Nethy Dharma Somba, The Jakarta Post, Jayapura | Archipelago | Sun, February 23 2014, 6:59 PM


Three people have died and three others are missing after landslides caused by torrential rain since Saturday afternoon occurred in Jayapura, Papua.

Two victims – Ellias Sohilait, 24, a Bank Papua security officer, and Christina Umpenawany Humisi, 37 – were found dead in the APO Kali complex in Jayapura.

Meanwhile, the third victim, Christin Yewen, 16, a student at state senior high school SMU 5 Angkasa, was found dead at her house, which was located behind the Sarwo Edhi Wibowo Museum at Yapis Dok V, Jayapura.

Several residents living in APO Kali Jayapura were injured when a landslide buried their homes. A house at Kloofkamp, which is around 2 kilometers away from APO Kali, was dragged by floodwaters when the Anafri River burst its banks.

Besides the dead victims, three people – identified as Alexanidre Kobeba, Alfred Kobeba and Bella -- are still missing.

“They are all residents of Jl. Perwakilan Dok V Atas,” Jayapura Police precinct chief Comr. Kiki Kurnia told The Jakarta Post on Sunday.

Floods have inundated several houses and offices in the province’s capital. The Papua Legislative Council (DPRD) building, the Papua Police headquarters, the Transportation Agency, the Papua Sports Center and several other buildings are swamped with 10 centimeters of mud.

“The budgetary board room and a library in the DPRD building’s ground floor were inundated. We have worked together to clean the rooms,” said a staffer at the DPRD Papua identified only as Yuli.