The Jakarta Post, Bengkulu | National | Sun, February 09 2014, 1:37 PM


President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has named a “Friend of the Press” at the peak of an event in celebration of National Press Day 2014 held at the Marlborough Fort in Bengkulu, on Sunday. Press Council chairman Bagir Manan presented the award to the President.

“I’m thankful for the award presented through which I have been called as a friend of the press. Insya Allah (God willing), I will be a friend of the press forever,” said Yudhoyono, in his remarks as quoted by Antara news agency.

At the awards ceremony, Bagir said freedom of the press might have side effects; however, a free press was a prerequisite for sovereignty and democracy.

He said President Yudhoyono’s efforts to support freedom of the press should be appreciated despite any undesired side effects of the freedom he had to deal with.

“President Yudhyono has grown, taken care of, and protected the freedom of the press,” said Bagir.

Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) chairman Margiono said that the award was presented to President Yudhoyono as a token of appreciation for his role and contributions in spreading the spirit of press freedom.

“We agreed to honor President Yudhoyono as a ‘friend of the press’ because he has paid a lot of attention to the press and has communicated well with press workers,” said Margiono in his remarks.

The event was Yudhoyono's last chance to attend a National Press Day celebration as a President. President Yudhoyono has annually attended National Press Day celebrations since he was first elected in 2004.

On various occasions, President Yudhyono has conveyed his firm support for the freedom of press. However, he has also criticized the media for misusing its freedom to spread libel. Yudhoyono himself has repeatedly claimed on several occasions that he had been the target of defamation ,although at the same time, he has continued to voice his strong belief that a free press was needed for a healthy democracy.

President Yudhoyono, accompanied by First Lady Ani Yudhoyono, arrived at the Marlborough Fort at 10 a.m. local time, on Sunday.