Today, thousands of West Papuans marched across their country in support of independence for their nation of West Papua. Demonstrations took place in the towns of Jayapura, Timika, Makassar Biak, Yahukimo, Wamena, Nabire , Boven Digoel and Merauke. Sadly, scores of peaceful activists were arrested and beaten by the Indonesian police as they demonstrated peacefully in support of Melanesian nations standing up for West Papua.

Whilst the Indonesian police have claimed to BBC Indonesia that they have released “dozens of West Papuan activists today”, KNPB Spokesman Wim Rocky Medlama said there were about 250 KNPB members who had been detained by police in a number of places because of plans to conduct demonstrations.

He said the police have so far used tear gas and warning shots in an effort to disperse peaceful protesters.

Urgent Action Needed

Please call or text (SMS) the Head of the Indonesian police in West Papua Tito Karnavia: on +62811161777 or the Jayapura police chief: +62852 4466 7949 and demand in English or Indonesian that he immediately cease such blatant illegal arrests and all human rights atrocities by his police in illegally Indonesian occupied West Papua.

Let him know that the world is watching him and his crimes against humanity and those of his fellow police and military personnel.

Please help to share this article and images throughout the internet and the world to let the world know what is really happening to the people of West Papua.

The Asian Human Rights Campaign have also posted an alert about this issue here.

The names of those arrested in Jayapura are:
1) Ogram Wanimbo, 2) Oteka Tabuni, 3) Regi Wenda, 4) Jimi Buruai, 5) Tony Kobak, 6) Rebekah Kobak, 7) Wanimbo Nias, 8 ) Mulu Kobak, 9) Fan Tabuni, 10) Soa Mabel, 11) Denius Tabuni, 12) Wanimbo Nus, 13) Meksi Yando, 14) Merius Tabuni, 15) Warius Warpo Wetipo, 16) Henny Rumkorem, 17) Ukum Himan, 18) Anton Gobay, 19) Yas Wenda, 20) Yufri Wenda, 21) Rinal Wenda, 22) Noldi, 23) Victor, 24) Onny, 25) Carles, 26) Topianus, 27) John, 28) Matthew, 29) Yoniel, 30) Agus 31) Allen Halitopo, 32) John Suhun, 33) Maris Tabuni, 34) Rudy Wenda, 35) Abel Wantik, 36) Tabuni Esau, 37) Joshua Wenda, 38) Marius Wenda, 39) Elinus Wenda, 40) Kanius Tabuni, 41) Esony Tabuni, 42) Erius Wandikbo, 43) Yulinus Tabuni, 44) Maikel Tabuni, 45) Sikolon Tabuni, 46) Das Tabuni, 47) Orius Tabuni, 48) Aris Gombo, 49) Jupiter Wandikbo, 50) Tina Wenda 51) Jumex Komba 52) Agus Kosay and 53) Uchak Logo

In Sorong, the following were arrested:
1) Martinus Yohame, 2) Ezekiel Kosay, 3) Gusti Prabu, 4) Steven Peyon, 5) Benny Giban, 6) Jekson Manahan, 7) Mabel Tinus, 8 ) Marten Wenda, 9) Isak Senik, 10) Zet Spry, 11) Belkin Heluka, 12) Toto Oto, 13) Pdt. Khias, 14) Obaya Itlay, 15) Yewen Rufina, 16) Heluka Yahya, 17) Kelaus Heluka, 18) Jhon Wetapo, 19) Arnos Kepno 20). and chairman of the local People’s Parliament Sorong,

In Nabire those arrested include:
1) Yakni Otto Kudiai, 2) Yafet Keiya, 3) Anipa Pigai,  4) Agustina Nawipa 5) Yulianus Nawipa