military, police, security and special forces as terrorists. All the ingredients seem to create an confusing Image war in a clear situation of colonial occupation and suppression of the people of West Papua.

KNPB urges the rRegional Police Chief to Wipe Clean the ‘Wanted Persons’ list on a press conference in Jayapura January 6th. A spokesperson for the West Papua National Committee (KNPcool smiley has claimed that the detention of a number of KNPB activists and the addition of more KNPB members’ names to the Wanted Persons List has been done purely in the interests of the Papuan political elite. KNPB’s spokesperson Wid Medlama said during the press conference: “Papuan police are suppressing democracy in order to favour the Papuan political elite. It is in the elite’s interest that the people of Papua are being victimised. Many members of society and of KNPB have had their names added to the Wanted Persons List,”. KNPB are urging the Regional Police Chief to free a number of KNPB activists and remove their names from the Wanted Persons List.
Buchtar Tabuni released unexpectedly from Abepura prison after completing his sentence on January 19. Buchtar Tabuni is the Chairman of the pro-independence National Parliament of West Papua. He was sentenced to prison after the charge “for having allegedly inflicted damage on the Abepura prison in December 2011,” and “for exchanging harsh words with prison warders.”
We now show you a video of Jennifer Robinson on ABC news about peaceful Papuan activism, which gives you a clearer vision on the freedom activists now Indonesia images them as terrorist in order to apply Anti terrorism law on West Papua.

For the viewers who are interested to get a deeper view on the history and current situation of the freedom struggle of West Papua, we recommend to watch the new AlJazeera documentary People&Power - Goodbye Indo. You can find and watch this documentary on the website of AlJazeera:

If you have any news, images or video's about the struggle of West Papua please send this to Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken., This was TV Papua news of january 2013, we thank you for watching and hope join us again next time!
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Otto Ap & Serko Mico Mamoribo