A underground tunnel has collapsed burying alive 32 workers at a site operated by PT Freeport Indonesia in Mimika, Papua, an official has said.

“The landslide occurred when the tunnel’s roof in the QMS Underground area of Big Gossan suddenly collapsed at around 7:45 a.m. local time on Tuesday,” National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) chief Sutopo Purwo Nugroho said in Jakarta on Tuesday as quoted by Antara news agency.

The collapse occurred near the entrance of Mil.74 of the Big Gossan underground tunnel, he added.

“Five victims have been evacuated but their condition remains unknown,” Sutopo said.

Papua Police spokesman Sr. Comr.I Gede Sumertha Jaya identified one miner evacuated by Freeport’s emergency response group (ERG) as Ahmad Rusli.

“The victim was evacuated at 2:05 p.m. local time. He is safe and has been taken to Tembagapura Hospital,” Sumertha said in Jayapura on Tuesday.

Freeport Indonesia corporate communications vice president Daisy Primyanti said that the ERG and safety rescue team was currently working to rescue the trapped men.

“Right now, we cannot yet confirm the number of victims who are still trapped or those who suffered injuries or died. The evacuation process may take time due to difficulties the teams are facing,” Daisy said in a press statement made available to The Jakarta Post on Tuesday.