The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Fri, January 24 2014, 8:02 PM


A soldier was shot dead in an ambush on Friday, reportedly by the separatist Free Papua Organization (OPM) led by Yambi in Pintu Angin, Puncak Jaya regency, Papua.

First Pvt. Sugiarto was escorting an entourage of 25 people, including the Puncak Jaya Military commander, the Puncak Jaya Police chief and the 751st Raider infantry battalion commander.

“At 10:10 a.m. local time [8 a.m. Jakarta time] the team was ambushed by an armed radical group led by Yambi in Ketinggian Pintu Angin,” Army chief spokesman Brig. Gen. Andika Perkasa said in a media release.

The ambushed team was moving to an area where the 751st was conducting a security operation in Puncak Jaya in a joint operation with the 753rd Arga Vira Tama, of which Sugiarto was a member.

Andika added that Sugiarto’s body was sent to the Mulia General Hospital while an Army joint team would continue the security operation to pursue the armed group in Puncak Jaya.

He added that three separatists were killed and an Army standard-issue SS-1 assault rifle was confiscated from the armed group in the incident.