The Jakarta Post | Readers Forum | Fri, January 17 2014, 10:28 AM


The visit of the Melanesian Spearhead Group’s (MSG) delegation of foreign ministers to Papua from Jan. 13 to 14 has received condemnation from several Papuan activist groups.

They alleged that this visit “took advantage” of the Papuan independence struggle, to gain economic cooperation with the Indonesian government for the benefit of development in their respective countries.

Their disappointment was stated in a press release issued by the West Papua National Committee (KNPB), a political organization for Papuan independence, in Jayapura on Jan. 14.

“From our point of view, the attitude of the governments of Fiji, the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea (PNG), who agreed to receive ‘diplomacy money’ from the Indonesian government, showed that those countries agreed to help the Indonesian government block the entrance for West Papua to become a MSG member,” said a statement made by several Papuan activists and signed by the KNPB chairman, Victor Yeimo.

The KNPB alleged that the MSG foreign ministers’ visit was considered a failed fact-finding mission because the MSG delegation had not met with the KNPB, who claim to be the real representatives of the people of West Papua.

As reported, several ministers from MSG countries visited Jakarta and Papua from Jan. 11 to 15. They were Fiji Foreign Minister Ratu Inoke Kubuabola, PNG Foreign Minister Rimbink Pato, Solomon Islands Foreign Minister Clay Forau Soalaoi, and several representatives from the Socialist National Liberation Front (FLNKS), New Caledonia.

This visit was conducted as a follow-up to the Indonesian Government’s official invitation that was delivered at the 19th MSG Summit Forum in Noumea, New Caledonia, in June 2013.

In Papua, the MSG delegation held an official meeting with several Papuan officials including the Papuan Legislative Council chairman, the Papuan governor, Indonesian military representatives and police commanders.

The MSG delegation stated that there are several similarities between their countries and the province of Papua in terms of culture. “We’ve covered everything in detail, as well as economic development agreements, regulations and programs in Papua, as well as commerce joint ventures,” said PNG Foreign Minister Rimbink Pato.

Both Solomon Islands Foreign Minister Clay Forau Soalaoi and the FLNKS representatives from New Caledonia said that they were impressed with development in Papua. Both of them expressed admiration for the progress of development in Papua. “I will convey this message about Papua’s development progress to our leader in our country,” said Soalaoi.

Several activists tried to ignite a riot in front of the Papuan Legislative Council office while the MSG delegation was conducting a meeting in the building. The police took decisive action by arresting several Papuan activists who tried to ignite the riot.

Papua Police deputy chief Brig. Gen. Paul Waterpauw said that the police needed to detain those protesters so that they did not disrupt the presence of the MSG delegation in Papua. We took them to the Papua Police headquarters and released them soon after that,” said Waterpauw.

Kanis WK
Citizen Journalist




Abdul Khalid Jan 17, 2014

Jagera, you assume that RI is developing West Papua, but how can you explain the discrepancies in revenue between the native West Papuans and the recently imported transmigrants? How do you explain that West Papuan children have 5 times more chances of dying before the age of 5 than the average Indonesian?

Moreover, do you really thnk that the agenda of Indonesia is to develop West Papua when villages are napalm-bombed, crops and livestock are destroyed, and the survivors are forced to relocate in TNI-controlled villages? Is the illegal plundering of the West Papuan forest and wildlife by the TNI a sign of developing West Papua?

Last, let us admit that the West Papuan society is getting the benefits of development (which, again, only you seem to see), then tell us why the Indonesian police and military need to beat students, rape women and girls and jail activists who want to promote a referendum? Why should be RI scared of a referendum if she has really brought prosperity to the people? The answer is that the little development that has been undertaken in West Papua does not benefit the West Papuans at all. They are the ones spoiled in the process, while Indon military, Indon companies and foreign companies plunder everything there, from oil to copper and gold, forest, and now huge tracts of lands which are converted into industrial plantations against the will of the locals.

Last, while over-estimating the development aspect, you underestimate the importance for humans to feel free at home. The Indon authorities have denied this right to the West Papuans for 50 years now. Humans want to live comfortably and free. But freedom is still more important than material comfort.


Jagera Jan 17, 2014

Nothing succeeds like success.  So long as RI develops the New Guinea provinces to the benefit of all, then calls for independence will ring hollow. The MSG have been impressed and have no doubt been making comparisons with their own progress to date. A good standard of living is better any day than the rhetoric of independence with chaos and poverty.


Abdul Khalid Jan 17, 2014

Whatever the MSG would say, the last word about self-determination should rest with the West Papuans, through a fair referendum monitored by the UN.