The government of Indonesia has issued a statement strongly objecting to the opening of the so-called Free West Papua office in Oxford on April 28. The Indonesian government has
asked its UK counterpart to be consistent in its policy of not supporting any action related to the separatist movement in Papua and West Papua.

“Indonesia’s ambassador in London has relayed the government’s position on the matter to the UK government,” said Indonesia Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa in a press release sent to The Jakarta Post on Sunday.

The same disapproval has been sent to the British Embassy in Jakarta.

The government stated that the opening of the office was clearly contrary to the good mutual relations between Indonesia and the UK.

As such, the opening of the office was felt to be contradictory to the position taken by the British government, which has acknowledged the territorial integrity of Indonesia. The new office also opposed the international community’s view that firmly acknowledged the territorial integrity of Indonesia with West Papua included as an integral part, said the release.

“This development is a reflection of the desperation among separatists in dealing with that reality,” Marty said.

The office has been opened by the Free West Papua campaign, which is led by British-based Papuan exile Benny Wenda, as well as with the support of the International Parliamentarians for West Papua (IPWP).

The IPWP was launched in Britain's House of Commons on October 15, 2008, and is chaired by British politician Andrew Smith, a Labor Party legislator.

The office opening was attended by Andrew Smith, the Lord Mayor of Oxford Mohd Niaz Abbasi, former Oxford mayor Elise Benjamin and Benny Wenda.


The government has been so busy dealing with political parties nowadays and West Papua has been out of talks. It seems we will be missing another part of our land.

Robinson Elohansen

Your editorial is right in that some of the problems in West Papua are because of the exploitation of the natural resources with little or no benefit to the West Papuan people and Jakarta should be ashamed by the chronic poverty and lack of education available to West Papuans.

However, your editorial misses the point in stating “the solution to the nagging problem of Papua rests solely with policymakers here in Jakarta”.

It should actually rest with the Papuan people. In West Papuan history they have never had a real say in their own affairs.

The so-called act of free choice was a farce and the New York Agreement was between Indonesia and the Netherlands.

The problems in West Papua won’t be solved by another version of the autonomy package, which is simply a bid by Jakarta to stave off the Papuans’ aspirations for self-determination.

It rests in the empowerment of the Papuan people to decide their own future. It’s time for Jakarta to hold dialogue with representatives of the West Papuan people.

Joe Collins

The Indonesian government’s reaction to the opening of the OPM office in Oxford and the subsequent support it got from some political corners of British society is, as usual, a sign of the government’s double standards regarding issues of “separatism”.

The Indonesian government puts all its diplomatic forces at its disposal to support the Rohingya Muslims, accusing the Myanmar government of discrimination or the Israeli government of Palestinian oppression.

Maybe we should recall the Dutch Parliament’s reaction and their stance when Indonesia proclaimed and fought for its independence in 1945 to realize how that colonial mindset has gripped the Indonesian politicians of today.

If in their own country they can be intimidated, persecuted, tortured and killed for political beliefs it is no wonder they will seek a country that allows them to speak freely about their beliefs and political wishes.

Indonesia purposefully avoids labeling calls for an Islamic state an act of treason against the state because that would mean ending up putting millions of “Indonesians” on trial.

It is “safer” to put some GAM, OPM, RMS flag fliers in jail for decades than tackling the more obvious and numerously supported rot this country is experiencing.

The Indonesian government would do well to listen closely to its own citizens, especially those in remote areas with flags of their own, so to speak, where more and more are convinced of their status of secondary citizens when it comes to origins and religion.

Asher Tauran

If this office had opened in Jakarta, it would already have been raided by Kopassus or Brimob. The people in the office would have already been kicked and perhaps shot and the survivors would have been sent to jail for more torture and then condemned to 10 or 20 years in prison.

Dozens of West Papuans and an unknown number of Moluccans are currently serving jail sentences of many years for peacefully expressing their opinion.


Indonesia we should unite. These people don’t care about you! They are the same lords that sell opium. They and their spy friends are always lurking to split the country into two or three.

It’s time to ban British goods from Indonesia, time to bring our children home from the country.


I think the Free West Papua office in Oxford, UK, is a provocateur group who always try to provoke Papuans, so that Papua becomes an independent country. They are not realistic and do not understand the Unitary State of Indonesia.

Indeed, we recognize that there has been no significant progress in Papua as in provinces in Java, Bali or Sulawesi, but, the presence of this group will only add to Papuan
suffering in the future.

We support the Indonesian government protest and I hope the government will be more assertive to all provocative activities by foreigners.

F. Jesenanda Winartomo

Regardless the historical background on Papua, the government should have a reevaluation of what is happening.

It happens because of an imbalance between exploiting natural resources and insignificantly changes to the lives of the people of Papua.

Asep Mutaqin Abror

Tikustanah / Tue, 07/05/2013 - 13:05pm

Just wait for ANONYMOUS to blast NKRIs internet backbone or domains :)

Mario Rustan / Mon, 06/05/2013 - 22:05pm

Ten years ago a group of East Timorese students asked a group of Indonesian students - "Now that you've accepted East Timor's independence, would you accept the independence of West Papua?". Other Indonesians dared not to answer but I said that I couldn't since Indonesia consists of former Dutch East Indies territory and while East Timor was not, West Papua was. I regret my answer.

Many people accuse Western nations of inconsistency, hypocrisy, and greed in allowing voices debating the political status of a territory, not understanding that there is no single mind between a Western country's business, civil society, and government. If Oxford allows the WP office, then the British government has nothing to do with it and neither does, for example, BP.

Many Indonesians also still lamenting about the loss of East Timor. We never had it in first place. Suharto invaded it for TNI's pride, not for Citibank or Henry Kissinger. It was also not 'stolen' by Australia for profit - now the Dili government is more keen to do business with China and Indonesia as the money comes without the conditions of human rights, transparency, and fairness. Over the ten years I've met and talked with Timorese who've chosen either Timor Leste or Indonesia - they have different perspectives and reasons and I respect them.

The saddest thing about West Papua is if it becomes independent, then it will become a very corrupt and dangerous place like PNG. Freeport will still be there, but they will face tough competition from Chinese corporations - who again will do better in giving favors to the government. And to some degree it will depend to Indonesian aid and link.

Harry Cahyadi Hartanto / Mon, 06/05/2013 - 22:05pm

Jakarta Government must ask Papuans to open offices supporting its Unity with Indonesia instead of just bitching. Why don't ask Freddy Numberi to do such mobilization? This matter is more urgent than who will become president on 2014, Indonesia is about to lose Papua. Next, United Nations will deploy its troops to prevent human rights violation and to guard referendum. Haven't we learnt from East Timor?

Harry Cahyadi Hartanto / Mon, 06/05/2013 - 21:05pm

The movie 'Avatar' crossed my mind. The culprit is the company who exploit Papua, they want to be on their own.

Filippo / Mon, 06/05/2013 - 19:05pm

To Markus Hagenauer:
1. Indonesia is a great democracy
2. President SBY is not a general
3. There is no political prisoner in Indonesia
4. There is no problem in West Papua
5. West Papuans have freely expressed their will to join Indonesia in 1969 in a democratic referendum without military officers pointing their guns on the voters
6. The Kopassus troops sent to West Papua are friendly with their West Papuan brothers
7. The countless testimonies of violations against human rights in West Papua are fabricated by foreign countries who eye the rich province for their own interest
8. Kopassus do not use electricity nor razor blades nor cigarettes to torture people
9. Kopassus do not poison nor suffocate nor strangulate political opponents
10. BriMob, Kopassus, Kostrad and other army units deloyed in West Papua do not use lethal force against unarmed people
11. Journalists are free to visit West Papua and confirm all the above

alibaba / Mon, 06/05/2013 - 19:05pm

Brits are trolls.  They are doing the exact same thing /plot that the Aussies did when they took Timor from Indonesia. They claimed its human right? Nah human right don't pay bills! Its oil!

alibaba / Mon, 06/05/2013 - 19:05pm

Indonesia we should Unite! These white ghost don't care about you! They are the same dark lords that sells opium. Them and their CIA friends are always lurking to split country to two or three. Its time to ban british goods from indonesia. Time to bring our children home from their country!

alibaba / Mon, 06/05/2013 - 19:05pm

Brits are trolls.  They are doing the exact same thing /plot that the Aussies did when they took Timor from Indonesia. They claimed its human right? Nah human right don't pay bills! Its oil!

Markus Hagenauer / Mon, 06/05/2013 - 19:05pm

Indonesia does not allow Papuans to express their opineon in their own land, and now they want to do so in the UK too. And still they want to be called a democracy?

The rest of the world can´t be blinded forever. While the UK government officially supports Indonesian rule over Papua (as they want to make benefitical bussiness with Indonesia) dozens of MPs have already juined the International Parlamentarians for West Papua. And not only in Great Britain the people begin to reccognice whats going on in West Papua. Medias in Austalia, New Zealand, Vanuatu and other Melanesian countires report about the human rights abuses by the Indonesian military and police and even in Germany, the goverment was heavily criticised for selling tanks to the Indonesia, despite the warnings of various human rights organisations. Indonesia does not allow Papuans to express their opineon in their own land, and now they want to do so in the UK too. And still they want to be called a democracy?

The rest of the world can´t be blinded forever. While the UK government officially supports Indonesian rule over Papua (as they want to make benefitical bussiness with Indonesia) dozens of MPs have already juined the International Parlamentarians for West Papua. And not only in Great Britain the people begin to reccognice whats going on in West Papua. Medias in Austalia, New Zealand, Vanuatu and other Melanesian countires report about the human rights abuses by the Indonesian military and police and even in Germany, the goverment was heavily criticised for selling tanks to Indonesia, despite the warnings of various human rights organisations.

Filippo / Sun, 05/05/2013 - 17:05pm

If this office had opened in Jakarta, it would already have been raided by the Kopassus or the BriMob, the people in the office would have been already kicked and perhaps even shot, and the survivors would have been sent to jail for more torture and then condemned for 10 or 20 years in prison.

Tens of West Papuans and an unknown number of Moluccans are currently purging jail sentences of many years for peacefully expressing their opinion.