Speech – President Forkorus Yaboisembut

My dear father, Mather, brothers, Sisters and all Papuan Peopls throughout West Papua, Shalom and Freedom…Freedom. We commemorate the anniversary of the 2 years birthday of unilaterally declared indepedence of the Federal Republic of West Papua at the …FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF WEST PAPUA
Istana Kepersidenan
Kantor DAW MAMTA. Jln.Batu Dua.
Distrik Sentani Selatan,Kampung Sabron Yaru
Jayapura – West Papua
October 19,2013


My dear father, Mather, brothers, Sisters and all Papuan Peopls throughout West Papua, Shalom and Freedom………Freedom.

We commemorate the anniversary of the 2 years birthday of unilaterally declared indepedence of the Federal Republic of West Papua at the Third Papuan People’s Congress which was held between 17 and 19 October 2011 until October 19,2013. This commemorate the anniversary throughout West Papua.

Unilaterally declared independence of the Federal Republic of West Papua only notified independence declaration promulgation of the Federal Republic of West Papua, but We need supporting, recognition and transfer of the power or admistration from Indonesia government into Federal Republic of West Papua under control by United Nations. Independence of West Papua is not ruin of the unitary of Indonesia but this is our rights to independence like other nations

During 50 years Indonesia occupying West Papua, Papuan people never stop to made voice for their own independence but at the time We never declereation of yet, We only dream about independence. After the restoration of the Independence and Sovereignty of the Papuan people in the state of West Papua is legal of the Federal Republic of West Papua is executive government and Papuan people stand forward togather to seek supporting and recognition from member countries of the United Nations and specially from Indonesia Government.

Federal Republic of West Papua is executive government, so we only need supporting and recognition from member Countries of United Nations. We have no dream but our dream is become true namely Federal Republic of West Papua. Papuan people have consistent task and strong for protect it and We seek to member Countries of United Nations to support and recognition of the Federal Republic of West Papua include Indonesia government.

Federal Republic of West Papua has 3 main agendas including position:

1. International Political Lobby

My officials are make International Political Lobby for socialization and introduction of the Federal Republic of West Papua to member countries of the United Nations in Pacific, Europe Union, United States of America, Africa, Asia, Latin Ameria and Middle East. We make lobby to get their support and recognition of the Federal Republic of West Papua as executive government.

2. Officials of the Federal Republic of West Papua will make Negotiation with officials of Indonesia Government.

Federal Republic of West Papua is executive government that civilized and respect of the International machanism is ready to make negotioation with Indonesia government. This negotiaton only between both government and also negotiation mediate by United Nations.

3. International Court and Justice

Federal Republic of West Papua is executive government has authority to bring Indonesia government into International Court and Justice. Indonesia took over West Papua by force and We called Indonesia annexation of West Papua. If Indonesia governmnet is not recognition of the Federal Republic of West Papua, We bring Indonesia into International Court and Justice because unilaterally declared of the Federal Republic of West Papua is accoradance with International machanism.

International Court and Justice will prove it whether Indonesia government or West Papua has rights in West Papua. West Papua will claim Indonesia government into International Court and Justice regarding unilaterally declared indepedence of the Federal Republic of West Papua, International Public Law and Annexation of West Papua up until today since 1962.

The Secretariat of the transitional government of the Federal Republic of West Papua is now taking full responsibility to implement some of resolutions passed at the Congress into 7 regions. We are seeking member countries of the United Nations to support and recognition of our embryo governmnet. Federal Republic of West Papua is executive government. Federal Republic of West Papua has to stroger to consolidation throughout West Papua to take over the power from Indonesia and its support from 2,5 million of Papuan people.

Thank you and God Bless us all.


Note: President Forkorus Yaboisembut gives his speech from jail in Abepura Jayapura.