Marni Cordell, Monday 2 December 2013 05.29 GMT


Amnesty International and West Papuan National Committee raise concerns about other independence activists still missing


At least one person was killed and others injured when Indonesian police opened fire and beat activists during a demonstration in the West Papuan capital of Jayapura last week, according to a witness.

The witness, who asked not to be named, said police fired live bullets into a crowd of about 800 demonstrators and also beat people with their firearms at a political rally last Tuesday.

The body of West Papuan man Matias Tengket was later found in a nearby lake, the witness said. “Tengket’s body was thrown into Sentani Lake after being killed [by police].”

An eyewitness to the murder told independent West Papuan news outlet, Jubi, that Tengket was chased down and beaten to death by a group of people driving a black Avanza car. They then dumped his body in the lake.

But the head of Jayapura police, Alfred Papare, said Tengket’s body was later examined at a police hospital and found to show no signs of mistreatment.

When asked if police shot Tengket, Papare replied, “[The deceased] didn’t have any injuries whatsoever. There was no maltreatment of him let alone him having been shot. The finding of that body has no connection with the … demonstration”.

The witness said the confrontation occurred when police took a vehicle that was being used to carry a sound system and ordered the crowd of demonstrators to stop marching and enter a nearby building.

When they refused, “hundreds of police blocked the crowd moving down the road”, the witness said. Police then started shooting into the crowd.

“We thought it was tear gas they were shooting, aiming towards us. We became frightened and the crowd including myself fled. But then we realised it wasn’t tear gas they were shooting at us but rather they were firing bullets from weapons.”

The police chased the fleeing demonstrators and “there were many that were injured,” the witness said.

He told Guardian Australia he escaped injury by hiding in the house of a family until the police had dispersed, and said police had given public orders for people not to hide the demonstrators, many of whom are now in hiding in fear for their lives.

Papare denied the use of live fire at the demonstration and said “the demonstrators didn’t have a permit, so they had to be dispersed”.

“In any demonstration whatsoever the police never fire weapons. The only firing by police was of tear gas,” he said.

The rally was organised by the West Papua National Committee (KNPB), an organisation that campaigns for a referendum on West Papuan independence.

In a statement released last week, the KNPB’s general chairman, Victor Yeimo, said other activists involved in the action were still missing, presumed dead.

“[We are] looking for four other KNPB members that are missing: their whereabouts are unknown. We strongly suspect that the police shot them and disposed of their bodies.”

On Thursday, Amnesty International released a statement calling for an investigation into reports that 28 political activists who were arrested at the rally had injuries consistent with being beaten in custody: “According to a human rights lawyer who saw them in detention at the Jayapura City police station, there were indications that they had been beaten after they were arrested.”

“The authorities must ensure a prompt, thorough, and effective investigation into the allegations of ill-treatment by the police and ensure that those suspected of involvement, including persons with command responsibility, are prosecuted in proceedings which meet international standards of fairness,” the statement said.



02 December 2013 7:05am

These mongrels are asking US for an apology!!

Hikingvilla clentfer
03 December 2013 3:54am

What are you on about. We fund and train these mongrels... been doing it for decades.

02 December 2013 8:34am

Sorry kids, Mr Rabbit is too busy weighing into the shark cull debate to have an opinion on moral outrages.
Plus his recent incompetence in matters re Indonesia means he's pretty much playing off the back foot- the other one is wedged in his mouth.

02 December 2013 9:34am

our most important relationship & a trusted friend ?

02 December 2013 10:19am

Tony Abbott sold out the West Papuans on his trip to Indonesia.

He was ready to do anything to stop the boats and agreed not to comment on any of Indonesia's internal politics - which means silence on the West Papuan slaughter.

Which we know that he would have intimate details of through Australia's security organizations.

Abbott's a gutless prick. All his International relations in the area are determined by his domestic policy promise to 'stop the boats' at all cost. All cost even standing up for West Papuans and Tamils.

All other international relations are determined by America.

Very sad. Even Howard had more time for crushed minorities when he stood up for East Timor.

02 December 2013 11:28am

It is time for people of goodwill the world over to join together and shout:
Rise up and resist!

02 December 2013 12:10pm

How about we add a bit to this code of conduct treaty that Susilio BamBand Yudyono wants to enforce onto Australia to his regarding the savagery of his troops to the wet papuans.

02 December 2013 12:19pm

After Abbott did his groveling apology tour of Asia (blame it all on Labor) all the leaders of these nations sing "for he's a jolly good fellatio"

The trouble with the LNP is they have very little talent in their ranks, certainly no Peter Costello's.

02 December 2013 1:52pm

There is not difference betwen the LNP and the LP of Australia respect the situation on West papua. Their are benevolent with the atrocities commited by the Indonesian army along the years in that region. No confrontacions at all, not even in the grounds of Human Rights, of course not, Australia with its policy toward the assylun seekers is commiting also another form of crime against those Rights.

Juan De Ramos
02 December 2013 9:03pm

Gutless international response to a province crying in pain. We know that the Indonesian military and police and militias are hard at it. Timor Leste? All Austrlian governments in memory (Howard is an exception) showed no spine with Indonesia.

02 December 2013 11:45pm

So maybe now all those writers who said Australia must respect Indonesian sensibilities and apologise for spying will wake up. The only consistant and realistic way to find out what is exactly going on in Indonesia Papua is to spy on the communication systems of the authorities that rule the province like colonial overlords.