Nethy Dharma Somba, The Jakarta Post, Jayapura | Archipelago | Mon, August 26 2013, 5:50 PM



The Papua General Elections Commission (KPUD) confirmed that 662 legislative candidates will contest 56 seats at the Papua Legislative Council (DPRD) in the elections slated for April 9, 2014.


The legislative candidates represent 12 political parties and include almost all the current DPRD members. They will run for 56 seats, up from 45 seats in 2009 due to an increase in population.


KPUD Papua chief Adam Arisoy told journalists in Jayapura on Monday that the commission was still deciding on the candidates that would run in regencies and municipalities across the province.


KPUD Papua has 2.9 million registered-eligible voters. According to the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), Papua’s population is 3.14 million people as of the middle of 2012.


“In the 2014 election, there also will be 7 electoral districts, up from 6 in the 2009 election,” said Arisoy.


He added that the election would run as scheduled despite that fact that the election commissioners in 25 regencies and municipalities in Papua had not yet been appointed.


“Administrative activities will still run and are carried out by the secretariat staff members. The recruitment process of commissioners in 25 regencies and municipalities has entered the big ten. It is hoped that by September, all commissioner members can be inaugurated,” said Arisoy.


Under Law No.21/2001 on Papua special autonomy, Papua has a privilege to select legislative members which represent the ethnic groups of the province.


“Based on the 2001 Law, the recruitment process of the legislative members is the domain of regency and municipality administrations,” said Arisoy. (apt/ebf)