By Radio New Zealand International
Jul 31, 2013, 15:31

The Free West Papua Campaign is to open a new office in the Netherlands.

Earlier this year the Campaign, which is fronted by exiled West Papuan Independence leader Benny Wenda, opened an office in the British city of Oxford.

Indonesia’s Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa voiced disappointment that the British government was unwilling to take steps against the office.

The Campaign’s Oridek Ap says the new office in the Hague will be opened on August 15th, the 51st anniversary of the New York Agreement between the Netherlands and Indonesia under which control of the former Dutch New Guinea was ceded.

“It is our task to inform the youth in the Netherlands about their own history, about our history, the West Papuan story, by opening an office so that people will know that there is an office where we can get more information about the situation in West Papua and about why the people in West Papua are struggling for freedom.”



Oridek Ap of the Free West Papua Campaign



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