Press Release – Australia West Papua Association

The Police have banned another rally called by the KNPB and NFRPB for today, 19 October. The rally is to commemorate the 3rd Papuan Peoples Congress which was held in Oct 2011. The 3rd Papuan People’s Congress was held between the 17 and 19 October.19 October 2013

Police ban another rally in West Papua

The Police have banned another rally called by the KNPB and NFRPB for today, 19 October. The rally is to commemorate the 3rd Papuan People’s Congress which was held in Oct 2011. The 3rd Papuan People’s Congress was held between the 17 and 19 October. Shortly after the Congress and as part of a celebration, the Morning Star flag was raised and a declaration of Independence read out. Indonesian security forces accompanied by armored vehicles immediately moved in to break up the gathering firing live rounds resulting in six people been killed. The security forces also used batons, bamboo poles and the butts of rifles during the arrest of up to 300 delegates resulting in serious injuries. Five of the delegates were charged with treason: Forkorus Yaboisembet, Edison Gladius Waromi, Agust M. Sananay Kraar, Selpius Bobii, and Dominikus Surabat.