The Indonesian military has identified a Papuan man, Wani Tabuni, as having acted as an informant for a rebel group that was responsible for the death of a soldier in Tingginambut, Papua, last week.

Military spokesman Rear Adm. Iskandar Sitompul said Wani helped the Papuan rebel movement GPK in a shootout at an Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI) base in Tingginambut that resulted in the death of First Private Wahyu Prabowo. Second Lt. Reza Gita Armena was also injured in the firefight.

“A civilian by the name of Wani Tabuni visited the TNI post in Tingginambut. Thirty minutes after he left, the post was under heavy fire. We sent reinforcements and we fought back,” Iskandar said on Tuesday.

“We’re still not sure of Wani’s role in the shootings but we believed he’s involved. We suspect that he was leaking information on the post’s weaknesses and soon after he left, the GPK launched an attack.”

Iskandar said Wani was suspected of acting as a double agent. The TNI was not suspicious of Wani’s visit because he was known to have a close relationship with the military.

“We’re tracking his whereabouts right now. After the shooting, he fled into the forest, making him hard to find,” he said.

Last week eight soldiers and four civilians were killed in two separate incidents in the mountains of Puncak Jaya district, known as a rebel stronghold.

“We tried to reduce the use of guns in the region to reduce tensions, but our good intention was misinterpreted and was taken advantage of,” Iskandar said.

The TNI and police are still investigating the attacks, but have yet to determine if they were related.

“We’re still chasing the separatist movement. The police have set up 11 teams of Mobile Brigade [Brimob] to investigate this. We will back them up,” Iskandar said.

Iskandar said there were three separatist movements in Papua, each consisting of 50 to 100 members and armed with 15 to 20 rifles and machetes.

“They could have gotten their guns from outside parties or taking other people’s weapons,” Iskandar said. “We will chase, hunt and arrest the killers. They will be put to justice.”