Dutch minister of defence Hennis-Plasschaert says 'sorry' to Indonesia for Leopard tanks deal vote down.

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Hennis apologized this morning to her Indonesian colleague Yusgiantoro for the manner in which Dutch hou...se of representatives blocked the sales of Leopard tanks last year.

Hennis spoke at a press conference at the Indonesian defence department in Jakarta:
" this is not a formal apology on behalf of the Dutch government. Nobody has to formally apologize for a democratic decisions. I can however apologize on personal behalf. The manner in which this debat took place was not justified, given the relationship with Indonesia. I would not want that to happen again"

Hennis hoped that Dutch and Indonesian forces can work closer together in the future, since we have the same mindset and are therefore perfect partners. Last june the sale of fregat parts was agreed on totaling 345 million euros.

Last year Indonesia set out to purchase 200 million euros worth of obsolete Leopard tanks from the Dutch Forces. A majority in the Dutch house voted against.

Timmermans ( at the time member of the house, now minster of Foreign Affairs) said that his fraction was not convinced that these tanks were not going to be used against population groups in regions like Papua. Minister of defence then Hillen stated that the Netherlands were left with clean, but empty hands. Indonesia eventually purchased Leopard tanks from Germany.

Hennis' visit to Indonesia is to strengthen ties with the Indonesian military. She signed a manifesto to increase cooparation. " important steps were made for serious cooperation" according to Hennis.

Hennis' visit precedes a large trademission by Dutch prime minister Rutte, Ploumen ( trade) and Dijkma (economic affairs).

Translation Pro Papua

