Petition by East Timor and Indonesia Action Network (ETAN)

When President Yudhoyono first took office, he promised that his administration would promote human rights and tolerance. Nine years later, the prospects for accountability for past rights violations have receded; religious intolerance has grown. Indonesia’s security forces have become increasingly abusive in West Papua. Police and soldiers who violate human rights are rarely held accountable. Serious human rights violations by members of the military are tried in military courts where soldiers, if convicted, receive light sentences.

This record makes him unworthy of an award from a foundation which supports religious tolerance and human rights.

Beste Sobat

de Consience Foundation wil de Indonesische president eren als staatsman van het jaar.
De Consience Foundation staat voor mensenrechten en zegt dat het werkt "voor rekening van de godsdienstvrijheid en mensenrechten in de hele wereld" en "bevordert vrede, verdraagzaamheid en etnische conflicten."

Dat is nu juist waar de Indonesische president niet voor staat.
Kortom deze award is onterecht toegekend en daarom deze petitie.
Bij voorbaat mijn dank als je hem wilt ondertekenen. Ga naar deze website voor de ondertekening van de petitie:
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Petitioning Rabbi Arthur Schneier
SBY is No Statesman - No award to Indonesia's President: Appeal to Conscience Fd should withdraw World Statesman Award

see more here:

A demonstration will take place on May 30 in NYC if the award is not withdrawn. Contact Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. for more.

Petisi kepada Rabbi Arthur Schneier

SBY bukan “World Statesman” (Negarawan Dunia) – Batalkan Penghargaan untuk Presiden Indonesia: Seruan kepada Appeal of Conscience Foundation untuk membatalkan penganugerahan World Statesman Award.

Petisi oleh: East Timor and Indonesia Action Network

Ketika Presiden Yudhoyon pertama kali menjabat, ia berjanji bahwa pemerintahannya akan memajukan hak-hak asasi manusia dan meningkatkan toleransi. Sembilan tahun kemudian, tidak ada pertanggungjawaban atas pelanggaran hak-hak asasi di masa lalu; intoleransi agama malah meningkat. Kekuatan bersenjata Indonesia menjadi semakin sewenang-wenang di Papua. Polisi dan tentara yang melakukan pelanggaran hak-hak asasi manusia jarang sekali harus mempertanggungjawabkan perbuatannya. Pelanggaran berat hak-hak asasi manusia yang dilakukan oleh anggota militer diadili di pengadilan militer dimana tentara pada umumnya mendapat hukuman yang sangat ringan.

Catatan ini membuat Presiden Yudhoyono tidak pantas mendapat anugerah dari sebuah organisasi yang mendukung toleransi agama dan penegakan hak-hak asasi manusia.

Lihat selengkapnya disini:

Sebuah aksi unjuk rasa (demonstrasi) akan diadakan pada tanggal 30 Mei di New York City jika pemberian penghargaan ini tidak dibatalkan. Lebih lanjut, silahkan kontak: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken..
Rabbi Arthur Schneier, President, Appeal to Conscience Foundation
John, ETAN
Appeal to Conscience Foundation should withdraw World Statesman Award

We, the undersigned urge the Appeal to Conscience Foundation to withdraw its World Statesman Award to Indonesia's President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. This award shocks our conscience.
On May 6 in Jakarta, a coalition of victims of religious discrimination and human rights groups in Indonesia urged the foundation to drop its plan to give the award. We support this call.

The foundation says that it works "on behalf of religious freedom and human rights throughout the world" and "promotes peace, tolerance and ethnic conflict resolution."
It is regrettable that the foundation is so ready to bestow such an award without first seriously examining the situation in the country to see if the recipient truly merits the award.

In Indonesia there is continuing religious violence, governmental inaction, and official impunity. Giving President Yudhoyono the World Statesman Award dishonors to both the foundation and mocks its recipient.

Under President Yudhoyono’s leadership, religious intolerance in Indonesia has escalated. Houses of worship have been attacked and the followers of religious minority faiths have faced discrimination, assault and worse. Police and public officials often refuse to stand up to the intolerant bullies. Sometimes they take the side of the attackers, using their office to spread bigotry and enforce discrimination.

President Yudhoyono has established an unprecedented discriminatory legal infrastructure in Indonesia. He has issued a discriminatory regulations, defended the blasphemy law at the Constitutional Court, and promulgated a decree threatening to five years in jail for anyone who “propagates” the Ahmadiyah teaching.

In recent years conflict and repression have escalated in West Papua, where its indigenous people face discrimination in their own land. At the end of April, there were at least 40 Papuan political prisoners.

Under President Yudhoyono leadership, impunity continues for past crimes against humanity and war crimes. Police and military often act with limited accountability throughout the archipelago.


Kepada Yth.

Rabbi Arthur Schneier, President, Appeal to Conscience Foundation

Seruan kepada Conscience Foundation untuk membatalkan penganugerahan World Statesman Award

Kami, yang bertandatangan di bawah ini menyerukan kepada Appeal to Conscience Foundation (selanjutnya A of C Foundation) untuk membatalkan pemberian penghargaan World Statesman Award kepada Presiden Indonesia President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Pemberian penghargaan ini mengguncangkan hati nurani (conscience) kami. Pada tanggal 6 Mei di Jakarta, sebuah koalisi korban-korban diskriminasi agama dan kelompok-kelompok hak-hak asasi manusia di Indonesia telah menyerukan kepada A of C Foundation untuk membatalkan rencananya memberikan penghargaan ini. Kami mendukung seruan mereka.

A of C Foundation menyebutkan bahwa ia berjuang “untuk kebebasan beragama dan hak-hak asasi manusia di seluruh dunia” dan “memajukan perdamaian, toleransi dan penyelesaian konflik etnik.”

Sangatlah disayangkan bahwa A of C Foundation telah terburu-buru memberikan penghargaan ini tanpa sebelumnya menyelidiki keadaan di dalam negeri Indonesia untuk melihat apakah penerimanya sungguh-sungguh layak untuk mendapatkan penghargaan.

Kekerasan atas nama agama terus berlanjut di Indonesia, pemerintahnya berdiam diri, dan impunitas menjadi kebijakan resmi. Memberikan World Statesman Award kepada Presiden Yudhoyono sama dengan merendahkan martabat A of C Foundation dan mengolok-olok penerima-penerima lainnya.

Di bawah kepemimpinan Presiden Yudhoyono, intolerasni agama di Indonesia meningkat dengan pesat. Rumah-rumah ibadah diserang dan para pengikut agama-agama minoritas menghadapi diskriminasi, penyerangan, dan banyak hal yang lebih buruk lagi. Polisi dan pejabat-pejabat publik seringkali tidak mau menghadapi pihak-pihak penyerang. Seringkali mereka justru memihak para penyerang, dan menggunakan jabatan-jabatan mereka untuk menyebarkan fanatisme dan melakukan diskriminasi.

Presiden Yudhoyono telah menciptakan infrastruktur hukum yang diskriminatif di Indonesia. Dia telah mengeluarkan berbagai aturan yang diskriminatif, mempertahankan UU tentang penodaan agama di Mahkamah Konstitusional, dan membuat peraturan yang memberikan hukuman selama lima tahun penjara kepada siapa saja yang menyebarkan ajaran Ahmadiyah.

Dalam beberapa tahun belakangan ini, konflik dan penindasan telah meningkat di Papua Barat, dimana penduduk aslinya menghadapi diskriminasi di tanah mereka sendiri. Pada akhir bulan April, setidaknya terdapat 40 orang tahanan politik di Papua.

Di bawah kepemimpinan Presiden Yudhoyono, impunitas terus berlanjut bagi kejahatan-kejahatan terhadap kemanusiaan di masa lalu. Polisi dan militer seringkali bertindak dengan tanpa tanggungjawab di seluruh negeri kepulauan ini.

Dengan segala hormat,
[Your name]



Made Supriatma CLIFTON, NJ 22 days ago    
Yes, he is NO Statesman. He laid of foundation for religious hatred in Indonesia. His policy on religious building, Ahmadiyah, blasphemy law, putting religion on ID card ... are 'infrastructure of hatred." I strongly urge the Appeal of Conscience Foundation to withdraw Yudhoyono from World Statesman Award. You will only embarrass yourself by giving this award to this very wrong person!
Larry Colero VANCOUVER, BC, CANADA 21 days ago    
SBY will no doubt use the World Statesman Award to deflect the criticism he deserves. The Appeal of Conscience Foundation will be an accomplice in SBY's ongoing efforts to fool the world into thinking he is a progressive and compassionate leader, while his actions prove the opposite.
Leo Tobing INDONESIA 7 days ago    
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Appeal of Conscience Foundation (ACF),
I am a Catholic Priest and professor of philosophy in Jakarta. In Indonesia we learnt that you are going to bestow this year's World Stateman Award to our President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono because of his merits regarding religious tolerance.
This is a shame, a shame for you. It discredits any claim you might make as an institution with moral intentions.
How can you take such a decision without asking concerned people in Indonesia? Hopefully you have not made this decission in response to prodding by people of our Government or of the entourage of the President.
Do you not know about the growing difficulties of Christians to get permits for opening places of prayer, about the growing number of forced closures of churches, about the growth of regulations tha make worshipping for minorities more difficult, thus about growing intolerance on the grassroot level? And particularly, have you never heard about the shameful and quite dangerous attitudes of hardline religious groups towards so called deviant teachings, meaning members of the Achmadiyah and the Shia communities, and the government of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono just doing nothing and saying nothing to protect them?
Hundreds of their people have under Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's presidentship been driven out of their houses, they still live miserably in places like sports halls, there have allready Achmadis and Shia people been killed (so that the question arises whether Indonesia will deteriorate to conditions like Pakistan dan Iran [favor of President G. W. Bush] where every months hundreds of Shia people are being killed because of religious motivations)?
Do you not know that President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono during his up to now 8 1/2 years in office has not a single time said something to the Indonesian people, that they should respect their minorities? That he has shamefully avoided responsibility regarding growing violence towards Achmadiyah and Shia people?
Again, whom did you ask for information before making you award choice? What could be your motivation to bestow upon this President a reward for religious tolerance who so obviously lacks any courage to do his duty protecting minorities?
I have to add that I am not a radical, not even a "human right extremist" (if such exist). I am just appaled about so much hypocrisy. You are playing in the hands of those - still few - radicals that want to purify Indonesia of all what they regard as heresies and heathen.
Franz Magnis-Suseno SJ
martin hardiono CIPUTAT, INDONESIA 11 days ago    
Intolerance have strongly increased during his time.
Dr Dezmond Christian INDONESIA 12 days ago    
I am totally against the award because it sends the wrong message out to the world in general about the actual reality that SBY has overseen in term of the ongoing persecution, often with state sponsorship of non Sunni Muslims. In that group the Ahmadiyah whom against he signed a Presidential Decree that has been subsequently used to justify attacks and even murder, in 2008 have been particularly targeted.
Already, even before the award his cronies are making a big political play of this as a success and proof that Indonesia is religiously tolerant.** This goes in the face of daily abuses, daily institutional oppression and perhaps worst of all when anything actually gets to a court the radical element always wins. As an example the murderers of the 3 Ahmadiyah were sentenced to 3 and 6 months jail. Others have not even been convicted despite glaring evidence, whilst other non Sunni has systematically been imprisoned or sometimes killed for expressing any sort of non mainstream opinion. There are thousands of such examples. The Presidents standard response is ‘he cannot interfere’
I can only assume you have done little research and have believed to hyperbole that surrounds this man. He is not only not worthy of the award, he will in the fullness of time be prosecuted for crimes against the nation, unless of course the caliphate state he seems to want becomes reality.
**On a final note, the Indonesian’s Ministry of Religion’s formal response to the growing religious violence is for everyone to convert to Sunni Islam; no that’s not a joke. If you bother to read just a few reports and articles you will I hope see the error in your judgment and tactfully withdraw the award.
For the sake of our nation
Dr D Christian, Atheist
(By the way declaring that fact might get me 5 years in jail or beaten to death as it has others)
Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. hanapril29 SINGAPORE, SINGAPORE 14 days ago    
Because our Country under this President SBY getting worse especially for human right and relegious harmoni.
Richard Jones ARMIDALE, NSW, AUSTRALIA 14 days ago    
I grew up in Papua and work in Timor-Leste. I am appalled to see the same human rights abuses that happened in Timor-Leste systematically occur in West Papua. SBY is no statesman!
sylvia tiwon BERKELEY, CA 15 days ago    
Flagrant violation of rights protected by the Indonesian constitution should not be rewarded. The culture of impunity persists in Indonesia despite the sacrifices of ordinary citizens to bring about change.
Dipo Djungdjungan Summa INDONESIA 15 days ago    
I am an Indonesian citizen and have seen first hand how religious tolerance in Indonesia deteriorating. SBY is responsible because he always avoids taking leadership and responsibilities to stop violence against religious minorities.
Robert Roth EUGENE, OR 21 days ago    
Our world is rife with not only violence and intolerance but hypocrisy. The proposed award under conditions as they now appear to be in Indonesia would constitute hypocrisy and encourage more intolerance and violence.
Jonthon Coulson ST. LOUIS, MO 21 days ago    
SBY has stood at the helm, recording his 4th album, "Kembali," as human rights abuses have increased in Papua, Sumatra, and even in his own backyard of Tanah Sunda. Giving him an award just for being the president seems ridiculous, and I see no other reason to do so. Might as well give it to the former leader of Burma...
Jen Drysdale NORTHCOTE, AUSTRALIA 21 days ago    
East Timorese people deserve justice not awards for perpetrators
Steve Hyde NGUNNAWAL, AUSTRALIA 21 days ago    
This man presides over a country whose military commits greivous human rights violations and routinely murders with impunity.
Maire Leadbeater AUCKLAND, MH 21 days ago    
Impunity for past human rights crimes leads to an endless cycle of violence
Reidy Rumayauw AUSTRALIA 22 days ago    
So that we as Papuan people need to be feel free in our own land, and have the right for justice also he really needs to concern our desire to to be Free...
James Connolly AUSTRALIA 22 days ago    
Indonesia needs to get out of West Papua, NOW!
Leanne Melling DARWIN, NJ 22 days ago    
I wish to highlight an area as only "one" example of human rights violations against West Papuans, genocide is occuring and has been for now 50 years, political prisioners and ongoing murder and torchure daily occurs. Please stop this injustice and shame of Indonesian people by shaming the Indonesian government and stripping any cover that tries to hide the very esculated violence against West Papuans by Mr Yudhoyono's TNI military. Strip Indonesias President Yudhoyono and government of the "World Statesman Award" this status is gravely misplaced.

Bayu Risanto OMAHA, NE 2 minutes ago 

SBY is deaf and blind to the cry of the minority (ahmadiyah, shi'ah, and traditional religions). He did not say anything when four ahmadiyah were killed cruelly a few years ago by the sunni moslems even though the video was uploaded on 

Asigor Sitanggang GERMANY 12 minutes ago 

Two churches lost their right to have a worship service although the Indonesian Ombudsman say they have the legal rights.The local governments banned them to go inside their churches. One church is already torn down. There are several Ahmadiyah's mosques turned down, locked, etc., bt the local governments and the radical groups. SBY does nothing. He just says: "I'am very concerned about this" but does nothing. 

Will van Beek LISSE, NETHERLANDS about 1 hour ago 

Please let Therme be harmonie and equal rights for all human being in this world with freedom of speech and religion.

Ander Rahadi YOGYAKARTA, INDONESIA about 1 hour ago    

ini penting supaya dunia tahu bahwa kepala negara kita adalah seorang pengecut yang acuh.

Elisabeth Soeprapto-Hastrich Soeprapto-Hastrich GERMANY about 1 hour ago    

As a Christian who has lived in Indonesia for many years I want it's leadership to adhere to the stat's motto "Bineka tunggal ika" (unity in diversity)

June Getraer GREENS FARMS, CT about 2 hours ago    

Religious intolerance is intolerable. It does nothing to repair the world which is the message of the Torah to the Jewish people.

Jacques Berkhout LEIDSCHENDAM, NETHERLANDS about 3 hours ago    

De omstandigheden waarin de Papoeas moeten leven.

Rob Nanere AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS about 3 hours ago    

Freedom, human rights and tolerance is needed in Indonesia

Rachmi Larasati MINNEAPOLIS, MN about 5 hours ago    

he does not deserve this award, and i am from an island where many children are displaced, because of violence that spark from religion differences and he does nothing.That is only a small example.

Susana Miranti GERMANY about 7 hours ago    

Because it breaks my heart to see my beloved Indonesia tolerate these atrocious conditions and president SBY must be made to realize what he is allowing to happen!

Tifatul Sembiring JAKARTA, INDONESIA about 8 hours ago    

SBY is Wolf in sheep's clothing and many faces.

Christine Denck BERLIN, GERMANY about 8 hours ago    

Save Papua!

Stefan Sukrisno NEW YORK CITY, NY about 8 hours ago    

Rather than promoting equality and harmony (religious, social, etc), he has allowed intolerance to dominate the political landscape of Indonesia. As an Indonesian, I really feel like he has not made any progress to alleviate the tension between both the majority and minority. Instead, he ignores these issues and treats them as if they were trivial. Also, efforts to eradicate corruption have grown weaker under his presidency. And while some areas around the country have seen tremendous growth, Indonesia still needs an influential and politically unyielding authority to bring the nation out of disarray and into the right path towards prosperity.

Dhias Tara Marsellius INDONESIA about 8 hours ago    

Tidak Pantas

Gwe Apelo INDONESIA about 9 hours ago    

Because he is not a statesman, not even a singer or composer although he already recorded 4 albums.

Gerard P. J. van Haeften NOORDWIJK AAN ZEE, NETHERLANDS about 9 hours ago    

The Indonesians steel the Papua-identity, the Timor-identity, the Moluku-identity. Let this stop!!

Brien Doyle AUSTRALIA about 9 hours ago    

The man is an insult to tolerance and human rights.

I have lived in Indonesia for 15 years.

Jacquelyn Reeves NEW ZEALAND, NEW ZEALAND about 10 hours ago    

We should be making people like President Yudhoyono known and accountable for their human rights violations;

marjan Ottenhoff VIELCANET, FRANCE about 10 hours ago    

Because I talk with the people in Indonesie.

Phaidra Johannis AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS about 11 hours ago    

SBY = Genocide etnocide = SBY

is there a reward for this..than Yes he should get one...

SBY serves only the elite..hungering for more resources to steal and land to occupy! (his elite are internationals)

priska murwati INDONESIA about 11 hours ago    

This is important because for the sake of justice

Pat Sijaranamual OPHEUSDEN, NETHERLANDS about 11 hours ago    

SBY is politically responsible for gross human rights violations

dany sanusi BANDUNG, INDONESIA about 11 hours ago    

Mustinya SBY malu dan tahu diri bahwa dirinya tak pernah sedikit pun membela kaum minoritas di Indonesia.

Gui Susan JAKARTA, INDONESIA about 11 hours ago    

Manusia bertarung memperebutkan kekuasaan atas nama agama dan bukan sebaliknya. agama apa pun tidak membenarkan pertarungan antar agama dan tidak akan pernah ada kecuali manusia yang begitu bodoh sehingga menafsirkan yang sebaliknya."

— Seno Gumira Ajidarma.

Sebeye mau dapat penghargaan semacam itu? Seharusnya dia malah malu dan menolak, it considering what he done for us. What he done for us? Nothing.

Robert Sulistyo INDONESIA about 11 hours ago    

ACF choose the wrong candidate, that's the truth.

Immanuel Ivan SIDOARJO, INDONESIA about 11 hours ago    

many conflicts in the name of religion since the reign of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. But until now there is still no resolution.

In fact cases of violence in the name religion is increasing until now..

John Falch JACKSONVILLE, FL about 11 hours ago    

Please withdraw this award. Minorities in INdonesia have never had it worse than the SBY government.

Jane Crouch RIPPONLEA, AUSTRALIA about 11 hours ago    

SBY continues to support repression in West Papua.

wiryawan utomo INDONESIA about 11 hours ago    

SBY has'nt doing anything to protect the persecuted minorities. He frequently avoids his responsibility to protect the religious minorities in Indonesia. SBY doing almost nothing to curb rising intolerance in Indonesia, but only talk.

koes hargianto INDONESIA about 12 hours ago    

Since 2004, many hardline islamic organization came out from nowhere. They tend to act aggresively on anything or anyone that they don't see fit, from churches, buddhist temples, statues, convenient stores, even on other muslim sect that is not Sunni. Some of them are even dare to speak hatred to other religion openly.

SBY even just stay silent and never act to neutralize this situation. He just sit tight and pretty in his nice office.

If he really recieved this award, this is a slap to the victim of intolerence.

Marissa Anastasia TANGERANG, INDONESIA about 12 hours ago    

a leader who can't differ between good or bad toward their country cannot be called as a leader.. moreover : president???.. doh~~ puh-leasee~~

Soebianto Hudyana INDONESIA about 12 hours ago    

I adhere to the main spirit of an Indonesian with love,tolerance and peaceful life.

htoohtoo han BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA about 12 hours ago    

human rights is the more my concern

Dr. Frank Feulner INDONESIA about 12 hours ago    

because of his silence on protecting human rights and the rights of citizens in Indonesia and his inaction to uphold the constitution.

Frances Widjaja AUSTRALIA about 12 hours ago    

Religious tolerance should be uphold in a country that boasts Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Unity and Diversity) and Pancasila as its motto and ideology.

Bayu Kristianto DAVIS, CA about 12 hours ago    

Yudoyono is NO stateman! Obviously, by being silent when religious intolerance happened, he does not deserve the award.

Ryan Dagur INDONESIA about 13 hours ago    

Yudhoyono doesn't deserve to receive this award. He is an intolerant leader

Charlotte Breinersdorf SOLO, INDONESIA about 13 hours ago    

Because in my opinion it is a joke SBY is even considered for this award. In the last few year attacs on religious minorities inside Indonesia have become rampant and all SBY did was just keeping quiet!

Silvanio Araujo BAUCAU, HONG KONG about 13 hours ago    

There is no justice during indonesian ocupation in Timor Leste and religious discrimination in indonesian, people in Papua still crying for justice???? how best is that???

Jakob Schmidt STONY BROOK, NY about 14 hours ago    

Because of the continued violation of human rights by the Indonesian military including ex-generals like Yudhoyono who now runs the country

Serafina Christovani SINGAPORE, SINGAPORE about 14 hours ago    

He just doesnt deserve. Pls refers to Magnis Suseno's letter. Thank you

Peter Wansor NEW YORK, NY about 14 hours ago    

Accountability matters

Dieuwke Nijhuis BODEGRAVEN, NETHERLANDS about 15 hours ago    

Mijn vader heeft mede gezorgd voor het instellen van de Nieuw Guinea Raad indertijd. Vreselijk om te weten dat de papua na overname het recht en de weg naar zelfstandigheid ontnomen is.

Machmud Dino Unmehopa THE NETHERLAND, NETHERLANDS about 15 hours ago    

I was born in Papua. The papuas are my peoples that's why?

Calvin Michel Sidjaya JAKARTA, INDONESIA about 15 hours ago    

he is not a statesman, he is ignoring the misery of minorities. please be ashamed!

naomi sahureka GRONINGEN, NETHERLANDS about 15 hours ago    

oppression and exploitation indigenous peoples; crimes against humanity; violates UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; corruption. Too much to mention

Otto Tatipikalawan NETHERLANDS, NETHERLANDS about 16 hours ago    

The successive presidents of the Republic of Indonesia continuously violated the human rights of Papuans and Moluccans. SBY is no different than its predecessors and deprives the Papuans their right to self-determination. SBY keeps the Moluccas occupied while the Moluccas lawfully proclaimed their independence on the 25th April 1950.

Sue Gunawardena-Vaughn WASHINGTON DC, INDONESIA 1 day ago    

Because I work with civil society activists and victims of religious persecution in Indonesia. President SBY has consistently demonstrated a lack of moral authority and leadership on these issues.

Martrisia Harikedua INDONESIA 1 day ago    

there are no justice for religious life in Indonesia

karla stamps WEST CHESTER, OH 1 day ago    

No one should have to live in terror for their lives or their families. All people deserve freedom!

Yvonne Van Eekelen DEN HAAG, NETHERLANDS 1 day ago    

For humanity to the population in East Timor and Indonesia

Yulia Sugandi THE NETHERLANDS, NETHERLANDS 1 day ago    

The impunity,the growing fear and culture of terror, political prisoners, extra juridical killings, and hardline paramilitary groups...all these against freedom of expression,self determination, ethnic and religious identity.Such high human costs for such humanist award!

Andreas Echternkamp GERMANY 1 day ago    

Our church has Relations to the Protestant church in Papua.

Ferusta Nova Adi Pratama INDONESIA 1 day ago    

he is not trully statesman. during his leadership, tolerance have decreased and violent strongly increased.

Roy Kuntjoro JAKARTA, INDONESIA 1 day ago    

What did he do when people were killed in the name of religion? NOTHING..

Antonius Martono INDONESIA 1 day ago    

Does a statesman keep his mouth shut when his fellow nation massacred (murders of Ahmadiyah in Cikeusik), banned to perform their religious activity (Yasmin Church in Bogor and Philadelphia Church in Bekasi), murders of Shi'a people in Madura? What he do only updating his status through twitter and sing love songs...

May God forgive our souls having incapable leader as he is...

Miriam Tonkin SOMERTON, AUSTRALIA 1 day ago    

I deplore what Indonesia is doing in West Papua and which President Yudhoyono has done nothing to stop.Nor has he brought to justice those who committed horrible crimes in East Timor during the Indonesian invasion of that country.

Amber Heath GOSPORT, UNITED KINGDOM 1 day ago    

the Indonesian government is poison

Aulia Rahmawati YOGYAKARTA, NORWAY 1 day ago    

I do not want there is more violence in the name of God or any religion, belief became "everlasting" until someone decided to change it!

Elinor Croxall LEIDEN, NETHERLANDS 2 days ago    

SBY continues to brutalise people in West Papua and elsewhere. He must be held accountable.

Marc de Reus AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS 2 days ago    

Heritage & Concern

Jenny S. M. van der Steeg-Venema OLST, OV, NEDERLAND, NETHERLANDS 2 days ago    

because of the violation of human rights in Papua

Clara Ribeiro LISBOA, PORTUGAL 2 days ago    

As a communist, I feel deeply shocked that Suharto's anti-communist purges were never officially recognized not even as crimes against humanity. It seems that fake western "democracies" find communist lives to be less worthy than the others.

martin hardiono CIPUTAT, INDONESIA 2 days ago    

Intolerance have strongly increased during his time.

Ruben Sinaga ELMHURST, NY 2 days ago    

Indonesia is more worst intolerant at this time. The Muslims radicals won't live side by side with others. They torture whoever practice other then they beliefs, and the government under this presidency did not do anything to protect minority. They let local authority to control federal, and this president won't do anything to protect the constitution.

Robin DeMaso STEVENSVILLE, MD 2 days ago    

Having read a lot about the plight of the West Papuan people and land, and the abuse and advantage taken of them by past and present administrations, I don't believe SBY deserves any accolades for his leadership.

sam xxx INDONESIA 2 days ago    

SBY doesn't deserve this okay..

sam xxx INDONESIA 2 days ago    

SBY doesn't deserve this! that's all..

Deandra Maria INDONESIA 2 days ago    

I wake up with the feeling of being scared. I hear news of old churches being burned and new churches not allowed to be built. I go to church with the constant fear that today, my church is the one targeted--closed, bombed, burned. Christmas is perpetually clouded with anxiety of a seemingly imminent violent attack. I experience day-to-day pressure of not being able to express my ideas that--while inoffensive in any way possible--are not aligned with Muslim beliefs.

I am a Christian.

I am a Christian, and i do not think my nation's current president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has managed to eliminate religious discrimination against minority groups. I am a Christian, and I believe there has been equal, if not more, religious discrimination during Yudhoyono's presidential term because he has not done anything against the violence done by radical religious groups, and silent by the president may as well mean consent.

I am a Christian, and awarding Yudhoyo with such an award would be invalidating my real life experience and devaluing my worth as a human being.

Perkumpulan Prodeelat ACEH, INDONESIA 2 days ago    

we attack all intolerant practices and the absences of state

Peter Meister ORANIENBURG, PHILIPPINES 2 days ago    

Because religious freedom is a basic human right which every "statesman" should respect, as simple as that!

Ronald Perry AUSTRALIA 2 days ago    

Support freedom for West Papuans

Jeffrey Hadler UC BERKELEY, CA 2 days ago    

Let there be rule of law and an upholding of constitutionally-guaranteed rights in Indonesia.

priskila sitorus SINGAPORE 2 days ago    

its just not fair

Silpa Kamenz GERMANY 2 days ago    

only SBY is No statesman for the world,

Robitul Umam INDONESIA 2 days ago    

SBY is Bed

Roslyn Dunlop SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA 3 days ago    

human rights issues very important to me, I am shocked that President Yudhoyono is being awarded a world statesman award, he is the representative of Indonesia who continues human rights abuses in West Papua. It will belittle this award if they go ahead

Robin Wieligmans LA VERNE, CA 3 days ago    

No freedom of religion and serious human rights violations.

Niken Puspita CENTRAL JAKARTA, INDONESIA 3 days ago    

He doesn't deserve it, lots of intolerance occurred in Indonesia and he let it happen....nothing he did though he has the authority to protect the minority.

Paulus Diartoko PACITAN, INDONESIA 3 days ago    

It's not proper to award person who tolerates the intolerance!

Kate Cammell FREMANTLE, AUSTRALIA 3 days ago    

He needs jail time, not awards!!!!!

Kay Boulden COOTHARABA, AUSTRALIA 3 days ago    

I volunteer in Timor Leste where the devastation of Indonesian occupation is still everywhere apparent. Very similar things are now occurring in West Papua with the same unconscionable wilful ignorance of the situation that the powerbrokers of the West showed from 1975 to 1999 when Timor Leste was laid waste. as they say in Timor-Leste - Chega! Enough!

Joanna Seczkowski TIMOR-LESTE 3 days ago    

If Indonesia must implement human rights for all

Nick Chesterfield MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA 3 days ago    

As an indicted war criminal, SBY should be recognised only for the immense suffering he is responsible for in West Papua.

Neil Eldred PLYMOUTH, UNITED KINGDOM 3 days ago    

Rewarding abuse and murder with international 'recognition' in an insult to humanity.

Sabine Lüdtke GERMANY 3 days ago    

justice and tolerance

Buddy Haryadi Sj JAKARTA, INDONESIA 3 days ago    

This petition is an evidence that a culture of violence is still exist and have been politicized to maintain government ship. People can not deny their own conscience that if the award should be given to the president it will hurt justice and violate the country's human rights.

Grant Morrison INGLEBURN, AUSTRALIA 3 days ago    

Some people put order before justice ...

Craig Hughes NEW YORK, NY 3 days ago

Allen Jasson TORQUAY, IL 3 days ago    

Indonesia's word for "tolerance" translates into perverse indulgence of all manner of disgusting devices from beatings through unspeakable torture to vicious murder in the name of "getting people to accept". This man's eyes immediately show him king of that heap.

elisabeth marcus BAARLE-NASSAU, NETHERLANDS 3 days ago    

tegen schending van mensenrechten waar ook ter wereld is ervoor opkomen belangrijk; wij weten dan, dat wij weten.

John Miller BROOKLYN, NY 3 days ago    


Mark Rhombeg LOS ANGELES, CA 3 days ago    

Awarding Yudhoyono for his abuses is a mockery of human rights.

Dominic Brown LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM 3 days ago    

Indonesian President should be on trial at the Hague, not collecting a Statesman award.

This is deeply shameful

Elly Margaretha INDONESIA 3 days ago    

Ketidakberanian presiden terhadap kasus2 intoleransi

Asy Magdalena Rustad TRONDHEIM, NORWAY 3 days ago    

No Statesman to SBY

Anastasia Putri ROCKVILLE, MD 3 days ago    

He was never brave enough to become the person who should receive this award instead.

Christian Djukic KöLN, GERMANY 3 days ago    

Support the Christians in Papua!

Dr Dezmond Christian INDONESIA 3 days ago    

I am totally against the award because it sends the wrong message out to the world in general about the actual reality that SBY has overseen in term of the ongoing persecution, often with state sponsorship of non Sunni Muslims. In that group the Ahmadiyah whom against he signed a Presidential Decree that has been subsequently used to justify attacks and even murder, in 2008 have been particularly targeted.

Already, even before the award his cronies are making a big political play of this as a success and proof that Indonesia is religiously tolerant.** This goes in the face of daily abuses, daily institutional oppression and perhaps worst of all when anything actually gets to a court the radical element always wins. As an example the murderers of the 3 Ahmadiyah were sentenced to 3 and 6 months jail. Others have not even been convicted despite glaring evidence, whilst other non Sunni has systematically been imprisoned or sometimes killed for expressing any sort of non mainstream opinion. There are thousands of such examples. The Presidents standard response is ‘he cannot interfere’

I can only assume you have done little research and have believed to hyperbole that surrounds this man. He is not only not worthy of the award, he will in the fullness of time be prosecuted for crimes against the nation, unless of course the caliphate state he seems to want becomes reality.

**On a final note, the Indonesian’s Ministry of Religion’s formal response to the growing religious violence is for everyone to convert to Sunni Islam; no that’s not a joke. If you bother to read just a few reports and articles you will I hope see the error in your judgment and tactfully withdraw the award.

For the sake of our nation

Dr D Christian, Atheist

(By the way declaring that fact might get me 5 years in jail or beaten to death as it has others)

Jodie Perdanakusuma INDONESIA 4 days ago    

The minority in Indonesia still live in fear of small group religious extreem who think that they are the absolute truth and so they think they have the right to eliminate others.

X Sayentika OSLO, NORWAY 4 days ago    

He does not deserve the title. Obvious decadency in nation's morals and system since he became a president. No award should be given for this.

Siegfried Zöllner SCHWELM, GERMANY 4 days ago    

As a president SBY never has protected religious minorities, on the contrary he tolerated that minority members were killed and their worship places destroyed

Cristina Szanton BRONX, NY 4 days ago    

Awards should be deserved and not become extensions of existing power...I followed the Timor story in the past and know how bad this can be...

toby prior OMAN, OMAN 4 days ago    

I used to work in indonesia, my wife is indonesian, our son is 50% indonesian. All the news from indonesia is depressing.

Lily Sugianto INDONESIA 4 days ago    

Because this is a fact!

Charity S. JAKARTA, INDONESIA 4 days ago    

SBY must know that being a religious party doesn't mean to take side on the majority religion

viktorius gilbertus INDONESIA 4 days ago    

memalukan kalau menerima nya xiixix

Rizael Pelamonia VAASSEN, NETHERLANDS 4 days ago    

Human rights

Tri Sumartanto INDONESIA 4 days ago    

Presiden lebih suka melakukan pembiaran terhadap kasus kasus yang menimpa kaum minoritas.

Wimurti Kusman CILEGON, INDONESIA 4 days ago    

Statesman? I don't think so.

Ing Tan DOETINCHEM, NETHERLANDS 4 days ago    

As a democratic choosen and sworn president of the Repubic of Indonesia SBY has the duty to respect the Pancasila, the five basic principles of the Republic of Indonesia. The first is belief in God Almighty, everybody has the right of freedom of belief. SBY has done nothing at all to stop violence against religious minorities.

Sri Palupi JAKARTA, INDONESIA 4 days ago    

President Yudhoyono is not world statesman. ACF conspired with Indonesian Government (SBY) to lie to the world?

Stacey Marshall NASSAU, BAHAMAS 5 days ago    

Because this is WRONG!!! We should live in peace and in love with our brothers and sisters of this world. Not trying to destroy them; its WRONG!!!

Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. hanapril29 SINGAPORE, SINGAPORE 5 days ago    

Because our Country under this President SBY getting worse especially for human right and relegious harmoni.

Richard Jones ARMIDALE, NSW, AUSTRALIA 5 days ago    

I grew up in Papua and work in Timor-Leste. I am appalled to see the same human rights abuses that happened in Timor-Leste systematically occur in West Papua. SBY is no statesman!

budi francies l.toruan INDONESIA 5 days ago    

SBY gagal mensejahterahkan Rakyatnya...

ade cihuy INDONESIA 5 days ago    

yeah change the president

Lynn Barclay NORTHAMPTON, MA 5 days ago    

Former colleagues of mine from West Papua have been subjected to human rights violations under this man. He does not deserve an award of any sort.

Roys Pinem GERMANY 5 days ago    


Jemmy Chayadi JAKARTA, INDONESIA 5 days ago    

SBY's TRUE LEGACY includes FPI, killing of Ahmadis and Shiahs, closing down churches, various unresolved community conflicts, all far from the real Indonesian value of peace and tolerance!

Angela Rianti JAKARTA, INDONESIA 5 days ago    

it is a matter of human rights that have been violated

Sj Pangaribuan CHICAGO, IL 5 days ago    

SBY getting this award will be an insult to the injury that the minority groups in Indonesia have been enduring during his administration.

Paulus Alfons Danar PALANGKA RAYA, INDONESIA 5 days ago    

it is ashamed.

Monica Maria Meifung INDONESIA 5 days ago    

SBY always avoids taking responsibilities to stop violence against religious minorities...

albert kin INDONESIA 5 days ago    

Sebagai warga negara indonesia yang baik, saya berpendapat; menolak sebuah penghargaan yang akan diberikan kepada Presiden SBy akhir bulan Mei ini. Sebab tidak sesuai dengan cita-cita mulia dan nilai-nilai luhur dari eksistensi organisasi yang konon INDEPENDENT itu. Jika penghargaan itu diberikan dan diterima Presiden Indonesia, justru semakin melukai sebagian hati rakyat Indonesia. Saya usul, cari penerima yang lain, dan yang layak . Terima kasih

Kris Lee LOS ANGELES, CA 5 days ago    

I will consider the stateman award is a big blunder in the century. Biggest Joke among humanity and struggled Christian in Indonesia.



Diana Sayed WASHINGTON, DC 5 days ago    

That religious freedoms and minority rights are protected equally as human rights for all citizens in Indonesia.

Bob Silalahi INDONESIA 5 days ago    

He DOESN'T deserve it.

Yogi Leksono SILVER SPRING, MD 5 days ago    

religious intolerance must be concerned. The awards should go to the right persons

Rafael Heryapriadi NEW YORK, NY 5 days ago    

President SBY is failes to protect the minority in Indonesia base on religion, i am chatolic and i am purauing political asylum in USA because of his inconsistence of protecting minority. I had to leave Indonesia because of my safety

Soraya Oktaviani BANGKOK, THAILAND 5 days ago    

SBY as the leader of the country is failing his people. Ahmadiyah, Christian (HKBP) and other minority group have been treated like a second class citizen. Violent intimidation to casualty of innocent people are being perform the majority group in Indonesia are not address seriously by SBY. And it will be an insult to the citizen of Indonesia (the minority citizen) if SBY receive this award. And as Indonesian, I'm ashamed.

cindy kristanto ROMEOVILLE, IL 5 days ago    

The government of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono just doing nothing and saying nothing to protect the minorities and promotes tolerance in Indonesia.

Adriana Welliken INDONESIA 5 days ago    

Discrimination level in this country still high!

Muhammad Ilham SERPONG, INDONESIA 5 days ago    

Karena dia sama sekali tidak mampu menjaga perbedaan yg ada di Indonesia

Siemon Goossensen NETHERLANDS, NETHERLANDS 5 days ago    

Human Rights

Budi Tjia INDONESIA 5 days ago    

Justice must be served

Franz Sinaga INDONESIA 5 days ago    

Because I think Mr Yudoyono cannot keep the shia moslem right

Aylanda Dwi Nugroho INDONESIA 5 days ago    

Persecutions to people of minority religions, horizontal conflicts in several regions, endemic corruptions by high-ranking government officers and legislative institution, crippling the corruption commision he formed etc -- the world should know

Magdalena Grreta INDONESIA 5 days ago    

No eligibility.....!!

Mozes Sugiarto INDONESIA 5 days ago    

Do you not know about the growing difficulties of Christians to get permits for opening places of prayer, about the growing number of forced closures of churches, about the growth of regulations tha make worshipping for minorities more difficult, thus about growing intolerance on the grassroot level?

Sukma Desy Indriati JAKARTA, INDONESIA 5 days ago    

Too many violence against minorities in Indonesia and SBY do nothing to help them.

Andrew Arifan SINGAPORE 5 days ago    

Indonesia is Bhineka Tunggal Ika, it means different races, different beliefs, different cultures, but all is equal, all is one, unfortunately, during SBY's leadership, he seems reluctant to step up to defend minorities. Number of criminal activities toward minorities has increased a lot!

Naomi Zurcher BROOKLYN, NY 5 days ago    

Given the growing number of human rights violations and abuse and the heightened level of religious intolerance, all under the regime of President Yudhoyono, it seems unconscionable that the Appeal of Conscience would honor such malevolence with the World Statesman Award.

It sullies your reputation and the reputation of all who have received the award previously.

Please, don't allow the giving of this award to pander to politics or outside pressure. Withdraw Yudhoyono's name as an award recipient.

veronika manurung SINGAPORE, SINGAPORE 5 days ago    

I am Indonesian. I know that signing this petition is the right thing to do.

theresia yunita BANDUNG, INDONESIA 5 days ago    

I wish World Statesman 2013 for SBY is only a JOKE!!

Yanu Aryani INDONESIA 5 days ago    

We still find intolerance (brutal and so unfair) here, especially to the minority religion people. President should be the leader for all the people in this country on the tolerance context, and we do not have one yet.

cornelius supriadi INDONESIA 5 days ago    

I regretted that the plan of giving the award is not carefully examined by the foundation.

Carolus Rudy Pinem INDONESIA 5 days ago    

Please stop him from losing his dignity.

Yetty Gerung INDONESIA 5 days ago    

he is not care to minoritas people in indonesia. so many fact that u can find here that he never say anything and never do anything to they whom always terrorizing to us

Andrew S SUNNYVALE, CA 5 days ago    

respect human life

oskar rydberg öREBRO, SWEDEN 5 days ago    

Be nice to people.

agustinus risanta INDONESIA 5 days ago    

because it's not the truth about the tolerance... because our country far away from our Unity in diversity anymore...because some groups based on name religion is still free to do their violence action to another...

Jenni Mahardhika INDONESIA 5 days ago    

I share people's opinion that Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is unworthy of receiving the award.

Tri Sularso INDONESIA 5 days ago    

To promote the truth

Marcel Darmanto JAKARTA TIMUR, INDONESIA 5 days ago    

He just stand there silently, doing nothing to reduce the discrimaniton!

Puplius Meinrad Buru WIEN, ÖSTERREICH, AUSTRIA 5 days ago    

SBY is no Statesman - and this organisation doesn't know what about the bad tolerance in Indonesien

vivo sukayamo INDONESIA 5 days ago    

because SBY stayed silent when he saw ahmadiyah were killed, christians are not allowed to pray.

Carolina Villegas HEREDIA, COSTA RICA 5 days ago    

Porque lo que duele allá, me duele aquí, porque somos un solo planeta, porque hay que crear conciencia, PORQUE EXISTE EL CAMBIO.

Angelina Tjandra SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA 5 days ago    

I want the world to see how much intolerance is still going on in Indonesia, especially to minority religious group outside muslim.

Bambang Wahyudi INDONESIA 5 days ago    

SBY does nothing to the religious intolerance and social chaos in Indonesia.

Gerard Martin Thema JAKARTA, INDONESIA 5 days ago    

SBY is not a good leader because there are no significant changes in cultural diversity in Indonesia

simon sitanggang PADANG, INDONESIA 5 days ago    

sungguh mengesankan bila itu sampai terjadi. intoleransi akan terus berkembang merusak integritas bangsa ini.

Joni Minggulius INDONESIA 5 days ago    

Mr. President, SBY is not yet to be A Statesman because there are something trouble in my country, Indonesia for his leadership is not good for human rights.

Samsi Darmawan INDONESIA 5 days ago    

Because SBY is Liar

Louis Wolf WASHINGTON, DC 5 days ago    

Human rights has not been the hallmark of policy in Indonesia, nor in U.S. bilateral relations with Indonesia. Such an award is a slap in the face of all Indonesians regardless of their religion or ethnic origin.

Antonius Wismoyo YOGYAKARTA, INDONESIA 6 days ago    

saya pikir presiden SBY belum pantas diberi gelar World Statesmen karena janjinya kepada rakyat Indonesia dlm hal penegakan HAM di Indonesia belum berjalan dg baik dan semestinya.

Yavor Dimitrov BULGARIA 6 days ago    

I have lived in Indonesia (and now live nearby) and I love the country (but not its rulers). I have many friends there followoing different religions...

jenna skinner AUSTRALIA 6 days ago    

I believe in human rights.

Allen Spehr COLUMBUS, OH 6 days ago    

Because when you see evil and say nothing... you are allowing evil to prosper!

Olyvianus Dadi Lado AUSTRALIA 6 days ago    

I believe in living in harmony tolerance with other people. I signed this petition in order to respect and appreciate the victims of human rights based religion and believes in Indonesia, who are still suffered from lack of freedom of pray and believes under SBY government.

sylvia tiwon BERKELEY, CA 6 days ago    

Flagrant violation of rights protected by the Indonesian constitution should not be rewarded. The culture of impunity persists in Indonesia despite the sacrifices of ordinary citizens to bring about change.

Philip RANDALL BEND, OR 6 days ago    

Because Indonesia has one of the worst human rights rates in the world !

Gandi R. Setyadi OSLO, NORWAY 6 days ago    

There is significant decline of religion tolerance and human rights in Indonesia during his time.

Paulus Pambudhi JAKARTA, INDONESIA 6 days ago    

SBY does nothing to protect religious minority groups in Indonesia!

Alfred Bautista LUNGSOD NG IMUS, PHILIPPINES 6 days ago    

The city where I live. it has a special space in my heart.

beatrix watofa TARAKAN, INDONESIA 6 days ago    

His whole attitude toward Papua is being implicated with this incident

Edwison Firmana JAKARTA, INDONESIA 6 days ago    

Bener mau menegakkan Pancasila, Pak?

Titi Atmojo JAKARTA, INDONESIA 6 days ago    

this person does not represent to that award!

Dipo Djungdjungan Summa INDONESIA 6 days ago    

I am an Indonesian citizen and have seen first hand how religious tolerance in Indonesia deteriorating. SBY is responsible because he always avoids taking leadership and responsibilities to stop violence against religious minorities.

Priandono Nurhadi JAKARTA SELATAN, INDONESIA 6 days ago    

Stop SBY self-image campaign!

Agustinus Giri YOGYAKARTA, INDONESIA 6 days ago    

for the better future

firman sebastian INDONESIA 6 days ago

Siktus Harson INDONESIA 6 days ago    

It's evil to grant the award to someone who has greatest social sins. I am a sinner too, but could have done something to prevent violence against minority group if i were a president

Arie Satya INDONESIA 6 days ago    

because SBY is lie to our country

Setyo Budiantoro BEKASI, INDONESIA 7 days ago    

Giving World Statesman Award to Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is a big mistake. In his position as the president of Indonesia, he just ignores many violence in the name of religious hatred. No meaningful action taken. If Appeal of Conscience Foundation giving the award, it will only cause of losing the credibility. It means the foundation justify the violence.

Oridek Ap DEN HAAG, NETHERLANDS 7 days ago    

Because of SBY's military background. He has blood on his hand.

Marianne BEYEN ROTTERDAM, NETHERLANDS 7 days ago    

I care for the lovely people of 

West Papua - I underestand them

Jeltje Marie Geertsma-Aldershof APPELSCHA, NETHERLANDS 7 days ago    

our whole world is in danger if all the rainforests are disapearing. our childern and grandchildern must have a future !

Veby Bone HANOI, VIET NAM about 1 hour ago    

International award should be given to the right person. In this case, I didn't see the SBY did the right and the important

Edmund McWilliams WHITE OAKS, NM about 3 hours ago   
We continue t

Anik Wusari JAKARTA, INDONESIA about 9 hours ago   
As I need peace in Indonesia and obviously our President Yudhoyono is not the person who is able to (even) keep it. He make diversity as something threatening rather than uniqueness of Indonesia. So he doesn't deserve to received the award.

Sorang Saragih INDONESIA about 9 hours ago   
he doesn't deserve it.

Ferdinandus Simatupang JAKARTA, INDONESIA about 14 hours ago   
SBY did not care about the suffering of minorites such as Ahmadiyah, Syiah and Christians. Many refugess of these minorities groups after Islamic militant burn down their villages, houses and temples. And SBY just dont care. So sad...

Turius Wenda JAYAPURA, INDONESIA about 14 hours ago   
SBY Not worthy to receive this award, because in many cases leadership SBY violent religious tolerance, freedom of expression, and human rights violations, but that SBY should be punished and prosecuted

Guno Tri Tjahjoko YOGYAKARTA, INDONESIA about 14 hours ago   
SBY is no Statesman

Ahnaf Mohammad YOGYAKARTA, INDONESIA about 15 hours ago   
SBY just does not derserve the award. His inaction style gives opportunity to widespread intolerance, radicalism and persecution of minorities. I have also been informed by various sources that SBY supports an intolerant Muslim group called Majelis Tafsir Al-Qur'an/MTA that operates in Java and spreads steadily outside Java. The group has caused many tensions in internal Muslim. And yet with the backing of government authorities this group got roads into bureaucracies. This President is more of a threat than a hero to religious freedom freedom.

Harold Green CULVER CITY, CA about 15 hours ago   
Why is thRabbi Arthur Schneier, President, Appeal of Conscience Foundation, you should know better!!! important to you? (Optional)

Setiawan Triatmojo FRANCE about 16 hours ago   
Pour la justice et la vérité.

Eddy Ojai INDONESIA about 16 hours ago   
Help us the people of West Papua (No Democracy at West Papua)

paulo ferreira LISBON, PORTUGAL about 16 hours ago   
Indonesia needs to assume their human rights violations.

Rudolph Beijen BERGEN OP ZOOM NB NEDERLAND, NETHERLANDS about 16 hours ago   
because every person on this planet have to be free to choose which religion with respect for the other !!

andreas lie INDONESIA about 17 hours ago   
bosan dengan pencitraan sby yg sdh keterlaluan. sangat berasa negeri ini tanpa pemerintah, tanpa presiden. apapun boleh terjadi atas nama massa (bukan agama) dan sby diam seribu bahasa. hmm memalukan dan hipokrat. rakyat makin miskin dg kebimbangan naik/tdknya harga bbm, para importir memainkan harga bawang dan daging.

Mary Larkin SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA about 19 hours ago   
How can Indonesia move forward when there is no accountability for human rights abuses and murder of activists like Munir. SBY is no statesman unless this is done.

Heni Lani INDONESIA 1 day ago   
Karena jika SBY mendapatkan penghargaan ini, maka itu sama artinya dengan saya memberikan kesempatan kepada SBY untuk mencuci tangannya dari tanggungjawab terhadap penegakan demokrasi dan hak asasi manusia yang buruk di Papua, di masa kepemimpinan SBY.

Lok Ken Jason Lee SINGAPORE, SINGAPORE 1 day ago   
I do not think President Yudhoyono tenure reflects favourably on his support of religious tolerance and human rights. By awarding this award to him, it gives a very different and inconsistent message to the world regarding a World Statesman, and what it means to fight for justice and religious tolerance. Please reconsider.

hery papua INDONESIA 1 day ago   
Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

should not be given any award

he is a murderer

he should be in court with international law

he killed our people of Papua .....

sby should be put to death

do nothing to support the president of Indonesia

he's a great villain

hery papua INDONESIA 1 day ago   
Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

should not be given any award

he is a murderer

he should be in court with international law

he killed our people of Papua .....

sby should be put to death

Yanga lest mendukun president indeonesia

he's a great villain

hery papua INDONESIA 1 day ago   
Indonesian President ...... murderers and criminals
should not be given any grace
he should be put to death

David Price AUSTRALIA 1 day ago   
Ive worked in Timor Leste & seen the ravaging of human life & civil society

Arief Adityawan Sosroyudho JAKARTA, INDONESIA 1 day ago   
SBY tidak bersikap tegas hadapi kasus kekerasan atas nama agama. SBY tak penuhi janji ungkap pembunuhan MUNIR, sbgmana janjinya "test of our history".

Ahmed Essayed DAKHLA, WESTERN SAHARA 1 day ago   
Supporting rights of people all around the world...

Euan Thomas MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA 1 day ago   
Because the dead of East Timorese deserve justice.

Michelle Hughey GISBORNE, NEW ZEALAND 1 day ago   
I support a free West Papua and there should be justice for East Timor.

Annie Pohlman BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA 1 day ago   
SBY's time in office can only be described as disappointing. Such great hopes, so little action. So much back-stepping on human rights' issues.

Dewi Ratnawulan JOGJAKARTA, INDONESIA 1 day ago   
He is the president of Indonesia and he has to be responsible hold accountable for human rights violations in Indonesia, including past human rights violations. And he is failed.

Rosemary McKay ADELAIDE, AUSTRALIA 1 day ago   
I consider that he is not worthy of the Award. Just look at the human rights atrocities being committed in West Papua under his regime. As far as I am concerned he should be tried in the International Criminal Court for genocide and human rights violations against East Timor AND West Papua.

Gregorius Nicholas Suharsono JAKARTA, INDONESIA 1 day ago   
Because it's the truth. Indonesia has become one of the most intolerant country in the world, yet it masked it's face behind the veil of hypocrisy. And the worst part is, the government did nothing to prevent all of these intolerant, campaign of hatred. Some government officials even endorses such behaviour and the president remained silent because he is a coward.

Johanis Harold Werinussa ASSEN, NETHERLANDS 1 day ago   
Because that is true and truly

Kay McPadden BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA 1 day ago   
I have been involved in the stories of Timor Leste and West Papua and the brutality of the injustices connected to the candidate's nation makes him an invalid candidate for the Foundation's honour.

Jessica Anderson COVINGTON, LA 1 day ago

Joan Penzenstadler PORTLAND, OR 1 day ago   
Awards should mean true merit; if they don't, people start doubting them and become cynics about all awards.

Yani Gayatri INDONESIA 1 day ago   
I believe he does not stand for the minority. On the contrary, he backs up foreign interest to gain personal and his group's interest. Humiliating.

Jim Smith AUSTRALIA 1 day ago   
Indonesias control in Bali, Timor and New Guinea

Aroha Pene WELLINGTON, NEW ZEALAND 1 day ago   
Every human being has a right to live free and happy and enjoy life

I signed this petion because some one cannot warded for his own wrong doings

Erin Riddell BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA 1 day ago   
"Since the Indonesian military occupation in the 1960's it is estimated that over 100,000 West Papuans have been killed. It's time for Australians to stand up for our West Papuan neighbours and defend human rights"

Colin Pearson AUSTRALIA 1 day ago   
I know the atrositicies that were done in Timor Leste and that are going on in West Papua and for this reason this award should not go ahead.,

Paul Barbara LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM 1 day ago   
The world should be forcing Yudhoyono to honour Human Rights treaties, and to allow West Papuans a free Referendum on their status, not giving him a hideously innapropriate award.

Another highly innapropriate award planned is the 'Intrepid Sea, Air, and Space Museum' in New York City, which is planning to give Henry Kissinger an award on May 23rd for "defending freedom and democracy."

Bit like the 'Peace' award granted to Obama.

Helen Tuckey NEDLANDS, AUSTRALIA 1 day ago   
This is important to me as I have heard first-hand accounts of the atrocities in West Papua right now.

carole durnan-silva NARRANDERA, AUSTRALIA 1 day ago   
So the people can have the freedoms all mankind should be entitled to

Peter Woods BITTERN, AUSTRALIA 1 day ago   
President Yudhoyono has done nothing in his term to stop repression of freedom of expression and assembly in West Papua and stop the killing of West Papuans by ever increasing numbers of security forces there.

phyllis ferguson OXFORD, UNITED KINGDOM 1 day ago   
How can it possibly be that this man, who had command responsibility for genocide and crimes against humanity in Timor-Leste is proposed for such an award? Since becoming President, he has continued with impunity to permit human rights violations in Indonesia. He is not a peace maker, nor tolerant of the varied religious beliefs of his citizenry and certainly, he is no advocate of human rights. He must not be given such an award: it would be a travesty.

Dr Phyllis Ferguson

Jerry Sahertian CHINO, CA 1 day ago   
He's not the right person to be given an award. He is a skilled politician but evil

Agustine Affandi WELLINGTON 6022, NEW ZEALAND 1 day ago   
The President of the Republic of Indonesia must be reminded for the accountability measures that should have had been taken for past rights violations that occured on civilians throughout the provinces of the Aceh up to the 2005), Maluku ( up to the 2007) and the West Papua that is happening till today. Thus the appointment for the President Yudhoyono for the Wolrd Stateman Award must be cancelled. Signed, Agustine

William Owens AUSTRALIA 1 day ago   
Indonesia, if wishing to be considered a civilised nation must start acting like one. West Papua stands as a blight on the soul of Indonesia

Bernard McClafferty AUSTRALIA 1 day ago   
SBY is the leader of the worlds largest radical muslim nation and his Military rule with an iron fist. SBY is a murderer at best!!!!

Faddean Mack YILAN, TAIWAN 2 days ago   
Freedom to West Papua

John Moore SALT SPRING ISLAND, CANADA 2 days ago   
I lived in W Papua for 8 years. SBY continues to sanction extreme repression of the indigenous people there.

Nico Turubassa BREUKELEN, NETHERLANDS 2 days ago   
Because Indonesia is a colonial power that we Moluccans and West-Papuans must get rid of.

Dave Owens NEW PLYMOUTH, NEW ZEALAND 2 days ago   
The Indonesian government's exploitation of Papua new Guinea is deplorable. It is unbelieveable that Yudhoyono be celebrated for statesmenship.

Simone Kloetstra GRONINGEN, NETHERLANDS 2 days ago   
It is important to raise your voice against the violence of the rights of human being!

Indonesian 'leaders' are hypocrites!

Airmanis Akihary GRONINGEN, NETHERLANDS 2 days ago   
Indonesia must stop the occupation of the MOLUCCAS & WEST-PAPUA!!!!

ALAN GORG WAILUKU, HI 2 days ago   
West Papua is totalitarian domination. Also the government is the only nation on Earth that has blocked and sends back our mailed educational videos favoring peace and human rights:

Frans deWeers SAN ANTONIO, TX 2 days ago   
Papoea's need support in their goal to independence, not more need to be killed and surpressed by Indonesia

James P Taisie GERMANY 2 days ago   
West Papua is NOT Indonesia, Melanesia is NOT Indonesia, West Papuans are NOT dogs or Monkeys, they are human beings and should be given Independence on their Lands that are rightly theirs since the beginning of time.

Down with Indonesian Regime and the U.S government that hasn't said anything about the plight of the West Papuan people.

Masao Suzuki SAN JOSE, CA 2 days ago   
Awards should be given to grass roots activists that are really working for social change, not Presidents who promise one thing but do another while in office.

Brahim Essyfar LAS BALAMS, SPAIN 2 days ago   
Viva sahara libre 100x100

Yuliana Meno WAUKEGAN, IL 2 days ago   
Because ther is no reality!

Robert Assenberg HEERENVEEN, NETHERLANDS 2 days ago   
Because he violates human rights and therefore he should be punished and not given an award.

Philippe Borsa NEW CALEDONIA 2 days ago   
This general has pledged that under his presidency human rights would be upheld, but i seems that this was pure talk to satisfy those who abroad are eager to engage into business with Indonesia. This petition is important to me because human rights are, and they are because as a human I feel concerned by the fate of my fellows in Indonesia and West Papua.

Haji Muhammad Saeed Arian Saeed LAHORE, PAKISTAN 2 days ago   
Urgent action please

Wira Hedijanto INDONESIA 2 days ago   
Condition in the Indonesian society just gets worse and the government is not aware of this.

Benny Kalakoe LIMA, PERU 2 days ago   
Because SBY is no no statesman!

Ignasius Maros GERMANY 2 days ago   
SBY is No Statesman!

John Takadalafa AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND 2 days ago   
Violation of Human Right in West Papua.

Marian Harding HAILSHAM, UNITED KINGDOM 2 days ago   
Indigenous West Papuans have been so badly treated

chris pearman PETERBOROUGH, UNITED KINGDOM 2 days ago   
I have lived in the country for over three years. I am opposed to the rife corruption and human rights violations that occur under SPY's leadership.

Margherita Tracanelli AUSTRALIA 2 days ago   
Pres. Yudhoyono has broken his promise to promote human rights and tolerance, the people of West Papua, need relief from the continuing assaults on them and their rights, they require compassion, love and kindness, and these are not traits the President has been able to display, until he can, he is not a Statesman, and should not receive awards of any kind at this stage, when he displays those traits, then I welcome all awards.

Andrew Sabatier LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM 2 days ago   
Suppression and genocide of the West Papuan people

will tambunan DJAKARTA, INDONESIA 2 days ago   
SBY is No statesman..minority can 't live in peace here...Indonesian Government is NATO. No Action Talk Only

David Manetiva HONIARA, SOLOMON ISLANDS 2 days ago   
Give Freedom to West Papua

Judith Kellogg AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND 2 days ago   
The world is fed up with leader contrived wars. The lying cheating leaders pretending to be working for us. Help us stop this NOW. Do not create a mockery by giving out phoney rewards to phoney people.

I thank you.

romy van der pool GASSELTERNIJVEEN, NETHERLANDS 2 days ago   
Human rights are for everybody! Especialy states man have to follow these rules when this is not going spontaniusly by heart, others have to response and react tostop people when they are doing no right to others!

Grace El Dora INDONESIA 2 days ago   
I agree to this issue.

Jose Caetano Guterres DILI, TIMOR-LESTE 2 days ago   
I deserve for justice struggle for human rights i want to say NO award for SBY

Kumudasundari lotus TANGERANG, INDONESIA 2 days ago   
It's important because i live here. It's the least that i could do.

Terry Brown HAMILTON, ONTARIO, CANADA 3 days ago   
Indonesia has behaved disgracefully in West Papua. The human rights abuses are massive. The President does not deserve this award.

Mujijauw Ignatius GOROKA, PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3 days ago   
He does not deserve this award. Because, he did not act where his mouth was. He is not dealing with Heart on West Papua issue as was one of his election campaign rhetoric rthaer than promise,,he is and has been dealing it with barrel of gun instead

George Wagatora SUVA, FIJI 3 days ago   
It is a shame to give the award to a person who doesn't deserve it.

Thomas Turner MANASSAS PARK, VA 3 days ago   
Individual citizens need to speak up; this is not a government-to-government question.

Isaac Harp KAMUELA, HI 3 days ago   
Indonesia's leadership continues terrorizing and murdering West Papuans. These actions deserve punishment not an award.

Rudy Daniels TILBURG, NETHERLANDS 3 days ago   
freedom is a holy matter.

Andrew Capel LLANIDLOES, UNITED KINGDOM 3 days ago   
Its important to hold people to account

Lisa Vives WEST NEW YORK, NJ 3 days ago   
Indonesia has suffered many years from brutal dictators. It's time for it to stop and for foundations to take responsibility for who they're dealing with. This award is a disgrace and a shame.

lies Kraaijenbrink MOERKAPELLE, NETHERLANDS 3 days ago   
All people has the same rights!

lau coloma SHEFFIELD, UNITED KINGDOM 3 days ago   
The persecution of people should be of priority to everyone, shouldn't it?

Lindsey Andrews LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM 3 days ago   
Because I have a particular interest in seeing justice for the people of Timor-Leste and the Balibo Five.

Laela Tambawang JAYAPURA, INDONESIA 3 days ago   
respect each other specially for religion is the most important for me to make peace

rompas stef ZWOLLE, OV, THE NETHERLANDS, NETHERLANDS 3 days ago   
Because I was raised in West- Papua.

I want Papua to be free and anatomic. And they shouldn't be dicrimated, in there own country. It is ridicilous that they are treated this way. I Always will be proud of the country I came from, always.

I just wish the world was a peaceful place.

Methodius Kusumahadi YOGYAKARTA, INDONESIA 3 days ago   
i love Indonesia and I always want to be sincere no lies

Robert C Hof ALMERE, NETHERLANDS 3 days ago   
Political leaders are supposed to upheld human rights.It is a shame that President Yudhoyono does not do that, so he is not a world statesman

Pingkan Warouw JAKARTA, INDONESIA 3 days ago   
he is so double-standard in what he says and dos

50 years of suffering of West Papuan people is too much.UN must organise a genuine referendum in West Papua as soon as possible so Papuans can democratically choose their own future.This is the only solution to the whole problem.Time for colonialism is over.West Papua must be given its freedom without any bloodshed.

Samson Viulu JAPAN about 2 hours ago   
Right to Freedom and existence is a universally recognized human fundamental enshrined in the UN charter. Existence of West Papuans should never be endangered by Indonesian military oppression

Christine Locke PHOENIX, AZ about 2 hours ago   
This is not my definition of a statesman.

dyah soemarno INDONESIA about 4 hours ago   
thats award is a big lie

Zulmira Fonseca AUSTRALIA about 4 hours ago   
Stop human right abuse

Maria Barreto LISBOA, PORTUGAL about 6 hours ago   
Free West Papua.

Wenda Toers Bijns DEN HAAG, NETHERLANDS about 7 hours ago   
The president does not honour human rights

Faisal Zulkarnain Parinduri JAKARTA, INDONESIA about 8 hours ago   
SBY DEFINITELY is No Statesman!!!

alves fonataba JAKARTA, INDONESIA about 11 hours ago   

Simon Petrus Sapioper DEN HAAG, NETHERLANDS about 13 hours ago   
I can say again that: the National Government of the Republic of West Papua in exile opposes the Indonesian occupation the indigenous people of West Papua.

Frans Huiskes ( Rumah-Rumah kecil ) DEN HELDER, NETHERLANDS about 13 hours ago   
Freedom starts with looking to the past and learn from it. Don't do to others what you don't like yourself.

Erik Van der Berg SURHUISTERVEEN, NETHERLANDS about 14 hours ago   
Free West Papua, Papua merdeka!

Joop Pompe POPPEL BELGIUM, BELGIUM about 14 hours ago   
Altough i was born in Djokjakarta 14 June 1939.
Ind. I was also in Neth.New Guinea from 1957until 1959 and I love the people of West Papua.

max de roy v.z. SPAIN about 15 hours ago   
the human of west papua have rights te live in freedom .and NO discrimenation in thier own country.

tamati kaihe WELLINGTON, NEW ZEALAND about 15 hours ago   
west papua people are been murdered and the whole world can see. Indonesia and all that support them need to get out and its obvious why!!!

Willem V. Sopacua 9744 BW GRONINGEN, NETHERLANDS about 15 hours ago   
This former general is the leader of one of the last neocolonial powers in the world.

Pieter van Merriënboer DEN HAAG, NETHERLANDS about 16 hours ago   
Omdat het treurig is dat na 51 jaar de papoea nog steeds wordt onderdrukt door de Indonesische bezetter.

Ranny Herklots THE HAGUE, NETHERLANDS about 16 hours ago   
I was born there and love the Papua-people. They deserve a far more better life!!

Dr Vacy Vlazna AUSTRALIA, AUSTRALIA about 16 hours ago   
Yudhoyono was trained in the School of the Americas and then served in East Timor when tens of thousands of Timorese died.

L. Oosterhoff APELDOORN, NETHERLANDS about 18 hours ago   
Because I still feel a very very sorry for the Papua people,when they were "given" to the Indonesien repressors.

Clair Numberi ALMERE, NETHERLANDS about 18 hours ago   
I am Papuan.

Max Ireeuw DELFT, NETHERLANDS about 1 hour ago   
..a leader of a hypocrisy regime is NOT a STATESMAN...

Stan McLaren INDONESIA about 2 hours ago   
Violence, intolerance and persecution has increased during SBY's corrupt regime and he should be held accountable. 3 Sunday school teachers got 3 years for "proselytizing" Muslim kids and murderers of Ahmadiyah got months. Which crime was worse?

Michel Franssen LANDGRAAF, NETHERLANDS about 2 hours ago   
Because Papua people are not free.

Ruud Jonker VENHUIZEN, NETHERLANDS about 3 hours ago   
The intolerance human tights and blood on his hands!!!

Cornelis van Noord DEN HELDER, NETHERLANDS about 3 hours ago   
Heb zelf in NNG geweest tijden 1962

Bruno Kahn FRANCE about 4 hours ago   
I wish people in all Indonesian islands to enjoy tolerance and freedom.

Jomeryo Amaral DILI DISTRICT, TIMOR-LESTE, GUAM about 6 hours ago   
Because his objective not become realty

enrico hariyanto INDONESIA 32 minutes ago   
Principles of humanity!

Oridek Kadaun JAYAPURA - WEST PAPUA, INDONESIA about 4 hours ago
Because he is not world statesman

william j gilson NYC, NY about 4 hours ago
When we no longer hold Human Rights as sacred- we have lost our humanity.

diane briggs AUSTRALIA about 5 hours ago
Because Indonesia has for too long abused Human Rights adn the Australian Government has out of fear and 'diplomacy' turned a blind eye - Einstein said - itis not those who do evil we ahve to fear but those who witness it and do nothing -

Ernst Kaya WAALWIJK, NETHERLANDS about 6 hours ago
It must be the most world Hatest man

ea adoracion hassler VIENNA, AUSTRIA about 6 hours ago
because persecution towards Christians and their communities in Indonesia has gone 100% worse for the last 10 yr or so

Robert Roth EUGENE, OR about 6 hours ago
Our world is rife with not only violence and intolerance but hypocrisy. The proposed award under conditions as they now appear to be in Indonesia would constitute hypocrisy and encourage more intolerance and violence.

Glen Anderson LACEY, WA about 7 hours ago
I call upon you to RESPECT HUMAN RIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!!

zethniel wetipo JAYAPURA, INDONESIA about 8 hours ago   
To know anything happen arround me

Josi Katoppo DOVER, NH about 9 hours ago
Under SBY there is no freedom of religion. He is violating the 1945 Constitution which guarantees this right .

SBY definitely is not a statesman!

Greg Blacker AUSTRALIA about 11 hours ago
Papua deserves it's proper human rights like ALL countries.

JoseJ Gongora TAMPA, FL about 11 hours ago
The world needs to take action of war crimes and genocide in West Papua by Indonesia and press for a referedum on selfdetermination for the Papuan people.

Larry Colero VANCOUVER, BC, CANADA about 13 hours ago   
SBY will no doubt use the World Statesman Award to deflect the criticism he deserves. The Appeal of Conscience Foundation will be an accomplice in SBY's ongoing efforts to fool the world into thinking he is a progressive and compassionate leader, while his actions prove the opposite.

Billy Foppiano SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA about 13 hours ago   
Indonesia has amnesia.

Leon Trumpp SEDALIA, MO about 13 hours ago
Freedom suppressed is freedom denied !

Fajar Djati CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA about 14 hours ago
Religious tolerance is appalling during his regime. West-Papua conflict resolution through military measures represents a gross violation to/ freedom to speak, gather and exist.

Rights of indigenous peoples are constantly being trampled by gove

Connor Hughes ARCOS, SPAIN about 14 hours ago   
SBY and his cronies have in fact increased intolerance and allowed religious violence to continue unabated.

Lorraine Cote BRIGHTON, CANADA about 14 hours ago
We need love, peace to build a better world for all to enjoy. Life is precious. Please show leadership...

kez grima LAUNCESTON, AUSTRALIA about 15 hours ago
take a look at what your troops governments did in timor leste and now papua,, you are exploiting there land and resources,, and killing innocent melanesian people,,

gregory ennis AUSTRALIA about 15 hours ago
people should have basic rights respected and have free will

Alif aka Carl Georg INDONESIA about 15 hours ago
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has called for the nation not to ignore the voice of minorities in what he insisted was a multicultural democracy.

He called on all Indonesians to accept differences, including fundamental ones in religion, race and ethnicity.

“The views and aspirations of the (Muslims) majority indeed have to be accepted....

Well, that in itself is a recipe for intolerance and persecution.

West Papua LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM about 15 hours ago   
It is important to arrest him, because he is a international criminal war against West Papuan

tracey love INDONESIA about 15 hours ago
The slaughter has to stop !

Barbara Liotscos MEAFORD, CANADA about 15 hours ago
I am appalled by the continuing Indonesian dictatorship's military brutality of the West Papuan people and environment. How can you possibly honour someone who commits crimes against humanity and the environment on such a scale?

Luuk Kroes VEGHEL, NETHERLANDS about 15 hours ago   

Bart Vuijk OAKVILLE, CANADA about 15 hours ago   
I care for Indonesia, and I think religious freedom is basic human right.

Jonthon Coulson ST. LOUIS, MO about 16 hours ago
SBY has stood at the helm, recording his 4th album, "Kembali," as human rights abuses have increased in Papua, Sumatra, and even in his own backyard of Tanah Sunda. Giving him an award just for being the president seems ridiculous, and I see no other reason to do so. Might as well give it to the former leader of Burma...

Johan Mac Mootry LEERSUM, NETHERLANDS about 16 hours ago
The Papua Nation have the birthright to be free and to make their own decisions

Alex Casale LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM about 17 hours ago
Free West Papua NOW!

Jen Drysdale NORTHCOTE, AUSTRALIA about 17 hours ago   
East Timorese people deserve justice not awards for perpetrators

Monika Soeters WIJHE, NETHERLANDS about 18 hours ago
Indonesia does not belong in West Papua

Steve Hyde NGUNNAWAL, AUSTRALIA about 18 hours ago
This man presides over a country whose military commits greivous human rights violations and routinely murders with impunity.

Bas van Gijzen WIJHE, NETHERLANDS about 18 hours ago 
everybody needs its freedom, no matter who you are.

Jan Oudman ASSEN, NETHERLANDS about 18 hours ago
freedom of speech and religion

Yoab Syatfle INDONESIA about 19 hours ago
President SBY is Muslim so he never protect others in Indonesia so I reject hit to accept Award

G.G. Halvax BRIELLE, NETHERLANDS about 19 hours ago
intolerable violation of fundamental human rights

Sophia v. Herwaarden NIEUWEGEIN, NETHERLANDS about 19 hours ago
I used to live in Papua, most of my friends there died already

Jim Edwards AYLESBURY, UNITED KINGDOM about 20 hours ago   
Indonesia's record of human rights abuse is truly shocking. The people in power need to called to account - not applauded

hwa jioe tjiu SURABAYA, INDONESIA about 20 hours ago
Because of no freedom in religion during his 2004-2013 reign

Maire Leadbeater AUCKLAND, MH about 20 hours ago
Impunity for past human rights crimes leads to an endless cycle of violence

Gerard Schoeman BURLINGTON, CANADA about 20 hours ago
Indonesia does not belong in West Papua

Arie Krijgsman DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS about 20 hours ago
mooi land en fijne bevolking

Gerard Casius KAMPEN, NETHERLANDS about 20 hours ago
I am not religious myself, but do believe in absolute religious freedom.

Yanti Margerita BEKASI, INDONESIA about 21 hours ago

Ria Schrijn TEXEL, NETHERLANDS 6 minutes ago   
West-Papua must be free from Indonisian military, police and secret services. West-Papua Merdekka !

Walter Schrijn TEXEL, NETHERLANDS 9 minutes ago   
The poor Papua's must be feel free and live in peace. Indonesian military and sercet services have to leave now West-Papua !

charley Noangels AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS 14 minutes ago   
I used too live ther as a child,it's my motherland....

Fijnard Pellicaan METEREN, NETHERLANDS 32 minutes ago
Ben in Papoea geweest van 1960 tot 1962 een heel mooi land een bounty eiland , wij de Nederlandse regering heeft de Papoea vrijheid belooft ,maar niet haar woord gehouden dus hebben ze nog steeds een belofte

Ik ben in december 2011 terug geweest maar zoals velen hadden gezegd had ik het beter niet kunnen doen de schrik was heel groot wat een vies eiland was het geworden een echt Indonesisch eiland was het geworden maar de Papoea,s waren nog net zo lief

In 1962 toen Nederland onder druk van Amerika het eiland aan Soekarno moest geven ,hadden ze beter het eilan kunnen houden en Nederland aan Soekarno kunnen geven

Gerard Thijssen DOETINCHEM, NETHERLANDS 35 minutes ago   
President SBY did not make true what he promised and he really does not earn such a award

Ernst Katoppo JAKARTA, INDONESIA about 1 hour ago   
It will be a big mistake for you and your organization's reputation is at stake. Apparently you never read the Indonesian newspapers or the newsbroadcast of out TV stations. Persecution of minorities and blatant violations of Human Rights...this must be a joke or else your organization does not have a conscience at all. Go ahead give that person your PRECIOUS will be the laughing stock of the world.

Denis Voight BIEN HOA, VIET NAM about 1 hour ago   
Because we are neighbours and I wish Inodenias people well

erkenning van de mensenrechten al over de wereld dus ook daar in Indinesie

Klaas Schoof AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS about 1 hour ago   
Because of the dreadfull situation of the papuas in West Papua, West Papua belongs to them but the Indonesian gouvernment treats them like dogs

Ismyr Katoppo DOVER, NH about 2 hours ago   
He has done nothing to protect religious minorities to practice their beliefs. If anything he has created an anarchist environment for radicals to do as they pleased to close down, burn down other house of worships that are the minorities in Indonesia. He is by far the worst President in Indonesia's history when it comes to protecting the freedom of religion.

fatimah zahrah SOUTH JAKARTA, INDONESIA about 2 hours ago
Because there are so many victims of religious violence in Indonesia

Margaret Mahony AUSTRALIA about 2 hours ago   
I'd like to see Indonesia become a truly tolerant and diverse multi-cultural nation, and allow people their democratic right to self-determination as is their obligation under UN charters they have signed up to.

Annette Culley HEATHMONT, AUSTRALIA about 3 hours ago   
Since Yudhoyono has become President no progress has been made to alleviate the parlous condition of the West Papuan original inhabitants. No one is ever held responsible for extra-judicial killings, rape and torture. The photo of a relatively young mother, shot in the abdomen and treated with what amounts to a large band aid covering her wound from which she died has shocked me beyond belief.

Esther Anderson MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA about 3 hours ago   
Pres SBY has ignored human rights abuses committed against the West Papuan people and people of Maluku

Sulthon fathoni INDONESIA about 4 hours ago   
in SBY era, many conflicts between religions happen

Andrew (Andy) Alcock FORESTVILLE, AUSTRALIA about 4 hours ago   
This is important to me as I have followed the history of Indonesia since the CIA helped the mass murderer General Suharto to ovethrow President Sukarno in 1965. This unleashed a year of carnage in Indonesia during which up to 3 million Indonesians perished. The Indonesian military (TNI) had already occupied West Papua and the genocide began then. It continues today without any intervention from President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. West Papua has lost hundreds of thousands of people at the hands of the TNI while the US and Indonesia profits from its resources.

I have also been involved in East Timor solidarity since 1975 before the TNI illegal invasion of that country. After nearly 25 years, a third of the population had been wiped out, massive human rights violations occurred and over 80% of the nation's infrastructure was destroyed.

Acheh has also suffered immensely at the hands of the TNI as have the people in Maluku (the Moluccan Islands).

The TNI is the largest terrorist organisation in our region and not one war criminal in its ranks has ever been brought to justice. Not only has Yudhoyono done nothing to bring justice to the victims of the TNI, neither have the US, Australian and other western governments who have profited from Indonesia.

Indonesia cannot claim to be a democracy until it takes the power of the very corrupt and brutal TNI is taken away and its victims receive justice and compensation.

J C Pramudia Natal INDONESIA about 4 hours ago   

2. Cek Laporan kekerasan terhadap umat beragama baik oleh Yayasan Paramadina atau

Aderito Santos AUSTRIA about 4 hours ago
I am East Timorese....We have been through vicious prosecutions under Indonesian military rule. I seems nothing has changed since. The last I thing I want is our Indonesians brothers/sisters specially in West Papua, undergo same trauma as we did. It seems the history did not teach us anything and It is repeating again in West Papua!..

Fitri H Harjadi INDONESIA about 5 hours ago   
He may get those award if he could s

Tarci Ximenes DILI, TIMOR-LESTE about 5 hours ago   
I am against religiouse intolerance and human right violation

Malik Diazin JAKARTA TIMUR, INDONESIA about 5 hours ago
A crime committed in the name of religion is the

greatest crime against religion.

Aba Pereira BAGUIO CITY, PHILIPPINES about 5 hours ago   
He doesnt deserve the award.

Azevedo Marcal DILI about 5 hours ago   
I am against religious intolerance and human rights violations

Joe Collins AUSTRALIA about 5 hours ago   
Concern about abuses of human rights in West Papua and the archipelago

katrina firth AUSTRALIA about 5 hours ago   
The people of West Papua deserve to have their land in peace. They deserve to live without fear and to hold their flag with pride. Free West Papua!!

Julie Nava CLINTON TWP, MI about 6 hours ago   
SBY hasn't has solid record yet on preventing violence caused by religion intolerance. Giving an award for something that hasn't been done, and was given by an organization that dedicate itself to promote religious freedom, is totally strange.

Swandaru Geni INDONESIA about 6 hours ago   
SBY does not really care about freedom of believe.

Don Mooney WEST MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA about 6 hours ago   
Indonesia has yet to show it is genuinely serious about protecting & policing human rights, and it has no right to invade Eat Timor or West Papua.

William Pierik INDONESIA about 6 hours ago   
As honest ;people we encounter many problems in Indonesia. Like treating people not the same. Corruption. Bad education. Too much government (non) involvement in religious issues. Treatings foreign businesses different comparing to local business.

eric loea HONIARA, SOLOMON ISLANDS about 7 hours ago   
i want west Papua to free from Indonesia

Diane Beeny WESTFIELD, NJ about 7 hours ago   
To present such an award to someone who violates so many human rights principles is an absolute abomination.

Ristiana Manao INDONESIA about 7 hours ago   
i see just how he does not do anything in regards to religious intolerance.

Andrew Johnson AUSTRALIA about 8 hours ago   
Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't SBY the chief of staff during 6 months of preparations for the scorched earth campaign in East Timor in 1999, Minister for political & security affairs during a brutal crackdown in Aceh, and currently maintaining effective impunity for torture and other repression in Papua while restricting access by journalists and NGOs. Look beyond his smile and you'll see no statesman.

Joyce Baron UPPER CABOOLTURE, AUSTRALIA about 8 hours ago   
He don't do nothing about the humans right.

helen livermore SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA about 8 hours ago   

Alex Flor BERLIN, GERMANY about 8 hours ago   
I don't like to watch Indonesia becoming a second Pakistan

Richard Becking NOORDWIJKERHOUT, NETHERLANDS about 8 hours ago   
West-Papua Merdeka!

Piet Zevenbergen THE HAGUE, NETHERLANDS about 9 hours ago   
Because there is no religious freedom in Indonesia. They even take young Christian Papuan's to Jakarta to force them to become Muslims.

Dick van der Maal NETHERLANDS about 9 hours ago   
As a New Guinea veteran

Jimmy Kuntoro APPLETON, WI about 9 hours ago   
He is no statesman.

Dita Anggraeni NEW YORK, NY about 9 hours ago   
Because of during his time human rights tolerance has been significantly decreasing. He doesn't deserve the award. Period

Ating Molina ROTTERDAM, NETHERLANDS about 10 hours ago   
Because SBY does not uphold human rights and tolerance towards minorities.

Chris P. van der Klauw SINT-OEDENRODE, NETHERLANDS about 10 hours ago
SBY has done nothing regarding improving the human right situation in Papua. He has done nothing to withdraw the TNI from Papua. He has done nothing to seriously punish the army for raping, torturering and killing Papuans.

Lynette Mason TUCSON, AZ about 11 hours ago   
All human rights violations are important to me. This president does not deserve recognition.

Arnie Saiki HONOLULU, HI about 12 hours ago
Giving a "World Statesman" award to President Susilo Yudhoyono, denigrates the value of the award, and will cast a palor of disgrace on previous recipients like Nicolas Sarkozy, Angela Merkel, Stephen Harper and Lee Myong-Bak. On the other hand, maybe what it means to be a world statesman, is to perpetuate land and resource grabs, harsh austerity measures, militarization and genocide.

henda hendoud TUNIS, TUNISIA about 12 hours ago   
freedom and dignity for west papua

Douglas Raybeck AMHERST, MA about 13 hours ago   
Between corruption, exploutation of the environment, and terror in PNG, if an award is warranted, it is for the violation of human rights.

Karolina Rogers BIRMINGHAM, UNITED KINGDOM about 13 hours ago   
To solve Human rights issues in Papua and The right to religious freedom (Issues of some churches in Bekasi, Bogor and Ahmadiyah Mosque in Bekasi)

Anicetus Windarto INDONESIA about 13 hours ago   
he is "cemen" or scared, NO Statesman

pam sloane OLD GREENWICH, CT about 13 hours ago   
Why dishonor a beautiful award by awarding it to an abuser of its intent? Human rights need protection, not mockery.

Zuhdy Febriyanto PEKANBARU, UNITED STATES about 14 hours ago   
Karena Dia tak pernah melakukan apa yang ia terima!!

edwin McCready LOS ANGELES, CA about 15 hours ago   
How could you even consider this man? Next thing you will give it to Pol Pot posthumously!

Ayu Rahmawati NEW YORK, NY about 15 hours ago   
Human rights violations keep taking place throughout the archipelago, from Aceh to West Papua. Attacks against minorities has increased during Yudhoyono's leadership. His administration has done nothing to stop ongoing atrocities or to acknowledge past crimes against humanity. His Coordinating Minister of Political, Legal, and Security Affairs even justified the killings of a million of alleged Communists in 1965-66. SBY is clearly NO statesman.

Rabbi, I wonder what kind of "conscience" you refer to in giving this man such an award.

Pedro Pinto Leite LEIDEN, NETHERLANDS about 15 hours ago   
This is another step in our struggle against impunity. Free West Papua!

Alberto Ruiz BADAJOZ, SPAIN about 17 hours ago   
Freedom for West Papua and West Sahara ocupated lands. Hasta cuando tanta represión, donde está la ONU y los Derechos Humanos.

Reidy Rumayauw AUSTRALIA about 17 hours ago  
So that we as Papuan people need to be feel free in our own land, and have the right for justice also he really needs to concern our desire to to be Free...

James Connolly AUSTRALIA about 17 hours ago
Indonesia needs to get out of West Papua, NOW!

Leanne Melling DARWIN, NJ about 17 hours ago
I wish to highlight an area as only "one" example of human rights violations against West Papuans, genocide is occuring and has been for now 50 years, political prisioners and ongoing murder and torchure daily occurs. Please stop this injustice and shame of Indonesian people by shaming the Indonesian government and stripping any cover that tries to hide the very esculated violence against West Papuans by Mr Yudhoyono's TNI military. Strip Indonesias President Yudhoyono and government of the "World Statesman Award" this status is gravely misplaced.

Made Supriatma CLIFTON, NJ about 17 hours ago

Yes, he is NO Statesman. He laid of foundation for religious hatred in Indonesia. His policy on religious building, Ahmadiyah, blasphemy law, putting religion on ID card ... are 'infrastructure of hatred." I strongly urge the Appeal of Conscience Foundation to withdraw Yudhoyono from World Statesman Award. You will only embarrass yourself by giving this award to this very wrong person!

John Miller BROOKLYN, NY about 18 hours ago

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