The new film THE ACT OF KILLING is exposing the staggering reality of mass murder in Indonesia’ in 1965-66. It is giving the victims and all of us the chance take action now to support their call for Indonesia’s President to Say Sorry for 1965/66.

In 1965/66, up to a million Indonesians were massacred by the military, paramilitary and civilian mobs. Hundreds of thousands more were injured, disappeared, raped and imprisoned without trial. The United States and the United Kingdom welcomed and secretly supported the killings.

Many of the mass murderers are still alive today and have never been held to account for these crimes against humanity – on the contrary, the killers are celebrated as heroes. For fifty years the victims have been asking for justice and for the government to Say Sorry for ‘65, but Indonesia denies these crimes even happened.

Say Sorry for '65 is a campaign initiated by TAPOL and supported by the East Timor and Indonesia Action Network (ETAN).

More info here:
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