Bijgaand het antwoord op onze open brief aan Min. Timmermans inzake de rellen op 1 mei in Papua.
Met hartelijke groet en een fijn Pinksterweekend.

Answer Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs in response of the open letter from Foundation Pro Papua  about the ‘crackdown’ of the May 1 demonstrations in West Papua.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Asia & Oceania Department
Postbox 20061
2500 EB The Hague
The Netherlands
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To: Foundation Pro Papua
Mr Koen de Jager
Rembrandthage 326
3437 PA Nieuwegein

Our ref. MINBUZA-2013.163994

Date 15 May 2013
Concerning Indonesia – Papua

Dear Mr de Jager,

Thank you for your letter of 3 May to Minister Timmermans. Your letter has been
handed over to the Asia & Oceania Department for further attendance.

In your letter you kindly request the Dutch government to call the Indonesian
authorities to guarantee the freedom of speech, the prosecution of those
responsible and permission for the UN Human Rights Special Rapporteurs to visit
the area.

The Dutch government is aware of the events that have transpired in Papua.
The situation in Papua will remain high on the agenda in the on-going dialogues
between the Indonesian government and The Netherlands.

With kind regards,
Mrs Martine van Hoogstraten
Head of South Asia & Oceania Division