Nethy Dharma Somba, The Jakarta Post, Jayapura | Archipelago | Wed, February 26 2014, 9:05 PM


Papua Governor Lukas Enembe has installed Ausilius You as caretaker of Mimika regency in order to fulfill the requirement to be able to propose additional funding to the Mimika Regional Legislative Council (DPRD). The additional funds are for organizing the second round of the Mimika regency elections.

The installation was held at a hotel in Jayapura on Wednesday, a day after the administration announced a delay to the election for Mimika regent due to a lack of funds.

“By installing the caretaker, we expect to be able to organize the election soon,” Lukas said on Wednesday.

Previously the Mimika DPRD had rejected the request for additional funds proposed by Ausilius, in his capacity as acting regent. The lawmakers said the request could only be made by a caretaker and not an acting regent.

Commenting on this, Ausilius promised that he would soon discuss the additional funding with the lawmakers.  He hoped that the election would be held no later than the slated legislative elections on April 9.

Currently two tickets, Abdul Muis-Hans Magal and Eltinus Omaleng-Yohanis Bassang are running in the election for the Mimika regent.