UN High Commisioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay speaking to the press during the Bali Democracy Forum (BDF) in Nusa Dua in November 2012. (AFP Photo/Sonny Tumbelaka)

UN High Commisioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay speaking to the press during the Bali Democracy Forum (BDF) in Nusa Dua in November 2012. (AFP Photo/Sonny Tumbelaka)

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, has expressed serious concerns over the crackdown on mass demonstrations across Papua since Tuesday, which reportedly includes arrests and the excessive use of force by police officers.


“These latest incidents are unfortunate examples of the ongoing suppression of freedom of expression and excessive use of force in Papua,” Pillay said in a statement obtained in Jakarta on Friday.

“I urge the government of Indonesia to allow peaceful protest and hold accountable those involved in abuses.”

The statement cited reports as indicating that on Tuesday police shot and killed two protesters in Sorong who were preparing to mark the 50th anniversary of Papua becoming a part of Indonesia. At least 20 protesters were arrested in the cities of Biak and Timika on Wednesday.

“After my official visit to Indonesia last November, I am disappointed to see violence and abuses continuing in Papua,” Pillay said.

She added that there was a need for coherent policies and actions to address the underlying concerns and grievances of the local population in Papua.

Since May 2012, she said her office has received 26 reports concerning alleged human rights violations in the restive region, including 45 killings and cases of torture involving 27 people. While many incidents relate to communal violence, serious allegations of human rights abuses by law enforcement officials persist, the statement said.

“International human rights law requires the government of Indonesia to conduct thorough, prompt and impartial investigations into the incidents of killings and torture and bring the perpetrators to justice,” the High Commissioner said.

“There has not been sufficient transparency in addressing serious human rights violations in Papua,” she said. “I urge Indonesia to allow international journalists into Papua and to facilitate visits by the Special Rapporteurs of the UN Human Rights Council.”

As of March 2013, at least 20 political prisoners remain in detention in Papua, including prominent activist Filep Karma who was sentenced to 15 years in prison for treason in May 2005 after leading a ceremony to raise the West Papuan Flag.

In 2011, the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention concluded that Karma’s detention was arbitrary and requested that the government take all necessary steps to release and compensate him in accordance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which Indonesia is party. So far, the government has not complied with the request.

“During my mission to Indonesia last November, I expressed concern over Papuan activists being imprisoned for the peaceful exercise of freedom of expression,” Pillay said, reiterating that dissent is not a crime.

“It is disappointing to see more people arrested for peacefully expressing their views and I call upon the government to release all prisoners in custody for crimes that relate to their freedom of expression.”

The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) and the National Commission on Violence Against Women (Komnas Perempuan) have consistently raised concerns regarding violence and freedom of expression in Papua and made concrete recommendations to the government.

“I encourage the government to implement the recommendations made by Komnas HAM and Komnas Perempuan,” the high commissioner said, emphasizing the vital role these national institutions play in the protection of human rights in Indonesia.

Pillay encouraged the government to continue supporting them as independent bodies and to strengthen their financial support.