Nieuwsbrief Free West-Papua Campaign June 2013


A lot has happened since the last newsletter. Two major demonstrations in West Papua took place and were brutally attacked by the Indonesian police resulting in the deaths of three people and arrests of many others. We also received ongoing reports of further massacres in the highlands. The opening of the Free West Papua office in the UK sparked diplomatic tensions between Indonesia and the UK and Benny Wenda and Jennifer Robinson spoke in front of 2,500 people in the Sydney Opera House.

Biak Massacre rally in London on 6th July

Announcing a large rally outside the Indonesian Embassy in London. Date: Saturday 6th July 2013 Time: Midday till 7pm 6th July will mark exactly 15 years to the day since the Biak Massacre, when over 200 innocent Papuan men, women…

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Courage is Contagious – Jennifer Robinson & Benny Wenda at TEDx Sydney

West Papuan independence leader Benny Wenda joined his legal advisor Jennifer Robinson on stage at the Sydney Opera House during her TEDx speech. Jennifer Robinson spoke passionately about Benny's tireless campaign for independence for West Papua. Watch this inspiring talk…

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Peaceful demonstration attacked by police – KNPB Chairman arrested

Earlier today a peaceful demonstration in Jayapura to commemorate the four people who were killed at the 1st May rally was attacked by police and four members of the West Papua National Committee (KNPB), including its chairman Victor Yeimo were arrested...

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Papuans mourn 50 years of Indonesian occupation

To mark 50 years since the UN abandoned West Papua and Indonesia took over, large demonstrations took place across West Papua. The demonstrations were met with extreme violence by the Indonesian police who shot dead three people and many more beaten and arrested...

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